A theory about the headcrabs?

Oct 21, 2004
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This may be wrong...

and as i didnt play the first game to any great extent it most likely is wrong.

but i have a theory aboutt he headcrabs...
on the video ravenholm u can clearly hear the infected people moaning...

could it be that the headcrab controlly your body... but u are still alive?? as in you can feel the pain as there would be no other reason for the body to scream if it could not....

so in the E3 trailer where one is cut clean in half by one of the traps... mayb the infected vicytim can feel the pain of that blow but the headcrab forces him on.. obviously there is a lot of mutation to the body which i would imagine causes a lot of pain which would also explain why they wine all the time even when not ebing shot at... i would be in a lot of pain if my stumach was hanging open to be honest...

what u guys think... :afro:
I like this theory..makes me more inclined to put them(zombies) out of their misery and gives more feeling of anger/hatred for what they(Combine,etc.) have done to my species

im glad somoene can see what im on about lol

also the headcrabs leave the body when it is useless ot them.. in other words to damaged to go on.... thas why the people dont come back from it....
Haha, nice theory. I didn't thought why they were screaming, maybe just because it's scary, but your idea is a lot more reasonable. BTW the screaming when they are on fire is the most atmospheric sound I've ever heard in a game. Even better than what I've heard in Doom 3.
i thought everybody knew that. odd.. nice one for bringing it up though :)
I think that they are sometimes alive. I remember seeing the Headcrabs taking control of some very dead bodies in the videos and screenshots.

I also don't think that Headcrabs are part of the Combine. I think that they are pests. Every Alien attacks headcrabs. But the rest usually work with others or together. So perhaps they are a danger to all life. Like lawyers. And should be shot on sight by even the aliens... Like lawyers.
That would imply that there are alien slaves that have been infected by a Headcrab. But then, all of the aliens seem to have weapons to kill headcrabs with.
Headrattle said:
So perhaps they are a danger to all life. Like lawyers. And should be shot on sight by even the aliens... Like lawyers.

I think you should apologize for that comment.

Headcrabs have feeling, too. :naughty:
maybe headcrabs are like ouchies when you hit them
but their mouth is already occupied so they use the dude's mouth that they are controlling
because if the blood has turned green, i dont think that humans can live with green blood
that isnt food coloring......
and also in the pics of zombies what are those yellow things in the opening on the front of the zombie
come to think of it, what does the opening on the front do?
Bing_Oh said:
I think you should apologize for that comment.

Headcrabs have feeling, too. :naughty:

Ok, maybe compairing the Headcrabs (who slowly currupt their host into a horrible creation) to Lawyers (who currupt a system into a horrible creation) is unfair. I am sorry.

As for the opening, I was thinking System Shock 2 really. And that they slowly transform the host into something different. But there is no evidence for that. In fact, there is some evidence to the contrary.
i throt the blood of the victim was still red... as ive seen in a good few vids....
Uhhmm... yes? I thought that was very obvious.
I came here with hopes of talking about everyones favourite walking testicle-alien. :frown:
hm.... maybe we are the aliens?......and these headcrabs have always been there, just after the events at Black Mesa the two dimensions became one.....we are the pests...populating our planet...wanting to explore the univese......sending pieces of space junk flying into other galaxies...without tracking devices so that alien spacecraft get hit by our waste.... :rolling: ]

nah, actually i agree with everything you are saying, makes logical, and interesting sense......

maybe in hl2 we learn that the combine had to fight the same invasion of headcrabs into their own world?
maybe headcrabs can latch onto the bodies of other aliens?....like combine soldiers? (if they are indeed aliens themselves)
r im jus puzzled over what exactly the combine are still... and i love the way the combine expands eating through city 17 as it is shown in the E3 trailer... n e one ells got n e more on how it expands?
Speedingorange said:
r im jus puzzled over what exactly the combine are still... and i love the way the combine expands eating through city 17 as it is shown in the E3 trailer... n e one ells got n e more on how it expands?
Ze combine people need liebensraum!
in opforce near the start there is a dead man with a headcrab that the scientists are studying. He still looks normal apart from the crab on his head. Later as the scientists are carrying him on a stretcher he gets up and kills them and he is super strong. So im assuming tht they do slowly transform the host into something else.
yes but if u think.... the super strenth... ma not actually be that strong... coz in normal life... if u hit something u only hit it so hard as u know it will hurt.. if u have no fear of damage to yourself... then u would hit things a lot harder... did the guy in opfource have a crab on his head when he attacked them?
I didn't read the whole thread but this is whats up with headcrabs and hosts.

The headcrab latches onto the host and takes over their nervous system to control the rest of their body. They use sharp claws to stay on the host and use two probes which are shoved through the eye sockets and onto the brain to control their body. Although, I doubt the host stays aware, the ravenholm bink shows otherwise.
Someone on another forum I frequent had posted some of the zombie screams, and then posted them again being played backwards. I think when the zombie catches fire in the video and screams, he's really saying "Oh God Help me! Help me!" just backwards.

So, could be that they can feel what's going on.
Jangle said:
in opforce near the start there is a dead man with a headcrab that the scientists are studying. He still looks normal apart from the crab on his head. Later as the scientists are carrying him on a stretcher he gets up and kills them and he is super strong. So im assuming tht they do slowly transform the host into something else.

I don't remember that. I do remember a couple of headcrabbed people being observed by the scientists (one of whom was poking a headcrab in a cage). One of the headcrabbed guys was just recent, and apparently still human, though unconcious, and the other had become a mawman, but hadn't woken up yet.

Then there's this bit a little way on where you can see two scientists carrying an injured soldier on a stretcher.

Then there's the scientist in the scanning chamber who's trying to catscan an unconscious mawman, who gets up, mauls the radiation-suited scientist, and then throws him through the window.
Aaron Lee said:
Someone on another forum I frequent had posted some of the zombie screams, and then posted them again being played backwards. I think when the zombie catches fire in the video and screams, he's really saying "Oh God Help me! Help me!" just backwards.

So, could be that they can feel what's going on.

can u find this post???? :d
I thought he said Oh god help me in normal speech. That's what it sound like to me...
BTW, I must say I really liked an idea I think Brian may have come up with but if not I apologize. It was that headcrabs are used as biological weapons in HL2, based on those pods in the raveholm vid. I really liked that idea, I just remembered it because you made me watch the ravenholm bink again.

I like this theory and it would be cool if it was true but I don't really believe it, when you shoot down a zombie and the headcrab release sometimes, the head of the zombies body is like... it's just a bit left of the skull and jaw.
Speedingorange said:
This may be wrong...

and as i didnt play the first game to any great extent it most likely is wrong.

but i have a theory aboutt he headcrabs...
on the video ravenholm u can clearly hear the infected people moaning...

could it be that the headcrab controlly your body... but u are still alive?? as in you can feel the pain as there would be no other reason for the body to scream if it could not....

so in the E3 trailer where one is cut clean in half by one of the traps... mayb the infected vicytim can feel the pain of that blow but the headcrab forces him on.. obviously there is a lot of mutation to the body which i would imagine causes a lot of pain which would also explain why they wine all the time even when not ebing shot at... i would be in a lot of pain if my stumach was hanging open to be honest...

what u guys think... :afro:

If my theroy is correct then you are about 75% correct. Yes when someone is headcrabbed they will feel pain in thier 1st stage of mutation then the headcrab takes over the entire body, thus, you are no longer alive. You are just an extension of the headcrab. That is the 2nd stage of mutation and finally the 3rd and maybe fina stage of mutationl. The Gnoame, a very powerful and fast version compared to the other versions. The Gnoame also has a projectile attack...

Just my 2 cents...
Wolfy Snackrib said:
I like this theory and it would be cool if it was true but I don't really believe it, when you shoot down a zombie and the headcrab release sometimes, the head of the zombies body is like... it's just a bit left of the skull and jaw.

Looks like that's been altered in the latest vids. Now the leaping headcrabs leave their host's head intact, complete with agonised expression.

Danimal said:
If my theroy is correct then you are about 75% correct. Yes when someone is headcrabbed they will feel pain in thier 1st stage of mutation then the headcrab takes over the entire body, thus, you are no longer alive. You are just an extension of the headcrab. That is the 2nd stage of mutation and finally the 3rd and maybe fina stage of mutationl. The Gnoame, a very powerful and fast version compared to the other versions. The Gnoame also has a projectile attack...

Just my 2 cents...

Similar to what I was thinking.

1st Stage "Mawman": Headcrab is only just beginning to take control, host is still self aware, brain still functions, host still has mild control (can scream). The gash in the host's chest has not yet become a proper mouth. Seen in Ravenholm.

2nd Stage "Mawman": Headcrab has digested and assimilated head of host, and is in full control of host's body, albeit clumsily. Skull of host is visible through skin of crab. The host's chest gash is now developing teeth and alien organs. Seen in early stages of the Black Mesa incident.

3rd stage "Gonome": Headcrab continues to mutate and merge with host. Increase in muscular mass, and development of the ability to fling digestive goop at targets. Headcrab is now used to controlling its new body, and is highly mobile. Seen in later stages of the Black Mesa incident.
Nice analysis. It sounds horrific to get your brain abducted by a creature size of a hamster.
Chrysalid said:
Nice analysis. It sounds horrific to get your brain abducted by a creature size of a hamster.

That's the biggest hamster I ever saw!
Hey hope this helps....some information i saved from a website i found that talks about the life of a headcrab. Sorry that i couldnt post the website, i saved this a long time ago in microsoft word. :p

"To view the Headcrab properly, one must analyse each stage of its lifecycle. To start with, we have the Baby Headcrab, newly born from its adult mother (see Adult Headcrab, below). The Baby is very small, not more than the size of one's hand, and its flesh is soft and vulnerable. We do not know if the mother protects her children, but she does show concern when one is killed. It is believed that the Babies run into hiding and wait until their flesh has hardened until they emerge for a Mawman (see the parasitic nature of the Mature Headcrab) process. The Baby has slightly translucent flesh - no apparent organs are visible. Recent tests of Baby Headcrabs have confirmed speculation that the Baby Headcrab is in fact more akin to the cytoplasmic slugs and snails than any other form of life. The egg sack can be clearly seen, although at this stage they are most likely infertile. Their mouth has not yet formed, so their only way of attacking potential predators is by leaping up using the powerful muscles in their back legs and slashing with their slightly hardened claws. Because this does little damage to their native predator, the Bullsquid, they are logically forced into hiding until they age into the Mature Headcrab stage.

The Mature Headcrab stage shows some strange differences to its younger phase. For starters, the egg sack has disappeared into the expanded body. The forehead has enlarged, possible encasing a primitive brain of sorts. A mouth has evolved and two large teeth can be seen beneath the forehead. Their claws have hardened and can now be used for attacking purposes. In addition to that, they have developed a strange means of evolving and protecting themselves. It is not known whether this parasitic process is deliberate, or discovered by accident and exploited by the species as a way of surviving. Upon leaping at a predator, they attempt to latch onto the victim's head. Once latched on, the Headcrab settles down and begins the parasitic process. After several hours the Headcrab can have digested the victims' head. It then hooks itself up with the victim's nervous system and soon has complete control over the now dead victim's body. Whether this process happens to the native Bullsquid is unknown, but many scientists say it does not, since as they clearly point out, the Bullsquid does not have a head.

The first stage of this parasitic process, called a Mawman (commonly referred to as a Zombie), shows only a few of the biological changes to come for the host. The Headcrab has now totally fused itself with the host. The fingers have elongated and are now long whip-like claws. On a Human host, the fourth finger is lost. Down the chest a mouth begins to form, this is the new way in which the Headcrab gains its nourishment. It is believed that the Mature Headcrab has no stomach anyway, which strengthens the belief that the whole parasitic process was intended by nature. All nourishment must therefore come during this stage. The new mouth has several teeth growing out the sides. A basic vocal cord forms allowing the Mawman to emit medium frequency growls.

The second stage of the Mawman evolves into the Genome and reveals new changes and a nod in the direction of the eventual evolution. The mouth has grown larger, providing more weight on the chest and therefore creating a hunched stance. Two lumps appear on the back and green puss oozes out of each. The purpose of these humps is not known. The vocal cords have deepened, and the creature emits deep growls and roars. A second mode of attack other than the claws has now emerged. The creature's saliva soon becomes acidic and a favourite long-ranged tactic is to pull out a lump of semi-liquid saliva and throw it at unsuspecting targets. A friend of mine was suddenly ambushed by Genomes once on a field trip in the Omega regions of the Borderworld. They proceeded to pelt him in acid saliva, and finally he managed to escape through a portal. He suffered severe loss of skin, and barely managed to survive.

Further stages of the Genome are as yet unknown, and since the Black Mesa Research Facility is now a no-go area, we cannot conduct further tests on this strange parasitic process. We do know that eventually the Mature Headcrab evolves into the Adult Headcrab, or The Gonarch can grow to huge proportions, roughly the size of a small pleasure boat. Only one of these magnificent beasts has ever been found, and it is suspected that the mortality rate for Mature Headcrabs is extremely low. Probably only one in ten thousand ever becomes a Gonarch. When a Headcrab becomes a Gonarch, it has no need for food and will give birth until the end of its life, whenever that may be. The legs of a Gonarch have become evened out, and the strong back leg muscles have weakened to balance with the front legs. The Gonarch now can kick with its huge legs at the now much smaller Bullsquid that used to be an ever-present threat in a Baby Headcrabs' life. The Gonarch emits high-pitched shrieks and can charge at great speeds towards targets. It has armor plating on its head and legs, capable of deflecting a variety of attacks. Its secondary mode of attack is to squirt acidic body fluid out through a hole in the top. The body fluid clumps together and comes down in large droplets that splash when they touch the ground."
about the teeth thing part
i see more then two on the dead headcrabs...
and on the headcrabs/zombies
the "mouthes" have these weird yellow things in them, one on each side - what are those???
Oddly, in HL2, the mawman's 'teeth' appear to be the broken ribs of the victim. In the original HL, they were just that: Teeth.

Hm... also, in HL, the mawman's 'maw' looks more like a functional mouth whereas in HL2, the maw looks like a really ugly slit cut in the person's body... (You can see their guts!)

The question is: Do the mawmen still eat via the giant maw, and if so, how does the body process the food?

Well... I had a few fan fictions I wrote a while back (it was a hit on GameFAQs), if anyone's interested I could attach the PDF files on the fan fic forum...
Like I said, the Mawmen in HL2 appear to be early-stage. The head hasn't yet been digested, and the chest gash hasn't yet become a proper mouth.
to make his theory into laymans terms:
A head crab is a creature which physicaly controls you. You are still mentally active when it "taps" into you and you can feel/receive pain.
Yeah that Headcrab theory is cool. I am now extremely scared of headcrabs. Damnit. I'm not going ot play HL2 anymore because it sounds so scary! I don't want to be a Mawman! AAARRRGH!!

:p Still bloody exciting though.
How would they eat anyway? Having a mouth in your chest isn't very practical. To me, this "mouth" has always just looked like the host's chest has been ripped open.