a tiny glimpse of the universe

Haha. Funny Intro :P
Another thing for you to consider: every single atom your body is made out of, was once on the inside of a star :o

And as far as I know, those very old galaxies aren't against the laws of physics, just very unexpected. And a recent observation suggested the universe might be 15.8 and not 13.7 billion years old.
Haha. I always thought of the possibility that every atom contains a bunch of stars for some reason.

I thought I was crazy. :P
Awesome.. I love that stuff. Imagine what must be in those galaxies. Imagine what might be on some of the planets that are orbiting some of the trillion stars of each of those 10000 galaxies.

The size is something a human mind cannot comprehend. I suppose thats why it's so absorbing to think about it.

Oh god yes, I love space. So much amazement and we've hardly seen anything at all.

Just think, all those galaxies on that picture were taken from a tiny tiny portion of the "night sky". Just think, if there is that many galaxies in that tiny portion, how many will there be if it was possible for us to point a camera in every direction. I bet there is more galaxies in that portion too, further away. Hubble probably jus didn't get the chance to pick them up because it only spent 4 months looking at that spot.

I'd love to know whats out there. What all these stars, galaxies and planets look like. Is there life? :O (of course there is but thats another topic :P)
Just think how many Empires are out there and if we are lucky we might get the chance to join them...it...whatever.

Imagine the light D:
its kind of mind boggling how the farther into space we see, the farther back in time we see as well... eventually if we look far enough wouldn't we see nothing but blackness, since perhaps we reach a point in time (and space) where the universe hadn't expanded to that point yet??
I'd like to thank Jerry_111 and The Brick for officially blowing my mind.
Haha. I always thought of the possibility that every atom contains a bunch of stars for some reason.

I thought I was crazy. :P
O Rly? Consider that the day after I saw that intro, I started thinking that every movement I make may be killing so many of those galaxys, even causing other things besides destruction to happen, like influencing some 'air' in one galaxy to cause somebeing to think in a certain way which ends up making a new Hitler 1000 years from then...I had a whole crazy IM conversation like this a long time ago with a friend of mine. I said things like "hey I just scratched my head...jimmy dropped his plate of mashed potatos! hahahahhahahHAHAH!!!!!!" or "I just sneezed, there goes aunt Marsha's birthday cake HAHAHAHA!!!" Yes It's all crazy randomness, but if it's true considering how many different things could be happening and these sentances making some sense, so many things could just be more than you can handle!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :E
inside our cells are entire universes in every one of them. the outer space we see is just someone or somethings cell tissues and whatnot. the lifespan of the entire universe is the lifespan of the person (thing) were living in, even tho it is so long it only seems that way because we are so small and time goes slower. When the organism we live in goes to the doctor etc. and gets a check up, we are described as the tiniest form of matter, planets as molecules, and the stars as atoms. that simple. just as we see things, and it goes on forever, our cells also have universes in them. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the idea of galaxies in your atoms is pretty stupid if you ask me. what kind of idea is that?
the idea of galaxies in your atoms is pretty stupid if you ask me. what kind of idea is that?
You don't understand what hes saying.
Macroscopic physics are a whole lot different than the physics in a human cell. The microscopic world isn't ruled by Dark Matter/Energy or gravity. Gravity is insignificant at the small scale, only when talking about solar systems and galaxies it becomes a major force. They can't be compared, so therefor the notion that the universe is a cell/atom of another bigger universe is silly.
or the color force-that "glue" the quarks inside the protons and neutrons(the force is transmitted through particles that are named GLUONS)
O Rly? Consider that the day after I saw that intro, I started thinking that every movement I make may be killing so many of those galaxys, even causing other things besides destruction to happen, like influencing some 'air' in one galaxy to cause somebeing to think in a certain way which ends up making a new Hitler 1000 years from then...I had a whole crazy IM conversation like this a long time ago with a friend of mine. I said things like "hey I just scratched my head...jimmy dropped his plate of mashed potatos! hahahahhahahHAHAH!!!!!!" or "I just sneezed, there goes aunt Marsha's birthday cake HAHAHAHA!!!" Yes It's all crazy randomness, but if it's true considering how many different things could be happening and these sentances making some sense, so many things could just be more than you can handle!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :E

Lol, you sound like my mate. He always comes up with crazy theories about the universe :P
Trying to take all of that in makes my head hurt. :(
^ Tru.dat, a theory is a tested hypothesis!
its kind of mind boggling how the farther into space we see, the farther back in time we see as well... eventually if we look far enough wouldn't we see nothing but blackness, since perhaps we reach a point in time (and space) where the universe hadn't expanded to that point yet??

Thats what we seen when we look into space blackness. Do you really think we have a limitation as to how far we can see; like some sort of limited draw distance. Or is it that we are actualy seeing the time before space expanded which shows up as the black areas.
Thats what we seen when we look into space blackness. Do you really think we have a limitation as to how far we can see; like some sort of limited draw distance. Or is it that we are actualy seeing the time before space expanded which shows up as the black areas.

I believe that, because the expansion of the universe is actually speeding up, there is matter so far away from us that light from it has not yet reached us. However, I don't think we've managed to see that far out yet.

(The previous statements are based on sketchy knowledge, hypothesis, and stuff I saw on TV)