A Shocking Yet Upsetting Suprise...

Your feelings about the "NEW" Team Fortress 2

  • TFC veteran, and im upset/doubtful of the new TF2

    Votes: 9 3.0%
  • TFC veteran, and i think TF2 is going to be great

    Votes: 142 46.7%
  • TFC veteran, unsure of the new TF2

    Votes: 28 9.2%
  • New to TF2, but not interested

    Votes: 16 5.3%
  • New to TF2 and it looks/sounds awesome

    Votes: 109 35.9%

  • Total voters
Er, we know why. Oversaturation of realistic military FPSes. Has nothing to do with gameplay not working...obviously the popularity and "me too"-ism of game designers with features like war, teamplay, classes, commander modes, vehicles, and on and on and on and on indicate how effective these ideas are. But because there are so many of them Valve changed their TF2 model.
No actually I think you should. Hell all you gotta do is go watch some of the old videos of it, forget the reading.

Woah, calm down...hes kinda right...the old TF2 style was VERY much like the Battlefield games. Perhaps at that time the military style would have been unique and top-of-the-line, and theres nothing wrong with military-styled games, its just that that ISNT Team Fortress....TF is about crazy unrealistic action. If you want to play a military game, there have been loads released over the past few years.
Why, when Battlefield 1942 came out FOUR YEARS AFTER TF2 WAS ANNOUNCED, it just wouldn't be fair for Valve to go back and steal all their ORIGINAL IDEAS back, now would they?

The market is oversaturated with Battlefield clones(Battlefield did it first, does not matter who had the idea first, that does not matter) They would of just been walking into the release of BF21XX and at the time QuakeWars.

Yeah it's quite blatant that BF2 ripped all it's ideas from TF2; but then what would of TF2 had to differentiate itself from BF2 if it came out in it's original form? Nothing except a name that does not really mean alot anymore, so Valve took the right decision and moved away from the original idea into a more unique style which "looks" to be more intune with the original TF. And people are reacting to it; at the moment people are looking at the game market and what do they see? "Realistic" wargame over and over again. Then TF2 pops out and is like "Sup bitches! I be hella fun!"

If you want the original BOA go play BF2 - it would of been the same game(probably BOA would of had less bugs tho ;))
Yeah, that's why TF2's getting the reaction it's getting. It's a cartoony-looking game with an emphasis on fun, and that's really something we haven't seen in...well, we haven't seen a lot of period. Even the original TFs had more of a dark quality to them. This is almost...cheerful. And that's very different, which sparks an interest. I am happy for Valve for that reason; it really does stand above the crowd.

I'm really going to say, my passion for TFC will always burn, so if the gameplay of new TF2 is like that I'm still going to love it. I bitch about BoA if only because first off, I really grew attached to the damn thing. Battlefield 2 might be similar, but it wouldn't be BoA, and it never will be, no matter how many of its ideas it implements. Has nothing to do with bugs or the look of the game, the name or what have you (I really like BF2), it's just not Brotherhood of Arms. And the second reason is, well, if someone doesn't complain about it, who will? :p
Has nothing to do with bugs or the look of the game, the name or what have you (I really like BF2), it's just not Brotherhood of Arms. And the second reason is, well, if someone doesn't complain about it, who will? :p

I just love it. I think whats been released thus far is brilliant and i cant wait to play this lot on my 360.:cheese:
What i like about Bf2 is its Mods it has a nice mix of mods such as Desert Combat & Forgotten Hope. actually I am BF fan/ Veteran myself. I'd say Why I dont like BF2 is because of the Stat padding, Dolphin Divers, Bunny Hopping (CS tactic's), & n00b toobing. So I hope TF2 is'nt like the BF series (people care about little point for their unlocks rather than having fun).
To tell you the truth, I'm a bit upset with those cartoony models in that TF2 trailor. I thought the models would be more like the old but newer models of TFC.

I think I should see some action and stuff before I judge the game, though.
My First Thought?

Pixar, so need to make this their next film........

At the moment people are looking at the game market and what do they see? "Realistic" wargame over and over again.
Then TF2 pops out and is like "Sup bitches! I be hella fun!"...

^^ Sums it up nicely :D

That's why I'm all in favour of the new look
Valve Surprise 4: Valve is working with Pixar to make TF2... :O

I feel like iv seen nothing so will pass judgment when i know more

Thank you
haha see the poll results!

why are we still complaining about the game change? we already know that TF2 was going to be a BF2 clone that would be bad marketing to release now.

all about quakeworld!
TF and mega TF 4 teh win!
TF veteran here :afro:





The Mega TF intro vid with the opera music is still stuck in my head. I whistle it sometimes.
shocking 'yet' upsetting? shouldn't it be shocking 'and' upsetting.

and i fail to see what's so shocking or upsetting about the fact that they're making team fortress 2.
shocking 'yet' upsetting? shouldn't it be shocking 'and' upsetting.

and i fail to see what's so shocking or upsetting about the fact that they're making team fortress 2.
Its not tf2, its tfc: source.
Revamped medic? Cloaked spies? Improved scout speed and new baton? No sniper red dot?
Its not tf2, its tfc: source.

Perhaps you need to up your literacy skills. When the trailer says TF2, it probably means TF2, hey?

Unless ofcourse you're a Valve employee and you are changing the title... :)
tfc vet, and tfc was already cartoonish. They just made it look how it plays.
TFC was always cartoony. The military theme was, in retrospect, flawed and alienating to the true TF spirit.

I personally love the new look, but that's not what matters. What matters is if the same crazy TF gameplay prevails.
I think that TF2 will be the Unreal version of HL2, just with even more over the top graphics and a lighter side of FPS multiplayer games.... the rocket jump proves that.
Where is the voting option for the QW TF veterans? :frown:
I think the new style is just what TF2 needs!
New Style looks brilliant and fun. Big change from all the 1337 h4x0r ub3r s1mu14tion games out there right now.
Did you even play the original TFC? It was over-the-top in artisical design. THere was a current of realism but it was very faint.

If TF2 looked realistic, it'd look like BF2 and probably end up playing like it too. Now, it has a chance to stick out and actually provide a cool experience.

And remember, nothing is final in the video game industry until the product is in your hands.

It better not be like a BF2/DOD:source type combo, slow paced. If so it will fail miserably.
I dunno why TFC vets are worried, this looks much more like a TFC sucessor than TF2 was going to be. TF2 was going to be something completely different to the core TF game play.

Or are you going to pull the "zomg I am not as good at the source versions of their games, so they have ruined it and it is nothing like the original!"

That sort of thing always happens with different versions of Team Fortress. The only time I've ever considered myself being flamed was when I mentioned in IRC (in a small channel, mostly people I knew) that I was off to play TFC. What a mistake that was. From the flamer's reaction, you'd think I'd said "I'm off to play TFC, because as we all know QWTF totally sucks as does anyone who ever played it". There'll no doubt be TFC players raging at TF2, just as there are ETF players raging at TFC and vice versa, even though in the end they are all virtually the same game. I think theme at least of TF2 is excellent, I can't wait to see how it plays.
Tokin, you seriously think TFC was meant to be a serious military simulation??

So, you call Scouts conc-jumping across the map in 2fort serious do you?
I just don't understand. What made valve turn away from their original ideas to this pixar cartoony new style? I've been playing TFC since day 1, hell, even counter strike since beta 3 or a little before, and i must say TFC consumed a lot of my time, and i mean a lot. That was back in the day though, middle school times...it's irrevelant...fact of the matter is...I'm not only upset, pissed, and confused about this new TF2 style, but i've lost hope....this game was suppose to be all but cartoonish like it is now, for all of you TFC vets. I don't know, i guess I'm just hear to bitch and complain about this new crap, and to make a poll about how the rest of you true TFC fans feel. I guess we can only wait and see what this game turns out like, but i do know my vote goes to the old TF2 ;(

TFC vets are second generation. Quakeworld TF is where it started.

Man I remember a few years back looking at the TF2 pictures and videos going wow that game is so far in the future its amazing I even had made a website dedicated to news on the game. Now finding out that the game is gonna go cartoonish and nothing like the original plan just makes me lose all faith within this game. Had so much hope for the game I'd almost rather them not make them game and leave us remembering the old realistic ones then them bring this load of crap. :flame:
Lol, if anything there's too much realistic shit on the market. TFC is gonna be all about the fun and if I can have fun in style, all the better.
Lol, if anything there's too much realistic shit on the market. TFC is gonna be all about the fun and if I can have fun in style, all the better.

Exactly. I'm sick of these "Realistic games" where you get shot twice and you're down for the count *rainbow six*. I want a game that will make me laugh/cry/sechs all in one
Im not a TF veteran but i understand those who are. The game has taken a new visual status which i know can be upsetting. I think it will turn out great, why? Beacause it detaches itself from the mainstream bullshit games you see everyday. Its something new, innotive, creative and original. Once again Valve walks away from the mainstream group and does it their way, the way we love it. They wanted to get rid of the WW2/realistic warfare style of game (almost quoted).
I've been playing TFC since it looked like this;


TF2 looks to be fun, I don't have a problem with the new visuals. I seriously don't know why so many of you are complaining, as posted above you have FF for your more 'realistic' version of TFC.
Man I remember a few years back looking at the TF2 pictures and videos going wow that game is so far in the future its amazing I even had made a website dedicated to news on the game. Now finding out that the game is gonna go cartoonish and nothing like the original plan just makes me lose all faith within this game. Had so much hope for the game I'd almost rather them not make them game and leave us remembering the old realistic ones then them bring this load of crap. :flame:

I remember a few years back being just as impressed as you were with what Valve had in mind for TF2. Fact is, it took too long to come out and there are now a hefty clutch of games in existence that have beaten TF2 to the punch - and actually that makes me realise that had TF2 followed its original format, it would have been a bit of a waste.

I would much rather have the new cartooned-up TF as Valve have reinvented it, rather than another dry uber-realistic borefest.

Back in the day, everyone (myself included) was impressed with the more realistic version of what TF2 was going to be, because back then there was no equivalent. Now it's the other way around! There's hardly anything around in today's market that provides the stupid, senseless fun that TF used to. Good move by Valve, I say. Noone was as surprised as I was to see the new-look TF2, but now I'm looking forward to it about as much as Episode 2, because it's a pleasant surprise that TF2 is getting released at all whereas the whole episodic content fiasco has left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth overhanging Ep. 2 (although I still know it will rule).
TF2 will be great, IMO. I hated how everyone got grenades in TFC; many matches were just explosion after explosion and people using explosions to jump into windows or over everyone's heads. It gets tiring and laggy when that happens. Although I hope they don't change dustbowl too much, that's my favorite map from TFC.