Abortionist shot dead

This is undoubtedly done by an anti-abortion activist.

His clinics have been vandalized and harassed already recently, and of course he's been shot in the past.

They just managed to finish the job.

The phrase pro-life means jack shit if you go around murdering people in cold blood.
They are only pro-life until the baby pops out of the vagina. After that **** life.

Now, shouldn't every christian in the world come out and condamn this murder? If they don't all christians obviously support this type of terrorism. Oh never mind, that only applies to non-white poeple.
They are only pro-life until the baby pops out of the vagina. After that **** life.

Now, shouldn't every christian in the world come out and condamn this murder? If they don't all christians obviously support this type of terrorism. Oh never mind, that only applies to non-white poeple.

Man, I get annoyed every time I hear them say things how every black person in America should be out there on the national stage denouncing this, or this, or that.
Now, shouldn't every christian in the world come out and condamn this murder? If they don't all christians obviously support this type of terrorism.

Not all christians are pro-life, and in the article it says that pro-life groups have condemned this.
Not all christians are pro-life, and in the article it says that pro-life groups have condemned this.

Some have. While others are jumping for joy. And I'm sure not every christian supports this just like every muslim doesn't support terrorism, I am making a simple point.

When a black guy kills a cop the black community needs to be outraged. When a muslim bombs something the muslim community needs to be outraged. But when some white christian asshole kills a doctor he's just a bad apple. A bit hypocritical, no?

Regardless of your views on abortion, you must agree that this is horrible. I hope they catch the bastard.
I disagree, if I believed - as a lot of people do, that an 'unborn baby's life was worth as much as a fully grown adult. Then I would regard those who performed abortions as murder's. If I believed someone had killed 100's of people and was going to kill 100's more if he wasn't stopped I would be willing to take the law into my own hands and kill him if necessary. It would be the morally right thing to do.

However, as it happens, I do not believe 'unborn babies' are 'worth' as much as adult human beings so I do not do that. However, those who do truly believe abortion is murder, they are immoral cowards if they do not kill abortion doctors. It's a sad and violent, but necessary consequence of their beliefs.

So I can totally understand why so many people are happy after this man was murdered.
I disagree, if I believed - as a lot of people do, that an 'unborn baby's life was worth as much as a fully grown adult. Then I would regard those who performed abortions as murder's. If I believed someone had killed 100's of people and was going to kill 100's more if he wasn't stopped I would be willing to take the law into my own hands and kill him if necessary. It would be the morally right thing to do.

However, as it happens, I do not believe 'unborn babies' are 'worth' as much as adult human beings so I do not do that. However, those who do truly believe abortion is murder, they are immoral cowards if they do not kill abortion doctors. It's a sad and violent, but necessary consequence of their beliefs.

So I can totally understand why so many people are happy after this man was murdered.

Really? So that whole thing about "thou shall not kill" that is the entire basis for the pro-life movement only applies when they think it should apply?

These people are nothing more than fundamentalist hypocrites, period.
I would be willing to take the law into my own hands and kill him if necessary. It would be the morally right thing to do.
Taking the law into your own hands is not the morally right thing to do.
They are only pro-life until the baby pops out of the vagina. After that **** life.

Now, shouldn't every christian in the world come out and condamn this murder? If they don't all christians obviously support this type of terrorism. Oh never mind, that only applies to non-white poeple.

haha well said,my grandma tried to convince me that it wasn't a christian fundie that did this and and that it was random/about something else then what he does for a living.
pro-life movement only applies when they think it should apply?

These people are nothing more than fundamentalist hypocrites, period.

They could be any religion, though from what I can tell, it's true that most of the outspoken ones seem to be Christians. But I've known a guy who would go to protest rallies and he was atheist.
haha well said,my grandma tried to convince me that i wasn't a christian fundie that did this and and that it was random/about something else then what he does for a living.

I'll take that as a confession. BRB calling the cops to tell them they have the wrong guy.
Abortionist shot dead

oh look, a religious based act of terrorism on american soil. it's definately al qaeda, lets invade iran it has WMD
Really? So that whole thing about "thou shall not kill" that is the entire basis for the pro-life movement only applies when they think it should apply?

These people are nothing more than fundamentalist hypocrites, period.
Not really, throughout the bible, killing is put forward as a morally just action. Many Christians believe the correct interpretation is thou shalt not murder.

Also, believing abortion is murder has no religious connotations, it is possible to believe all human life is sacred without being religious at all. I do not believe this but I think a lot of people do.

Eiejit said:
Taking the law into your own hands is not the morally right thing to do.
Really? What if a law was passed that was totally reprehensible? I don't want to invoke a Nazi analogy here, but you can see where I could go with it.
Also, believing abortion is murder has no religious connotations, it is possible to believe all human life is sacred without being religious at all. I do not believe this but I think a lot of people do.

Scientifically speaking, an embryo and such are not human life. Most of that nonsense comes from religious propaganda.
Shot down for having a ****ing opinion. That's horrible.
Worthy of an eternal life of damnation in hell, but apparently it's a bad thing he was killed.

Note: Don't read the craziness of what I just said and apply it to me.
Scientifically speaking, an embryo and such are not human life. Most of that nonsense comes from religious propaganda.

Scientifically speaking you are full of shit. What you meant to say is philosophically speaking.
I find that the morality of a woman's choice to have an abortion is irrelevant here; there are legitimate medical reasons to have an abortion, and there is no way to determine whether or not this doctor was performing abortions that were solely out of necessity (unless the medical records have been illegally made public).

Not that it'll stop anyone from soapboxing, though.
Shot down for having a ****ing opinion. That's horrible.
An innocent baby who is incapable of speaking an opinion before being cut to pieces is even worse imo.

I don't generally support abortion unless the mother's life is in danger. Why can't she just put it up for adoption or use f**king birth control pills?

Honestly though, it's all better this way for the baby, not knowing what a selfish bitch his/her biological mother is, so I guess it's not all that bad to an extent.

If they do decide to have an abortion, at least don't wait until the third trimester. Do you guys even know the procedure? Even I'm not much for children, but you'd have to have a heart of coal if you can actually watch a video of that shit and and say it doesn't bother you.
Not really, throughout the bible, killing is put forward as a morally just action. Many Christians believe the correct interpretation is thou shalt not murder.

Also, believing abortion is murder has no religious connotations, it is possible to believe all human life is sacred without being religious at all. I do not believe this but I think a lot of people do.

Derived belief vs. detatched belief, belief in sacredness of human life is detatched, correct in saying it doesn't neccessarily have religious connotations but you'd be wrong in saying that it has no religious connotations.

Really? What if a law was passed that was totally reprehensible? I don't want to invoke a Nazi analogy here, but you can see where I could go with it.

There's a fine balance between "The Law as written holds no inherent worth and you should do what you think it really means instead of what is written" and "The Law is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End" and most rational people should be able to find that healthy balance.
An innocent baby who is incapable of speaking an opinion before being cut to pieces is even worse imo.

I don't generally support abortion unless the mother's life is in danger. Why can't she just put it up for adoption or use f**king birth control pills?

Honestly though, it's all better this way for the baby, not knowing what a selfish bitch his/her biological mother is, so I guess it's not all that bad to an extent.

Birth Control pills sometimes fail, Condoms sometimes break, women sometimes get raped, adoption agencies sometimes suck. Not to mention, a lot of women are put under enormous pressure to not give up the baby, in both senses, by society, family etc. Saying that women who have abortions are automatically selfish bitches is kind of an idiot thing to say, and incidentally, an insult to my mother. So, you know, **** you.
Birth Control pills sometimes fail, Condoms sometimes break, women sometimes get raped, adoption agencies sometimes suck. Not to mention, a lot of women are put under enormous pressure to not give up the baby, in both senses, by society, family etc. Saying that women who have abortions are automatically selfish bitches is kind of an idiot thing to say, and incidentally, an insult to my mother. So, you know, **** you.
But, you know, what if that kid was you?

It could've been any of us.
Then I feel confident that my would-be older brother would be here, telling you not to call his mother a selfish bitch.
I can't argue with that. Well, at least you still luv your mum.

EDIT> deleted and prv. msgd for the respect of AJ's privacy. Sorry guys. some things are too hot for other people's viewing pleasure imo. Weirdos.

Why do you all enjoy topics like this on the politics forums anyways? I always regret coming to the politics section and this is no exception. All it does is expose people's skeletons. We'd all would get along much better if we didn't have to know people's opinions all the time. I'd rather just talk about games.

/goes to games and gaming
I can't argue with that. Well, at least you still luv your mum.

EDIT> deleted and prv. msgd for the respect of AJ's privacy. Sorry guys. some things are too hot for other people's viewing pleasure imo. Weirdos.

Why do you all enjoy topics like this on the politics forums anyways? I always regret coming to the politics section and this is no exception. All it does is expose people's skeletons. We'd all would get along much better if we didn't have to know people's opinions all the time. I'd rather just talk about games.

/goes to games and gaming

Politics is serious business. People who do not want to participate here, do not have to participate here.
Politics is serious business. People who do not want to participate here, do not have to participate here.
Want my take on politics? All major world-power politicians should be executed as they are all nothing but schemers out to accomplish their own agenda and brainwash everyone else in the process.

Oops, so much for pro-life. :rolleyes:

I really wish for a libertarian regime where only local laws and traditions matter. This way, everyone is happy.

Not happy about abortions? Move to a county/province where it's accepted!
Pro-abortionist? move somewhere that suits you!

A "respect" the laws of the land type thing that applies to local districts.

EDIT> Waiting for: OMFG! Saturos is a NUTCASE!

btw, sorry about the rant.

Yeah, we've went over this before, the whole, "ghetto's doesn't work" thing, but with nations, we still live in ghettos anyways.

Until people can get along and learn to live with other people's beliefs, this is the only way to settle things temporarily. This is why a nation-less one world regime wouldn't work.
Want my take on politics? All major world-power politicians should be executed as they are all nothing but schemers out to accomplish their own agenda and brainwash everyone else in the process.

That's the easy way out, thinking that every last politician is evil. I used think that way. I don't anymore.

Obviously politicians have their own view and they'll want to express that view and get people to agree with them... for whatever intentions. But that does not mean they suddenly get a politician switch that turns them into an evil machine bent on destruction through politics.
That's the easy way out, thinking that every last politician is evil. I used think that way. I don't anymore.

Obviously politicians have their own view and they'll want to express that view and get people to agree with them... for whatever intentions. But that does not mean they suddenly get a politician switch that turns them into an evil machine bent on destruction through politics.
I can't think of one politician that has actually followed through with anything.

..and any politician that does, either cheated or is a dictator that forces ideas upon people.

When do we give up freedom to unite humankind?

A utopia is impossible. I've resigned to the fact our society is nothing more than a cork floating about in a raging ocean. We have control over nothing. Human's try their best, but always fall just short off the mark.

I have very negative feelings about the future of mankind.

I'm a believer in a shitty dystopian future. Humans will never likely resolve anything and they will likely be the accessory of their own extermination.
But, you know, what if that kid was you?

It could've been any of us.

God I hate that argument.

It's a stupid argument and it fails because if that kid had been me there would be nobody here to contest it

I'll quote Dworkins (Ronald, not the other one) - Life's Dominion: An Argument about Abortion and Euthanasia

Once creatures with interests exist, then it makes sense to say, in retrospect, that certain events would have been against those interests if they had happened in the past. But it doesn't follow that if these events had happened they would have been against anybody's interests when they did.

It's kind of an irrelevant argument with its roots in semantics or rhetoric, really...

bee tee double you Dragonshirt if you're going to be pessimistic about life you're going to die alone and unloved, driving all around you away with your shitty, shitty attitude.

I mean, uh, cheer up.
Abortionist shot dead

The irony.

Lets kill a full grown educated thinking feeling human being who is a benefit of society to protect one discarded ball of undifferentiated cells likely to be born to a woman who seeing as she went to this man, couldn't rear this child adequately.
Abortion in general is fine with me because of the high rate of miscarriages that occur naturally before the normal cutoff point. If an impregnated egg only has about 20% chance to make it to term anyway what's the problem with aborting it during the stages with high miscarriage rates?
As for late abortions they're generally only performed for legitimate medical reasons anyway.

Really? What if a law was passed that was totally reprehensible? I don't want to invoke a Nazi analogy here, but you can see where I could go with it.
You're pretty much still invoking Godwin's anyway. Outside of a dictatorship there are other ways to respond to laws you object to other than vigilanteism. Y'know, like the stuff the non-violent pro-lifers do.
I don't believe thats what he was saying. What robert said was wrong, redguard corrected him.
Nuri said:
Lets kill a full grown educated thinking feeling human being who is a benefit of society to protect one discarded ball of undifferentiated cells likely to be born to a woman who seeing as she went to this man, couldn't rear this child adequately.

It's not over one fetus. He does it every work day.

He is a career fetus killer, therefore he is the work of the devil. :devil:

I guess that's how they see it.
But, you know, what if that kid was you?

What if his mon decided not to **** that night he was conceived? Would that make her a murderer?

My apologies to AJ for that imagery.

Not really, throughout the bible, killing is put forward as a morally just action. Many Christians believe the correct interpretation is thou shalt not murder.

That just shows how hypocritical they are. The ten commandments are just that, commandments. They say things like you can not kill or you can not get fat. What do christians do? Completely ignore the ones they don't like, they'll change kill to murder then say that killing an abortion doctor in cold blood isn't really murder (when the definition of murder is killing illegally). It is out right hypocrisy and it doesn't bother them one bit.