A True Cinematic Experience...


Jan 15, 2004
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VALVe have gone too far this time. HDR is one thing, it’s a nice effect that looks damn pretty; but this is too much. In a recent Bit-tech hardware article, VALVe’s latest ventures have been revealed; they’re planning to make Day of Defeat: Source feel like you’re looking through a 1940’s camera lens. Farfetched? Definitely. Worth it? Hell yes. [br] [br] VALVe are developing a number of clever techniques to make this possible, all of which are covered in the article. While HDR replicated the human eye’s response to light, VALVe’s new “Depth of Field” effect replicates a camera’s perception of focus. That means if you’re looking at a soldier next to you, your comrade will be crisp and clear but the distance will be out of focus and blurred, just like a camera. Motion blur can be implemented on top of this, to give the sense of rapid movement. Finally, colour can be tweaked and a grainy effect can be added to give that authentic, aged feel. And there we have it, DoD:S like you’ve never seen it before... straight from a reel of ancient film.[br]

[br]You can read the Bit-tech article by clicking here. There’s also been a trailer released, showing all of these effects in detail; but bear in mind it’s a hefty 200mb filesize.

Update: If you're not convinced by the screenshots, make sure you watch the video. It looks brilliant; especially the Depth of Field effect.
ummm... this looks horrible in my opinion... Its a wicked Idea and all but geeze those screens look horrible...
Grundlegod said:
ummm... this looks horrible in my opinion... Its a wicked Idea and all but geeze those screens look horrible...

Watch the video you nitpicker!
okay Ill take all that back, in the article it looks preety rad if they do it right. I wont say more until I play it
Will it make YOU actually play the game though? Barely anyone plays this game..
Mr-Fusion said:
Will it make YOU actually play the game though? Barely anyone plays this game..
Yeah, only 2,853 are playing it right now... that's hardly anyone eh.

It looks damn good and hopefully there will be support for mods to utilize it as well.
I can definately see that effect driving me insane. Motion blur would be cool though.
It does have motion blur... read the article.
He probably meant he's looking forward to Motion Blur, but not the other effects...and I agree, Blur looks like a great effect, but the others are iffy for me. So I hope that they're optional like HDR.
Cool stuff :)
This makes the game look so much more realistic. If they took out the grainy old film look and left the depth of field, motion blur, and color correction, then these visual effects could also be applied to all of VALVe's games to give them a much more realistic look! At least I think it could work like that.
Yeah, they should be optional, looking at how HDR can be run with Bloom only.

Valve really loves surprising people, huh? :afro:

Sentinelrv said:
This makes the game look so much more realistic. If they took out the grainy old film look and left the depth of field, motion blur, and color correction, then these visual effects could also be applied to all of VALVe's games to give them a much more realistic look! At least I think it could work like that.

That'll definitely make Source games a lot more kickass than it already is.
Unlike all the competitive fanatics, I am wholly welcoming this :D
Very cool effects!

Will they get put in other Source games (besides film grain and probably color correction)? Will mods be allowed to take advantage?

Great work valve! :D
DoF is nothing new.
Still cool however.

Though DoF and Motion Blur really kill frame rate with todays hardware. I don't see it really being implemented in alot of games till next gen.
But look at VALVe leading the way! :D
They'd better have an option to turn it off.

I'm playing in the boots of a soldier, I'm supposed to see things as they would have seen it, not as a director of a film wants us to see it. Making everything desaturated and grainy is not an 'authentic' experience, it is replicating an idea of cinematic authenticity. We're all used to seeing WWII films made today using the whole desaturated palette, with slight film grain, and now suddenly it has become a signifier of authenticity. But guess what, people in the 1950s didn't see things in black & white. People in the 1930s didn't see things with film scratches on them. They saw the world exactly as we did, in full colour (unless they were colourblind), and that is how I should be able to see the world.
Patriarch2000 said:
They'd better have an option to turn it off.

I'm playing in the boots of a soldier, I'm supposed to see things as they would have seen it, not as a director of a film wants us to see it. Making everything desaturated and grainy is not an 'authentic' experience, it is replicating an idea of cinematic authenticity. We're all used to seeing WWII films made today using the whole desaturated palette, with slight film grain, and now suddenly it has become a signifier of authenticity. But guess what, people in the 1950s didn't see things in black & white. People in the 1930s didn't see things with film scratches on them. They saw the world exactly as we did, in full colour (unless they were colourblind), and that is how I should be able to see the world.
Maybe it's just used to Spec mode?
Nah, it's not just in spectator mode, but it should be able to be turned off.

Anyway, the video rocked ass. People seriously need to play with more teamwork in DOD:S.
Time to upgrade my computer.... again.... :x

by the way, I watched the video, FREAKING AMAZING!!! it looks so cool, can't wait.
ummm sure this looks really cool but doesn't Valve have alot more important things to do? (like Aftermath, TF2, or new CS:S models for example)
That's disgusting! Their better be an option to turn that CRAP off!
who needs Hollywood movies when technology like this will help with Source Movies :p
it would be very interesting to watch a Source movie with all these new effects :D
Looks awesome... Oh how I wish there would be a commercial on TV that played that. Then all the console gamers would go "wow... I've wasted my life".

Anyways... Hopefully the reason Aftermath was "pushed back" (even though they didn't give a official date) was because they had to implement all that good stuff into it.
Omg, that movie made me splurrge. I was just about to start making a dod:s video like this one, and now I am totally siked out about this effect. I love Valve so much, and they have secured the place in my favorite developer catagory.

And of course it will be optional...
i z 3 r (and other people that say this effect sucks), have you actually downloaded the video?

[SARCASM]Because it sucks so bad. You know, bad? :bonce: [/SARCASM]
[SARCASM]bigburpco needs to use the sarcasm tag some more[/SARCASM]


Damn video DL is so slow...must look for somewhere else to get it...
Patriarch2000 said:
They'd better have an option to turn it off.

I'm playing in the boots of a soldier, I'm supposed to see things as they would have seen it, not as a director of a film wants us to see it. Making everything desaturated and grainy is not an 'authentic' experience, it is replicating an idea of cinematic authenticity. We're all used to seeing WWII films made today using the whole desaturated palette, with slight film grain, and now suddenly it has become a signifier of authenticity. But guess what, people in the 1950s didn't see things in black & white. People in the 1930s didn't see things with film scratches on them. They saw the world exactly as we did, in full colour (unless they were colourblind), and that is how I should be able to see the world.

No shit. No one was out on the battlefield looking at 2 variants of the same models either, and no one had the option of friendly fire or admin kicks or not seeing the blurry end of their nose due to the eye vision overlapping, or all kinds of realistic things. It's meant to look cool and be fun, and it's meant to be a cinematic experience based on what you're playing. We're supposed to feel like we're IN A MOVIE we're controlling, not feel the terror of actually being on a battlefield. C'mon.
I just finished the trailer and it was amazing. It almost looked like those Call of Duty commercials you see on TV. Those rendering effects would kill my framerate, but I'm ALL about it! Beautiful job by Valve.
bigdeezy23 said:
..not feel the terror of actually being on a battlefield. C'mon.
What's wrong with that? It's more respectable to be accurate than nerf the experience for safe entertainment purposes.

I like that Valve's actually doing this sort of thing themselves as opposed to some modder trying to add overlays & stuff without direct access to the engine. It's quite cool to already own this & know that it's still in active development & improving as it sits on my drive instead of just becoming old news.
hm thats very interesting.

especialy the depth-of-field effect just kick ass. Black&White 2 showed that recently.
Maybe its not possible anymore to play like before (i gues it would suck ^^) - but if this tech goes integrated to source, it will be a nice feature for future mods.
[SARCASM]Oh man, the effects will completely cripple my fps, and my com is going to lag soooo bad.[/SARCASM]

Actually, it just takes away about 4fps. D'oh!

P.S.: Man those sarcasm tags rock.