abnormally slow performance


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
my pc is running considerably slower, and i have no idea what could be the cause of it.

cpu isnt overheating
its been defragmented
virus scanned
spyware scanned
sorted out background programs
cleaned unnecessary stuff from hard drive (lots of free space)

could my hard drive be messing up in its age? (tis old, i didnt see the point of getting a new hard drive!)
is it slow all the time, like when you start up or when you try and run a program?
no its not slow all the time its wierd. for example ive just been on BF2 for about 2 hours. then all of a sudden the PC goes into slowdown mode. i cant barely open the browser to access HL2.net!! :(

edit: its back to normal-ish now (ie i can actually scroll in my browser :S)
its nothing fancy but it runs BF2 and HL2 beautifully when its running normally (DOD: S sometimes runs a bit poop tho)

3ghz P4
1GIGABYTE :)() ram 333mhz
X700 radeon
maybe thats your problem, 1mb of ram.. could do with alittle more than that, nah just joking, i know you mean 1gb. Hmm I'd say you should have a look in the task manager to see if there is anything thats taking up alot of ram or cpu time. also while your there you should google any unknown processes, you should get a good enough description on what it is and if it should be there.

If/when thats all sorted, you should run some sort of harddisc health program to make sure that your hd isn't on its way out.

Hope this helps.
pmsl!! its early ok!! i just woke up! :(

edit: oh erm i forgot to mention... that er, every time i started up the pc when i assembled it i got a SMART disk error telling me my hard drive was bolloxed.... i turned SMART off and lived happily in ignorance henceforth

im scared that i might have a stealth program running but not showing in the task manager *quivvers* cant sleep, viruses will get me!
I'd say that your hd is on its way out if it was complaining about SMART errors. Back up now while you still can and try and find some programs that test the health of the harddrive. Everest home edition does it I think.