About Nihlanth


Jul 22, 2003
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I was just reading the Nihlanth post and seen a quote from what the nihlanth said. It was something like *We are their slaves*

Then it popped into my mind, what if the Xen aliens were slaves to the Combine? Just a thought...
When VALVe made that back in 97/98 they had no clue what a combine was, nor anything about HL2. But then again, they might have thought of that afterwards. I don't think it has anything to do with HL2, but who knows?
i was thinking he was saying the xen aliens were slaves to the gman

he also says "you are man, he is not man..." does this mean the gman is not human?
hey wait a minute... is Nihlanth talking? where?

sorry that im so misinformed....
Hmm, maybe it's time to play trough HL just one more time before HL2. But then again, hopefully I can afford the gold package and play HL:S. =)
Dsty2001 said:
I was just reading the Nihlanth post and seen a quote from what the nihlanth said. It was something like *We are their slaves*

Then it popped into my mind, what if the Xen aliens were slaves to the Combine? Just a thought...

What is this based on? Where's the evidence?
In fact.. They have the whole story written already. They only have to implement it into games.
I know that the Nehlanith(thlanthlthalnth or however you spell it) says the following in Xen.
Come to Mother.
You are man, he is not man.
Not you alone, not you alone.
Why won't you die?

I wrote this down when I replayed HL last month. Those are the ones I KNOW of, but I don't remember a Slave one. But I might have missed it. There was something else I saw, but it is hard to discribe. In the level just before the Nehlanith... big bad guy there is a big ass crystal and in one part I could have sworn I heard a human voice. But it was too hard to understand, and to faint.
"Come to mother" hmm it doesnt say that

"Why wont you die" doesnt say that either.

But the other 2 are right, its pretty hard to hear the dam thing!
i'm pretty sure he says "i am the last" at some point,
it's what you hear as you approach the big teleporter that teleports you to where nihilanth is, if i remember correctly.
Samon said:
"Come to mother" hmm it doesnt say that

"Why wont you die" doesnt say that either.

But the other 2 are right, its pretty hard to hear the dam thing!

It says "come to mother" when you first enter Xen. You know, where you jump from one platform to another? I am postive about that one.

The "why won't you die" is also what I think he says during the battle, but that one I am not so positive about.

Of course it might be something else. He is pretty hard to understand.
Headrattle said:
It says "come to mother" when you first enter Xen. You know, where you jump from one platform to another? I am postive about that one.

The "why won't you die" is also what I think he says during the battle, but that one I am not so positive about.

Of course it might be something else. He is pretty hard to understand.
nope, that's "comes another", bub.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
nope, that's "comes another", bub.

Ahhhh. Ok, thanks. That makes more sense. Like I said, he is kinda hard to understand.
Ok this thread got me thinking...so I located and extracted everything the Nihlanth says. It says a total of 14 things.

Heres a list of them...

1. Alone not you alone, not you alone.
2. The last you are the last, you are.
3. Come to mother.
4. You are man he is not man, for you he waits, for you.
5. Deceive you, will deceive you.
6. Now die, now die, now.
7. Die you all die you all die
8. Their slaves, we are their slaves we are.
9. Done what have you done.
10. Last I am the last.
11. Freeman.
12. The truth you can never know the truth.
13. Thieves you all are thieves you all are.
14. Win you cannot win.

These quotes are very interesting, definitely makes you think about the HL2 plot some more.
any writer worth his salt creates a world far more elaborate then the one delivered in the story, including possible sequels, and use foreshadowing, so it's entirely possible for HL2 clues to be in HL1.
oh and by the way, some possible corrections to the list above:

1: Either "alone, aren't you alone, aren't you alone" or "alone, want you alone, want you alone"
3: possibly "comes another", cause comes to mother sounds a little to, uh, wierd :)
Kommando said:
Ok this thread got me thinking...so I located and extracted everything the Nihlanth says. It says a total of 14 things.

Heres a list of them...

1. Alone not you alone, not you alone.
2. The last you are the last, you are.
3. Come to mother.
4. You are man he is not man, for you he waits, for you.
5. Deceive you, will deceive you.
6. Now die, now die, now.
7. Die you all die you all die
8. Their slaves, we are their slaves we are.
9. Done what have you done.
10. Last I am the last.
11. Freeman.
12. The truth you can never know the truth.
13. Thieves you all are thieves you all are.
14. Win you cannot win.

These quotes are very interesting, definitely makes you think about the HL2 plot some more.
Thanks man, I didn't find nearly that many.

And I think it is "not you alone" because he is annoyed that you are the one who kills him after all of the otehrs tried.
I've played this for like the 5th time already and on my third playthrough RIGHT WHEN I entered the portal to reach Nihilanth I paused the game and I heard him say something along the lines of "Monster,you are a monster,you are................"
an angel smilie does not constitute a constructive post.

Nihilanth says a lot of things, however you can't understand a word of them without extracting the files and repeating them over and over again for half an hour.

Also, The slaves line I believe was referring to either the Controllers or G-Man, probably not G-Man.
I dont think Nihilanth was the controller of Xen, I think he was a conduit that the Controllers used to extend there influence of the Vortigaunts. He could also teleport things around, although the favoured method seems to be through the 'Manta' things.
i luv mantas :) my favorite vehicle in hl :p
they should give gordon a personel manta in hl3 just for fun .
eber said:
i luv mantas :) my favorite vehicle in hl :p
they should give gordon a personel manta in hl3 just for fun .

Eber will you stop posting, like just for fun.
lol. I never realised that Nahlanth said anything besides groans, I just killed him and got it over with. I knew that the vortigons spoke though, generally just saying 'Kill him' or 'Die'.
Marx! II said:
Where are his speeches put, that I may hear them for myself?

u need GCFScape (just type it in google).

then u go to steamapps\halflife\valve\sound\nihlanth
lol there is no "soundssection" and i see nothing like "nihlanth".
lol there are no sounds at all.
Assuming you have the scapedeal, go to C, Program Files, Steam, steamapps, and follow what Fresco says.
i did this :then u go to steamapps\halflife\valve\sound\nihlanth
but it isnt there.
ugh just a question , but what do i have to do with that program .. i just installed it and its now running but what now ? there are still no sound files in my folders. only half-life mp3 music clips.
Eber, If you don't have HL on your Steam it won't be in steamapps.
Did you guys ever think he dosn't have HL on his computer/ on Steam, I don't.
lol what did i do wrong why are there no sounds ?