A you does a smoke?

Do you smoke cigarettes/tobacco?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 16.7%
  • Nope, never have

    Votes: 89 64.5%
  • I used to

    Votes: 11 8.0%
  • Only when I _____

    Votes: 15 10.9%

  • Total voters
I just remembered something I was wondering about. I hardly ever seeing anyone smoke in normal places, but whenever I go to a concert, almost everyone is smoking outside. Cigarettes, weed, whatever. Once I was stuck sitting outside for an hour and got way more than a year's worth of second hand smoke. What's the deal with that? It's like shows somehow, inexplicably attract a disproportionate number of smokers versus non-smokers out of the general population.
I wouldn't smoke cigarettes, but I'd like to try weed and cigars. I don't think I could though. I'm a singer and it would **** up my voice completely.
Tell that to Matt Pike, his voice crackles with a thousand bonghits and countless bottles of hard liquor.

I smoke. I don't give a shit right now. I don't care if it's completely irrational.
nothings hotter than a heavily tattooed chick walking by that smells of smoke. to me thats a turn on. can't say everyone has a fetish but thats just me
lol, I can understand the sight of a woman smoking possibly being sexy, but smelling of smoke? That is weird. I can see the merit (it's not THAT strange honestly, odors and women are a very sexual combination), but I've never heard of it.
Do you smoke-de-bogeys?
Please don't talk like that, it's so annoying!

Never smoked, never will. Though I inhale more than my fair share every time I'm at a bar or club.

One of my friends is a smoker and she smokes around me... but then get pissy when other people are smoking nearby, or if they can smell cigar smoke.

I've "casually-dated" a few smokers... making out with them tastes nasty & I can't stand their breath.
Don't smoke cigarettes, they're gross. Much better things out there for you to be inhaling.
As far as Im concerned, smokers get extra breaks at work, we have to walk around you when you huddle together by the building entrances, we have to have special smoking areas for you, gazeebos have to put up for you smokers in certain areas when its raining (building sites etc).

Non-smokers are bending over for the smokers. And when we politely ask you to ***k off when you smoke near us, you sneer and stay where you are. 'Oh im outside, why should I move and not you?'. Get ***ked. I should punch you in the face. I dont want your death-stick near me, I dont want any hint of smoke near me. Atleast have the decency to realise that smoke still hangs around when youre outside you idiots.

We have to get rounded up into "smoke-friendly" zones, increasingly lose locales where smoking is allowed, get hounded by health freaks, and pay extra on our health insurance. Yet somehow we still muster up the power and ability to oppress your delicate senses! With so much as an almost ethereal waft of cigarette smoke on a windy day, I might add.

Know what that means? You must be a bitch.
I say we make smoking illegal until pot is legalized. That should wake a few people up.
No. Because its stupid.

No. I'm not insane.

Ew no, smokers are worse than Hitler, Stalin and Mao combined.


nothings hotter than a heavily tattooed chick walking by that smells of smoke. to me thats a turn on. can't say everyone has a fetish but thats just me

I find the smell of smoke on anyone repulsive. No offense to anyone but it bothers my nose and smells bad to me.
I tried it a couple time...Didn't like it.

I get enough second hand smoke as it is...the smell annoys me. One thing some people don't realize is that the smell of smoke to a non-smoker is a lot stronger than to someone who is smoking. Have you ever been in a car with someone who gets annoyed when you complain about their smoking and they retort with "I have the window down!".

It's the same with pot, I haven't smoked in a while but when I do I think the smell is gone an hour later when in fact it's potent as **** to someone who doesn't smoke.
Pall Mall Reds thank you very much.

Along with copious amounts of bud. :farmer:
I find the smell of smoke on anyone repulsive. No offense to anyone but it bothers my nose and smells bad to me.

So much this. I actually have taken somewhat of a liking to smelling and breathing in smoke as it's smoked, but the smell of stale smoke in places is ****ing gutwrenching.
Yep. Marlboro Reds, maybe seven a day. Started last November. I needed something to do during the day when pretending to write my essay, and having been an occasional smoker for some time, it just sorta happened. I'm not too worried. Most people in my family have smoked for long periods in their lives, still no cancer. Should try to cut back though.
I smoke Camel Filters, sometimes substituting Marlboro Reds, Lucky Strikes, or Nat Shermans. Used to roll my own cigs fairly often too.
I'm too poor to smoke, not that I would want to anyways. Had an ex who smoked and it was fairly annoying, always having to go outside and smoke or borrow money for smoking, waste of health and money so far as I see it.
I smoke Camel Filters, sometimes substituting Marlboro Reds, Lucky Strikes, or Nat Shermans. Used to roll my own cigs fairly often too.

lucky strikes are a gift from the gods, just wish they sold em with filters in the us. what kind of rolling tobacco did you use? i like bugler.
I smoked at one time, but realized how nasty it was. Thankfully, I never became addicted.
Used to, quit a week and a half ago. Probably wasn't the cleverest thing to do during mid term exam crunch time, but I feel better for it now.

What I smoked depended on where I was. In Finland/Russia Camel filters (or if I could get them, Camel Natural 8, but I only ever saw them on a ferry between Estonia and Sweden. But my God were they good). In the UK, Marlboro Reds. In Australia Marlboro Reds or B&H ultimate.
After seeing what my grandparents went through with their addiction to tobacco, I've never felt the urge. Now it just seems rather disgusting to me. I don't care about how 'cool' it is, I never want to get addicted to cigarettes.
Genuinely surprised at the number of people on this site with crazy pissy attitudes to smoking.

I've managed to be a casual smoker - which is to say my intake is too slow to be measured per day - for about two and a half years now. It's a pleasant state of affairs that I intend to continue if I can. Usually I smoke flavoured cloves, or otherwise roll-ups. I used to just make do with whatever packs I came by, but lately I've been buying the materials and rolling for myself more often. One reason for this is that my weed intake has skyrocketed. Whoops.
Used to smoke about a pack a day, and 2 grams a week. Now i've quit smoking cigarette's and im smoking insane amounts of weed to compensate... After work that is...
Cigars becouse it's ****ing awesome, and maybe one or two cigs when im out.
I've never smoked atm, but I'm pretty sure I will try it out once.
I'd like to keep my lungs intact thank you very much. I mean the breath on some smokers, those who always have to sit next to me on the bus, is just enough to knock me out sometimes. Awful habit.
I'll usually smoke about 7 cigarettes if I'm going out that night, I can easily go days smoking nothing though.

My favourites are lucky strikes and camel, but I usually have to settle with LandB
I smoke about 10 to 15 cigarettes a day, regular Lucky Strikes. I also smoke the wacky stuff.
I've never bought cigarettes for myself, but if I'm at a party and/or drinking and someone offers me a cigarette then I'll probably accpet it and smoke with them. There is a certain pleasure in doing this and I like how... artistic(?) smoke looks when it comes out thick while exhaling. However I'm glad that I do not have the urge to smoke other than in those cases.

Ever since I came to Poland I've noticed a lot more people smoking. I've progressed from 4 cigs a day to half a pack a day, and it sucks - but I DON'T CARE. Smoking is cool.

What are you doing in Poland?