A Shocking Yet Upsetting Suprise...

Your feelings about the "NEW" Team Fortress 2

  • TFC veteran, and im upset/doubtful of the new TF2

    Votes: 9 3.0%
  • TFC veteran, and i think TF2 is going to be great

    Votes: 142 46.7%
  • TFC veteran, unsure of the new TF2

    Votes: 28 9.2%
  • New to TF2, but not interested

    Votes: 16 5.3%
  • New to TF2 and it looks/sounds awesome

    Votes: 109 35.9%

  • Total voters


May 19, 2003
Reaction score
I just don't understand. What made valve turn away from their original ideas to this pixar cartoony new style? I've been playing TFC since day 1, hell, even counter strike since beta 3 or a little before, and i must say TFC consumed a lot of my time, and i mean a lot. That was back in the day though, middle school times...it's irrevelant...fact of the matter is...I'm not only upset, pissed, and confused about this new TF2 style, but i've lost hope....this game was suppose to be all but cartoonish like it is now, for all of you TFC vets. I don't know, i guess I'm just hear to bitch and complain about this new crap, and to make a poll about how the rest of you true TFC fans feel. I guess we can only wait and see what this game turns out like, but i do know my vote goes to the old TF2 ;(
holy shit, talk about not updating my profile in years.....obviously you people can tell im a huge fan...had every video, picture, article, and sound file saved to computer. gayyy i know.
What about the TF vets? We lost a lot of good guys out there and deserve to be recognized too. I remember when there weren't even 9 classes. 2Forts:
I don't remember TFC being a simulation. The visual style of TF2 is a direct result of the mad TFC gameplay. The original TF2 style was more differentiated from TFC's style than the new one is.
TFC was always cartoony. The military theme was, in retrospect, flawed and alienating to the true TF spirit.

I personally love the new look, but that's not what matters. What matters is if the same crazy TF gameplay prevails.
Did you even play the original TFC? It was over-the-top in artisical design. THere was a current of realism but it was very faint.

If TF2 looked realistic, it'd look like BF2 and probably end up playing like it too. Now, it has a chance to stick out and actually provide a cool experience.

And remember, nothing is final in the video game industry until the product is in your hands.
after i saw the Portals trailer, i trust valve on anything
TFC has always looked a little cartoony.
I like it in terms of graphics, as that's all I can judge now. It seems more fitting that characters like that are flying around the map, and its also alot more interesting than the "lol, camo" style of TFC.
The "old" TF2 was basically going to be BF2. I don't see how you would of liked that.

"True" fans cant stand an ounce of change, get over yourself. TF was always cartoony. And this will be able to stick with the original feeling of the game.
TFC veteran, and i think TF2 is going to be great

Never really liked the game, but iv played and seen it evolve from the start. TF2 looks very interesting so far.
We've only seen one "screenshot" but I'm sure Valve knows what they're doing. They always do :D
The army look originally intended for TF2 was awful - I couldn't have thought up a more dull setting. Not only do I much prefer the direction TF2 has taken, but feel it's more faithful to TFC.

Let's hope for plenty of new and exciting additions to the game while retaining what made it great in the first place.
ahh i remember you

yep i remember the name tokin from the TF2.sierra.com forums, before they were took offline, i think i was on that site since 1999, im pretty sure you were there too! im not sure what i think, some of me likes the old tf2 idea, but since then, games like BF1942/BF2 have been out and kinda cover that idea.

I guess from looking at that screenie, they are kinda minatures in a toy story kinda world, it sounds quite exciting too, its a whole new gameplay idea, which valve seem to be able to pull off pretty well.

I guess we will know more once the TF2 video is out next week, that will be great :)
TFC veteran, and i think TF2 is going to be great

Never really liked the game, but iv played and seen it evolve from the start. TF2 looks very interesting so far.

just a little confused on that post.....ur a TFC vet but you've never really liked the game?
typical for a 'TFC vet' to be upset about the direction of TF2
guess what! even if you've been playing TFC since day one you're still 3 years late to the game
I dont think you can class your self as a Veteran TFC'er your only a Veteran if you remember Unholy kingdoms and such like in the original Quakeworld TF
holy shit, talk about not updating my profile in years.....obviously you people can tell im a huge fan...had every video, picture, article, and sound file saved to computer.
We're in the same boat. Every picture, video, every source of media, and I bought every magazine that even had the tiniest little mention of TF2 back in the day. So I guess you can see what my opinion on the whole thing is (just check the sig). But I'm sort-of coming to terms with it.

Andy you can be a TFC vet and not have to have played QWTF. TFC just had it's seventh birthday...I think seven years more than qualifies someone as a veteran. Going beyond that is just trying to be an elitist.

Oh, edit:
tokin said:
What made valve turn away from their original ideas to this pixar cartoony new style?
It's probably due to the Battlefield series more than anything. Valve's trying to differentiate now that another game has taken over their ideas. I mailed Gabe about it a few days ago...haven't gotten a reply back. Either he can't (won't) answer the question, or the mail got lost or something.
And remember, nothing is final in the video game industry until the product is in your hands.

"Patch 1.34 released for BF2 today, fixing a problem with trees occasionally exploding in mid-air"
"Patch 1.34 released for BF2 today, fixing a problem with trees occasionally exploding in mid-air"
WTF @ hilarious.

I have high hopes for TF2. It's look is fresh. They have enough experience in developing games to make very few if any mistakes.
I believe the sequel can only improve upon the original.
I hope it doesnt actually have that style ingame... I perfer the "newer" models of tfc. Some of the classes in the tf2 screenshot looks completely...retarded (the hwguy, the medic, the sniper, the soldier, the scout)
I have been playing TFC since it came out. I really like the new art style. It is like something fresh and new. I don't know why everyone is so upset about the art direction, it is new and nice and has a sense of humor (as I think it should). Anyway, VALVe says they are going to release a video of TF2 this week. So, we can all decide from there instead of just deciding on a screen shot alone. Also, if TF2 fails horribly, then we always have Fortress Forever to fall onto.
I hope it doesnt actually have that style ingame... I perfer the "newer" models of tfc. Some of the classes in the tf2 screenshot looks completely...retarded (the hwguy, the medic, the sniper, the soldier, the scout)

I personally thought the updated model pack was horrendous, as well as aimless. I mean, you started off with a cartoony exaggerated style. Then the updated model pack brought in sci-fi military theme. Then TF2 was supposed to have a contemporary military theme. Where's the connection?

And hell, they got rid of the Sniper's floppy hat! **** that, man!
I knew about TF2 for a long time, never played TFC and I really like the new cartoony style.
I get what Valve are doing and support it. If Brotherhood of Arms hadn't missed the bus, it could have been a damned fine game, but the fact of the matter is that it did and it now stands on the wrong side of over a half decade of battlefield-esque shooters. What was refreshing and exciting 8 years ago, really isn't anymore. I can't say i'm entirely enamoured with the comic-book stylings, but i'd take them over Battle Fortress any day.
Just downloaded the Video. You don't like the style of the new art work? Supress comments until you have SEEN the video. I loved every frame of it, and the music is also exellent. VALVe has done it again. Cheers!
still perfer the old team-based style of tf2. when it was in production.
still perfer the old team-based style of tf2. when it was in production.

Even though you did not get a chance to play it?

I'll give you a hint about what TF2 was basically going to be it was going to be BF2 - if you want to play a military themed shooter with 'realistic' vehicles and a commander mode go play that.
What is TF2? I heard it was Multiplayer & has Soldier classes.....is it like Battlefield 2/1942/Vietnam?
I will agree that the "old" TF2 style was not really related to the cartoony style that TFC was, however I still liked it more. I feel your pain tokin I was really looking foward to that gritty military style gameplay that the "old" TF2 was promising. Since valve is abandoning it I really hope some other company gives it a shot!
Even though you did not get a chance to play it?

I'll give you a hint about what TF2 was basically going to be it was going to be BF2 - if you want to play a military themed shooter with 'realistic' vehicles and a commander mode go play that.

TF2 was most definitely not going to another BF2!
What is TF2? I heard it was Multiplayer & has Soldier classes.....is it like Battlefield 2/1942/Vietnam?

No. It's a game with maps with goals such as CTF, defend and assault etc.... with silly unrealistic flaws like rocket jumping and the magically changing spy uniforms.

Personally im a huge TFC addict, I got hl when it came out and played TFC the year after, im still playing it now. Good game of hunted played today :E.

I think from what we've seen....only models, it looks good. The Video shows us that it works. But we need to see gameplay to really know to be honest.
I think you should have read up on the concept of TF2 then.

No actually I think you should. Hell all you gotta do is go watch some of the old videos of it, forget the reading.