A word problem for the illiterate

Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
Alright HL2.net, let's see if you can figure this one out.

What is taking place in the following dialouge?

mr ducks
mr not
cm wings
mr ducks

Here's a hint:
the dumber you are, the easier it is! :P


Ninja Edit: Spelling :p
Well it should be pretty easy for you then :p

But seriously, I have no clue what that means. The closest I came to an understanding was getting a nondescript mental image of a bar fight.
Tell me the answer or I'll kill you.

Then rape.


According to the hint, if you can't figure it out, you're a freaking genius!

*pats self on back*

*walks out of thread*
I know the answer but you really should have capitalized and spaced out the M R and O S A R parts so as to make it somewhat easier. That way it doesn't mislead people into thinking "mister" or "osar" as a word.
I know the answer but you really should have capitalized and spaced out the M R and O S A R parts so as to make it somewhat easier. That way it doesn't mislead people into thinking "mister" or "osar" as a word.

Thank you, I get it now.
"Those are ducks"
"Those are not"
Them are ducks
Them are not
Oh yes they are
See them wings?
Them are ducks
I just looked up the answer on Google and you misspelled it if such a thing is possible. lrb doesn't mean anything
LRB = Well I'll be!

But according to the googling Dan mentioned, it should be "LIB!"
there is no r, are, or er sound in "well I'll be"