a WW2 mod, seen from a germans eyes

On one hand, you're saying that most soldiers (including nazi soldiers) are noble folks forced into combat and therefore can't be considered too bad in your story.
On the other, you say all russian soldiers are indefensible evil and shouldn't be played in CoD.

Make up your mind.
I dont think hes saying that we shouldn't be playing Russians... I think his point is that since we do play as the Russians, whose government was at one point infinitely more genocidal than Nazi Germany, it's not that much different to play as the Germans. They're both "bad guys" in the traditional sense. I happen to disagree with this, and if this mod even gets off the ground (doubtful) the only way I can see it being protrayed tastefully and historically accurately at all is to show the German soldiers fighting and operating just as the Allies did, without trying to make any sweeping moral statements in the story. CoD was never about showing the player how heroic and noble the allies were, it was about capturing the tone and intensity of WWII, as a German campaign should be. It should not be an ethical treatise on the Axis powers, it should be an action game.
First off, you can't point fingers at people for committing atrocities in war.

War is the atrocity.

Secondly, I'm somewhat sad that no one has brought up Silent Hunter III. Gamespy just listed it as on of the top ten games of the year. In case any of you are unfortunate enough to have not played it, you sail out in a U-Boat from a dock flying a flag with a swastika on it, and then sail around torpedoing unsuspecting and unarmed merchant ships, running away before the Allied destroyers get there. It's a game based completely on one of the sadder aspects of WWII, where your only option is to play as an officer operating in a way to support the German war machine, and they do it completely without making any sort of political statements. In fact, the way the difficulty increases is by showing over the progression of the war how Germany lost control of the seas and eventually you lose, but it's done in a way that acts only to increase the challenge of each patrol.

Also, I'm not entirely convinced that everyone would get all up in arms about the game, especially if it had some merit in the terms of gameplay and graphics. For a long time, the German side of WWIIOnline had more players active than the Allied side, and it was mostly because the Germans had better equipment than France and England during the Blitzkrieg. They play as the German army because it's the more "1337" side to play.

I don't mean to be cynical, but I'm willing to bet that if he had just rolled up here with some kickass Tiger tank renders and pitched them instead of generalizing all Westerners into the group that generalizes all German soldiers as evil, he would have gotten a ton more support.

On that topic, I don't think your original point holds water anyways. Especially in the US recently, there has been a ton of material across many mediums that illustrate that many German soldiers were forced or coerced into service and could be good guys. In film, you have Saints and Soldiers, which I highly recommend, where one of the US soldiers runs into a German infantryman that he prayed with while on missionary service before the war. Band of Brothers shows the German soldier who comes from the same town in Utah or somewhere as his American captor. Even Saving Private Ryan resisted from ever showing the Germans as heartless, while in several scenes we see US GIs gunning down Germans as they run away, or threatening to execute a prisoner. In the book Flyboys, the author shows the terrible acts committed by both the US and Japan that stretches across the entirety of their relationship with each other all the way up to the horrors of WWII.

So, I don't know where you get your info about what people supposedly think about the Germans in WWII, but I'm pretty sure it's mistaken. Call of Duty, Medal of Honor and the like are from the perspective of Allied soldiers because they are made people from countries who fought for the Allies, because the attempted genocide by the Nazis is the most taboo and publicized horror, because the Allies won (and history is written by the victors) and because there's more customers of their in formerly Allied nations than in Germany, Italy and Japan. It's not because everyone wants to shoot the evil Nazis.

Well, unless if they are zombie Nazis, and then it's ok.
Havent most countries done fubar things in the past. Lemme give you a nice list:
-Holland (my country :p) -> slave trade, indonesia independance 500k dead
-Germany -> Ww2 Jewish genocide
-France -> Algeria Legionairs slaughter, Africa and Syria
-England -> Raping most of Africa and Asia + slave trade
-USA -> genocide of American Indians
-Russia -> jewish slaughter, Stalin and his Siberia Hotels
etc etc

Seems no more games should be made about wars :)

hehe, ok just messing around :p, anyways i think it would be fun playing from the point of view of a German soldier during ww2. Most soldiers were just put into service, explain to me how an 18 year old "hero" defies his government and fights his own nation. Probably some do, but most are scard as shit and just join up or are forced/indoctrinated.
My grandma + grandpa had jewish people in hiding, and had good relations with 1 german soldier who himself hated Hitler and didnt support the nazi's. He wanted to go home and be with his family.
Cant remember what my grandma said, but i think he didnt make the end of the war.
This is dealing with some cool mixed emotions, and wouldnt this make games storylines more interesting, rather than the blunt good-evil ?
just my 2 cents
Just get a crew together and create the mod. When it's done, you will either succeed or fail. If you do not go through with it you will forfeit.

I have a saying and I stick by it: "When you fight you can lose, but when you give up you've already lost."

Do your best to open up people's eyes.
How am i suppose to get a crew together when people have made theyr minds up that germans, everyone, are some ****head bastards that deserved to die. How am i suppose to get people when the general public have made up everyone's mind to think this is a bad mod?

Aint easy to get someone when a community like this takes the idea and just shoot it where it is.

I have tried to get people to understand the point, the story and the mod and when they refuse, what more can i do?
uhm, dude there were plenty of people supporting your idea.
Just filter the comments.
bear^ said:
How am i suppose to get a crew together when people have made theyr minds up that germans, everyone, are some ****head bastards that deserved to die. How am i suppose to get people when the general public have made up everyone's mind to think this is a bad mod?

Aint easy to get someone when a community like this takes the idea and just shoot it where it is.

I have tried to get people to understand the point, the story and the mod and when they refuse, what more can i do?

I'm more than a little concerned about your ability to tell an impartial story when you seem to have a very set notion yourself about how people view German soldiers. I don't think there's been a single comment in this thread that supports your theory that we think all germans are "some ****head bastards that deserved to die". Now, I don't necessarily agree that showing the war from the German perspective directly or indirectly supports what the SS or Nazis did. I also think it's pretty well documented that towards the end of the war, there were countless plots from within the top brass of the German army to off Hitler and stop what he was doing. You seem pretty set in not telling the story of an objecting German soldier, but instead to saying "You guys are all wrong!", and I don't think that's the right attitude to be taking in this sort of endeavor. Take Michael Moore for example. He'd probably be a pretty decent documentary filmmaker if he wasn't so concerned with rubbing people's noses in what they've done.
I support your proyect 100%! Its good to know that we are finally going to see the war from... "the other side". Frankly, CoD 1 and 2, Moh:AA, MoH: PA, DoD, etc. ad infinitum.... are starting to bore me. The same "we Americans saved the worlds butt in ww2" theme is getting repetitive and stupid. Of course, i will only support your mod if, and only IF, we get to see it from a Whermacht point of view. The Whermacht was the regular german army, and they fought for their country just as much as the Brittish and the Americans. The SS were the elites forces, raised in propaganda. The Whermacht were average joes, that wanted to fought off those russian butchers (if you know what a gulag is, shut up).
And last, if you think this mod doesnt deserve support, due to the massive genocide, i beg you to reconsider: the US was and STILL IS the only country to have ever used an atom bomob.... twice. Please, dont come with that "they attacked Pearl Harbour" kinda crap. What would you do if suddenly Venezuela cuts the US oil supply? Well, thats what japan did.
Polical garbage aside, i hope i can see some progress for your mod, but remeber, please do it from Whermacht point of view mod. If "you" are an SS soldier, it would be like playing as a Mossad agent or a Hamas terrorist. Good luck!
BTW, could you give me your postal address, so i can send you a small donation for the mod? Thanks