A Sneek peek at my competition map: DM_Depot

Thanks again for the positive feedback guys! Seems like this is finally starting to come together now! :) all I have to finish off is inside to old factory and one more little building. After that i'll spend my time trying to add some visual touches to the level to get it looking perfect.

Mechagodzilla- The combine Depot has been lit the same but i think the reson it looks more 'ambiently lit' that the rest is because there is a reflective surface on it which is only noticeable in-game, but I do agree and im trying to get the lighting perfect today :)

Cheers Chris - I was looking for these console commands for some time now. You have any other useful ones a map maker might find handy?

Yak_Fighter - im getting around 40-60 fps at worst right now and in other areas 70 - 80. I have to optimise my texture usage a little I think.

Thanks again guys
I think I'll remove Hammer from my system.. this is just great!
Looks sweet, cant wait to throw myself (or others) under a train :)

Very well done. :cheers:
brisck1 said:
Thanks again for the positive feedback guys! Seems like this is finally starting to come together now! :) all I have to finish off is inside to old factory and one more little building. After that i'll spend my time trying to add some visual touches to the level to get it looking perfect.

Mechagodzilla- The combine Depot has been lit the same but i think the reson it looks more 'ambiently lit' that the rest is because there is a reflective surface on it which is only noticeable in-game, but I do agree and im trying to get the lighting perfect today :)

Cheers Chris - I was looking for these console commands for some time now. You have any other useful ones a map maker might find handy?

Yak_Fighter - im getting around 40-60 fps at worst right now and in other areas 70 - 80. I have to optimise my texture usage a little I think.

Thanks again guys

I have a linux server we can beta test this map on. PM me with a link and I will upload it to my server and set it to run just this map for 24hrs or something.

I can host the map for download for you too.

Thanks Pro[pH]et I'd appreciate that alot! whats the best way to contact you when its ready?

PM me your Instant Messenger ID of choice and we can hook up that way also.
Looks good, though I really wish you wouldn't photoshop your screenshots.
He wouldn't be entering the contest if he worked at Valve, would he?
Thanks Pro[pH]et, I'll let you know!

Tynan - only the first screens were altered in photoshop. The last shots were just resized.

Yada - I wish! :p
Here are some WIP shots of my attempt of recreating the HDR 'bloom' style effect of light shining in through the windows.

Not sure if it will make it into the final release though as it eats up framerates.



You are getting a lot of positive feedback here. Don't let that get you into a hurry. Stick with your original plan. :D
Simple 'wow'. From the bottom of my gaming heart, well done.
the "light brushes" through the windows with the dust looks awesome but those big "sun flare" effects look way out of place like the place is on fire... i'd take those out and leave the light brushes those look very nice IMO :)
This is really some excellent work brisck1!
Currently, my favorite maps are this one and the golden eye facility one.

Anyway, I think you should go with the sun flare effect if it doesn't eat up TOO much of those framerates.

Perhaps you could just tweak the area around with some less intense graphics so you could have the flares, because they really DO look nice.

As it looks right now with the screens, you might win the contest, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Good luck and keep up the good work.

Ps. Not really of any consequence, but am I the only one that found the "evolution spray" and the newspapers from Kleiners lab a little "out of it's place"?
Damn. I don't know how other maps are going to compete with this. Im thinking about pulling my entry because I can't compete with this. :( I need to work on my map even harder now.


Best of luck to you fellow map maker. :thumbs:
Hey satch dont give up!!! Im sure map is good enough! Plus im kinda worried my entry will not even get to Valve on time either as I got only 2 more days to complete and send it off :( then thats 5 days of wondering if it actually arrives on time...

I dont think i'll win anyway.
Either you win or not, the community will (probably) be left with your wonderful map.
Have you sent this to Valve yet? I'm sure it is one of the best custom maps out there, defiantly Valve material!
Pi Mu Rho said:
He wouldn't be entering the contest if he worked at Valve, would he?

Well he could have been hired by Valve temporarily in the past for some tiny map designing project so hed know the layout of making good maps with atmosphere!
This is actually my first ever map in Hammer! :p

Beta coming in the next hour!
brisck1 said:
This is actually my first ever map in Hammer! :p

Beta coming in the next hour!
Cool :)

Dont forget that you only have 10 days to get it on a CD/DVD and sent off to Valve; and I would send it earlier to make sure with international shipping.
Keep working hard :thumbs:
brisck1 said:
This is actually my first ever map in Hammer! :p

You sir, sicken me. :p

You're a good mapper and if you win, maybe Valve would consider hiring you. A lot of the guys that worked on DOOM 3 started by making maps for the original DOOM.

satch919 said:
A lot of the guys that worked on DOOM 3 started by making maps for the original DOOM.

Oh? Is that why it sucked so?

I'm sorry but I couldn't resists.


Those window blooms will eat your fram rate and then vomit it and eat again but they look damned pretty. You should make more shiny things cos' shiny things are cool. @_@

This map is the coolest ever that has nothing to do with a mod I think. Yoooo da man.
brisck1 said:
Tynan - only the first screens were altered in photoshop. The last shots were just resized.

Unless I've gone blind, I'm quite sure I see some serious unsharp masking and contrast/color enhancement on all these shots.

The unsharp mask is unmistakable - look for the light lines on the sky-side edge of a dark beam in front of a bright sky. Unsharp mask adds bright highlights to the light side of an edge.

Which screenshots weren't photoshopped? I want to see this map in it's real, genuine, unedited glory.
Well im tired and it's very very late but im glad to say the first beta version is ready for playtesting!!

Firstly let me just make some notes about this beta.

Its a very early un-optimised version and as of now the performance isnt great, but remember this beta is mainly about how it plays -so please dont fill the thread with "omg lagg" etc (although it runs fine here)

Please let me know in this thread of any bugs, ideas for improvement etc that you think I should make to the map to improve it.

Secondly I would really really apreciate it if someone mirrored this file for me as Im not sure how long my bandwidth will last. I'll be removing my link as of tomorrow by when I should have found a suitable host!

Anyway here are some pics from the final beta before I post the link.









24fps by myself
And the ladder on the dirt, near a train was buggy (when at the top you had to crouch to get of, maybe because of that pillar infront)

and the inside of the house/s had a bit to much, bit to crowded inside

Still excellent map =]
a couple of things.

And the ladder on the dirt, near a train was buggy (when at the top you had to crouch to get of, maybe because of that pillar infront)

I totally agree with that, the ladder in the center isnt buggy, its the pillar infront that blocks you from getting off, and one of the spawn points with the parked trains inside, you cant walk underneath them, you have to duck, i dunno if you meant to do that but it could hurt gameplay alot.. and some of the walkways on the indoor area with the parked trains, they dont connect fully with the ground, and you have to jump to get on them...as well as there are alot of places ie: the tower where you get to the top and there is the rpg, its very tight in there hard to move around. Also if you jump onto the train it will get stuck at the end travel point (id attach a picture but i dont know how... if you jump onto the moving train it gets stuck at the end, try it you'll see what i mean..).

Minus the tight spots and the odd gameplay tweak it is a good map, try to find all the spots where people will get stuck with the phys objects, there are quite a few.
Very nicely done. Did a quick run through by myself, and it has the potential to be a load of fun! Just fix some areas here and there (can be done by beta testing), and I think you got a real winner.
genocide604 said:
I totally agree with that, the ladder in the center isnt buggy, its the pillar infront that blocks you from getting off, and one of the spawn points with the parked trains inside, you cant walk underneath them, you have to duck, i dunno if you meant to do that but it could hurt gameplay alot.. and some of the walkways on the indoor area with the parked trains, they dont connect fully with the ground, and you have to jump to get on them...as well as there are alot of places ie: the tower where you get to the top and there is the rpg, its very tight in there hard to move around. Also if you jump onto the train it will get stuck at the end travel point (id attach a picture but i dont know how... if you jump onto the moving train it gets stuck at the end, try it you'll see what i mean..).

Minus the tight spots and the odd gameplay tweak it is a good map, try to find all the spots where people will get stuck with the phys objects, there are quite a few.

I mean't its buggy because of the pillar
OK guys this is just the kind of feedback I need! :) I'll get on it today, both are easily fixed!

That ladder was ment to be moved but due to tiredness and lack of time last night I just forgot.

Anyway, so does anyone have a dedicated server up yet?

P.S. Here are some high res wallpapers for anyone interested :)

Wallpaper 1

Wallpaper 2

Wallpaper 3
Damn :( ! He says the problem was with ladders, but how exactly?