A tribute to the good old days

May 24, 2003
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Yes...its another "Good old days" thread. I made one a while back, but i wanted to make another.

It seems like ive been on this forum since i first had the internet, but its only been a matter of months.

Anyway, i remember when i first came, things were good. The forum was nice and bright (Not this grey which is undoubtedly nice, but just isnt the same) people were friendly, it was a really close community.

Off topic was a great place to go to, there was always a new thread that weas funny of interesting to read. Not like the stuff we get now.

General...Sorry, Halflife2 discussion was a good place to. Lots of threads with peoples dfferent theories about the game. Everyone for the most part was friendly to each other. Not a delay thread in sight.

For quite a while things were good. Even up until mid July it looked like the happiness could never end. However, all that really started to change when the prophecy thread came along. It spoke of the "link" and the coming of "noobs" who would infest the forum. At first it was treated as a little joke amoung the few members there were at that time. However, it became apparent that it was no joke. Especially in General, where more and more pointless threads were cropping up, as well as the torrent of insults that followed. In an effort to stop this, more mods were taken on. However, that only slowed it down. Yet more mods were taken on and it is still bad.

Instead of people looking forward to being rewarded by a mod, they instead now have to dread being punished by one.

So this thread is here, as a tribute to the good times we had on the boards. We had many a serious discussion about things we believed in, and there were never any hard feelings afterwards. There were funny threads everywhere. Hl2 could be discussed without a thought to the magical search button everyone apparently uses. It didnt matter if something had been talked about, if you were new, people would just answer your questions and get back to their theories:Now people waste everyones time including their own, but burning uninformed members and just gnereally being a pain.
We were once in a happy carefree garden of eden. It seems that garden has been burned to the ground by the flamming noobs that came along.

Such is the price of popularity.
Ah yes, the good old days. i remember the threads like hl2 theories that made general a good place to go, now i jus dont go there. and i remember the start of the arena (r.i.p) ah the good old days.
Hey, I joined in the good old days, my number is small now compaired to others.
The good old times where good. I say we kick all the stupid noobs(there are a few cool ones) out and leave the cool ones.
I also say that thenerdguy is given a cool blinking rank that reads Offical HL2 Newsie. :) O well thats not going to happen but the fond memories will keep me warm at night. OK they wont but it sounds good.
Yea I haven't been in general for a while.But hey what can you do?Almost 10,000 people are signed up to this website, which 3/4 of them just sign up for the hell of it and never post.Also most of the mods here are not even on most of the time and during that time banned people would sign back up and spam the place with 20 somethin threads about crap.But like I said, what can ya do about?
Ahh yes.

It was almost an Utopia back then.
But now...
The Arena...

/me runs away crying...

I miss the good old days, when me and old farrowlesparrow there used to debate over religion and everything else...and i used to spell his name wrong in every thread...;(

oh well, I geuss we've just got to keep fighting the good fight, keep those idiots at bay, and grit our teeth cherishing the old, and accepting the new..

.....We have a history and it's only really been a couple of months ;(

I love you guys....

/me runs away crying once again......
Same kinda thing happened at the bf42.com boards. Good lord it was a fiasco. Everyone left and now the boards are dead....
Yeah I think August and "girls???" topics were the golden days of OT. Now all people talk about are [put game/mod name here] and politics (especially US vs. the world).

And general .. forget about General. :(
its a fact, larger communities usually suck more. A moderately sized one like Geffen Chronicles, which was just basically a bunch of folks comepletly newbless, was a great one. Admin has ddied or something since, and its offline =\ butyeah. I wish I joined this place earlier to see the good times. I try hard not to contribute to the flaming, unless its diirected at me.
*Sigh* I joined in June I think? Or July. Things were pretty nice back then, but around august things plummited downhill. I know the feeling, I was once a part of a forum where this same thing happened. Just wait a month after its release... things will be better :)
Luckly I signed up during the good ole' days.Hopefully this forum will not die like so many others.If that damn forsaken prophecy is right then we are on the road to destruction by the noobs. :(

*starts to cry*
Well guys, I am a n00b but please don't judge us all with the other n00bs who are total idiots. Give us a chance and we will earn your respect and try to keep these forums fun and informative :)
Originally posted by The Bear
Well guys, I am a n00b but please don't judge us all with the other n00bs who are total idiots. Give us a chance and we will earn your respect and try to keep these forums fun and informative :)
Everyone was a noob at some point, heck all the mods were even noobs at one point! Its not really too much descrimination. A lot of headcrabs are sensable (as you yourself seem) but many people just join, post 1 thread of spam, or hate, and leave.
Just when I though it couldn't get any worse, I looked in the general forums and was basically shocked. Yeah it was a mess before but now it's divided into two camps:

1. l33t beta ha><ors - 95% of these guys are Oct Headcrabs, they are posting spoilers and basically just talk about the beta. Some of the better threads involve killing Alyx and/or Barney or sticking the crowbar into someone's ass (seriously). If you try to complain they just say "FREEDOM OF SP33CH" or some crap like that.

2. People in denial - these are some of the older members who just can't accept whats happening. But lets face it - the Beta is out and the game will be delayed by as much as a year. We can't do anything about it. :(
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Just when I though it couldn't get any worse, I looked in the general forums and was basically shocked. Yeah it was a mess before but now it's divided into two camps:

1. l33t beta ha><ors - 95% of these guys are Oct Headcrabs, they are posting spoilers and basically just talk about the beta. Some of the better threads involve killing Alyx and/or Barney or sticking the crowbar into someone's ass (seriously). If you try to complain they just say "FREEDOM OF SP33CH" or some crap like that.

2. People in denial - these are some of the older members who just can't accept whats happening. But lets face it - the Beta is out and the game will be delayed by as much as a year. We can't do anything about it. :(
Im a number 2... Proud to be one I suppose. I still cant believe all this. Its like a bad dream.
Also ...

3. Opinionated n00b - these guys think they know all about the Valve/beta/hacking situation and decide to educate the community by posting a 2-3 page opinion on the issue. Most of them just get laughed at or ignored for obvious reasons.
Yep, I am #2. So, once again, where are the mods. I swear, I will get mod powers and if I do, the hell will come to the general forums. I hope mods start banning people without any worning. If they want, they can go to some Leet sites for leet hax0rs. But crap with that, I am not visiting general forums anymore.
Even if General wasn't filled with crap there are so many posts about the same thing and/or even good topics its just too hard to sort. But then again, thats what happens when a site goes commercial... Thiese forums used to be about Half-Life 2! Now it's all about money and conformity man.
you know whats funny? if this was started by a headcrab, it would most likely be flame fest...

on topic: im looking forward to when HL2 actually releases. most threads will be good reads, and each one better than the next. Forum Bliss as a i call it. cheers to when a time like that comes.
I remember back in may, these forums rocked!
Yes, the beginning was fun. It was NEW. There weren't bad people on the forums... it was smaller and more people knew each other.
Yep if I look back on any old post I could write a whole paragraph about each person there - this is the religous dude, he helped me with dating advice, she is the only girl on the forum, etc.

Now the best you can do is talk to Headcrab #8232 on the General Forums. :(
Ah i can remember those days the days of the clan forum which no one visited, the TF2, half life forums which were cool but got deleted. Bah it was well good then but its gone downhill. But at least its still fun the sollution is to ban as many noobs as possible :)
ye the good ol days..man i think i joined this forum on day one :>
I remember arguing with THUGENSTEIN... yeah, the good old days. Back when he had that stupid signature with the people he liked and hated, hahah.

Sighh :/

yeah, remember when I was the 'newbie' of these forums... the first 1000 poster... with EVIL.... sigh ;(
*sigh* I've unfortunatally seen many communities trashed and discarded....

the first was the fans behind Babylon5: into the fire, very active, friendly community. one of the best on the net. I don't think there was a single banning on that community. then Sierra canned the game. (Burn them for that). Amazingly, the entire community moved to another forum, and fought to save the game for YEARS afterwards, and is still active at firstones.com . but it isn't the same as it was back then...*sigh*

the next was also pretty saddening, because it was another great game. the wheel of time fans...*sigh* I was a member of that place for about a year, and in that time it was great. really amazing, there were a few bannings, the place was MUCH more busy then this place amazingly. (About four-five pages of topics a day in the main forum) great people, but the true tribute is after the game was released, for the few months that I could play, I litereally played nothing but MP WOT. 20 hours a day on weekends. Amazing game, awsome players, and the atmosphere...litterally every kill was greeted with a "Nice shot!" or somesuch, typed out, not abbreviated. discussion occured in the game, if there was a new guy most people would go easy on him, and help him learn. Shoot, there were many people that had "-teacher-" tags, and would help any one on any server. People were FRIENDLY, I didn't see a curse word at ALL on those servers...it was awsome. then the UT guys took over the game, specifically the instagib guys. alot like the people here...totally ruined the game. I stopped playing, and now there are no servers...the community is gone...*sigh*

thankfully, I have one game, ONE game that has a community like those two did...it only has about 50 active people, maybe less...but its nice. and no, I'm not saying who it is, because frankly, I don't want to see another community trashed by a bunch of immature 13 year old freaks.
I enjoyed it here when I first joined, but when it went to hell, I stopped posting much. i pretty much just started lurking about the forums for info. But I hath declared the General Off Topic forums to be safe and cool... so here I shall stay... At least until the Headcrab invasion ends.
For a check up on the prophecy it is in my signature, to be preserved for a time, and also so I don't have to go back 50 pages to find it without search.

But it was I who bought the prophecy to the boards... I am the one who forever sat on his hands idle to see what will happen, and just hope for the best. I am the one who hoped to teach people about the game. Now it seems it will never be. My most important skill set back for quite some time.

The boards were nice place. I lurked, watching, waiting, wondering if I should let everyone know of my presence. When I did, it was not like other boards were you would be kicked around and ignored. You would be treated the same as a normal.

But now, now it is gone. Replaced by people whos favorit words (and unfortunatly most used) are of the four letter varity. Not to mention the growing thing of what I hate in my home on the forum, Off-Topic.
Anti-Americanism has grown to such a level I can no longer ignore it and avoid the boards. I have been filling the time with CS and StarCraft.

Fat Tony!, you went to the halflife message boards? The one that was linked to half-life.com? If so, I am happy.
im pretty sure i joined the forums on july 1st, ahhh one day earlier and i could have a nice June next to the registered sign, was fun back then, sucks now, ive found most of my posts becoming very sour....