about that bink

The shadow of the object on top goes through the other object, thus showing a shadow where it shouldn't.

Cooper - I'm sure there will be more, but a working game is required first.

Chris - I know, but I felt the need :p

Demo - I'm not really sure. I haven't paid any attention to them, considering I'm too busy being dead cause I suck at the game.
It's the shadow of the crain in the vid (not in the screenshot), the round shadow should be cast on the box instead of through it, on the ground.
DarkSonic said:
The shadow of the object on top goes through the other object, thus showing a shadow where it shouldn't.

Thats what i dont undertsand though, what object on top? i cant see anything that would be causing that shadow in the first place? Thats why i'm thinking its a decal...

edit: @SLH, ahh ok, sorry about that, i dont have this video and i wasnt aware there was anything above the crate :(
exoeight said:
not only is it wrong, it's very wrong, shaddows do NOT have hard edges ever that high up. hold out a cup in a room, you might see a shaded area on the ground, you don't see a solid shape.

shadows render wrong in every way possible except where it shows up.

that is pretty bad.

btw, when i say "that high up", i'm speaking of right before the screenshot shown. the shadows look the same when the giant crate thingy is really really high up.

games being able to do that are a long ways off...

BUT; I would have to say remember that halflife2 isnt great for its lighting, its great for everything else. that is all.
You can't say if the shadow problem is there or not.
More then likely its just a high-res version of that section shown in E3. All the binks released seem to have come from older versions of the game.
This is clearly shown by Tenements where the guy is a guy and not a girl as in the latest trailer released.
Ok, now somebody should email somebody :E

or any other solutions ? cause I don't think our discussions will help fixing this problem unless we act quickly and .................
It might be great for its lighting in the future though :) Let's hope so.
Meh, until I see proof in image form from Valve that it is fixed, I believe that it's in the game.
i think that might have been the best bink video yet, so much action and fun, just made me want hl2 even more than before!
of course they will fix that, the video was at e3 and they were reportedly 16 days away from bug fixing complete in like mid july so i think that was seen and fixed
Sure.. the shadow on shadow bug is probobly fixed now..

But i didn't see any shadow by the crane.
Ha thats quite funny, were all bothered by the magnet, but the fact theres no shadow for the actual crane doesnt bother anyone :lol:
Ha thats quite funny, were all bothered by the magnet, but the fact theres no shadow for the actual crane doesnt bother anyone :lol:

Thank you for repeating my post... :|
the crane also didnt have a crane like sound it was a little bit quite for a machine that big
azz0r said:
Time of the month again?
I'm getting complaints about this remark. It's considered as being sexist, look what category it's under in the forum rules... pretty serious. Don't do this again please.
Damn, look at the fanboys running to valves protection yet again.

Its so damn funny i mean, one minute they will be like

"OMGZ teh *insert game here* doesnt have *insert minor feature here*... hl2 pwnz that shiot1111opneoenmsafm"

then a minute later

"who cares if hl2 doesnt have that, its got everything else!121211111onw"!, you *insert game here* fanboy!11111oneoretwo2112"
Dougy said:
Damn, look at the fanboys running to valves protection yet again.

Its so damn funny i mean, one minute they will be like

"OMGZ teh *insert game here* doesnt have *insert minor feature here*... hl2 pwnz that shiot1111opneoenmsafm"

then a minute later

"who cares if hl2 doesnt have that, its got everything else!121211111onw"!, you *insert game here* fanboy!11111oneoretwo2112"

It's easy eh? Pointing fingers and calling people fanboys. You know, you could also try... o I don't know... proving them wrong with arguments that don't make you look like a 5 year old toddler like you do here?
The circular shadow is a problem -- it shows through the container shadow. (If you watch the video, you'll see it moves.)

However, it doesn't bug me enough that I won't enjoy the game.

Someone else was complaining about the shadows being too crisp -- as if you could tell from that distance anyway.
people who cant deal with a "that time of month" cant deal with the real world. simple as that! do they need to be sheltered by mummy?
I find it amusing that some people regard the shadow problem as the reason why the game will be bad. They seem to forget the countless videos we've seen of the engine demonstrating physics, graphics, facial animations, AI, music...etc
Wesisapie said:
people who cant deal with a "that time of month" cant deal with the real world. simple as that! do they need to be sheltered by mummy?

Are you a girl? B/c I don't think Chris'll find this amusing either :-/ (just trying to help ya out, that's all :)).

And yeah, it isn't a "bug," it's the way Valve does their shadows--thus, it will most likely not be fixed-----ever. Unless they're uber cool and can just change their entire shadow system around in a day or something...
Yeah it probably wont be fixed. But its not like i'm really gonna care that much when i'm playing the game.

Other then that little shadow bug i still think the ingame shadows are really cool. Like in CS:S its pretty cool when you're shooting a milk bottle and it pops up into the air and you see its shadow move up and onto the wall and distort.

Its pretty nifty. Reminds me of those kickass shadows they had in Max Payne 2 (But unfortunately they were only applied to player models :()
To me the shadow problem is a problem. There's no denying that it looks out of place especially if everything else is looking great. The fact is, however, that you wouldn't even get that wide open scene with lots of physics, physical objects and little people/aliens running around if Valve didn't cut back on something.
I also find it quite annoying that the issues of shadows keeps on resurfacing and it usually only comes up in heated arguments. You can be negative and positive on the issue but it is one that will not be resolved until the game is out (even if new screenshots came showing the bug fixed, nay sayers will still bring out the old ones as was done with normal mapping and specular mapping).
I didnt like how the antlions came out of nowhere, they just spawned from the distance out of sand laving no clue... maybe its part of the storyline but i thought they could make them arriving seem more real.
oldagerocker said:
I didnt like how the antlions came out of nowhere, they just spawned from the distance out of sand laving no clue... maybe its part of the storyline but i thought they could make them arriving seem more real.
They come out of underground catacombs like ants. Though all we see is a puff of dust. That's the explanation. Or they're like trapdoor spiders that burst out when prey comes near their so called trap.
to have realistic shadows it would take up a lot of cpu cycles. we will relate this to money. lets say you have a thousand dollars in your bank account. doom 3 spends like 300 bucks on shadows while halfl ife 2 spends about 50 dollars on them. sure doom 3's looks a lot better but in the end it doesnt matter at all, the game is still fun as ****(ing?).
They were buried. I wonder if you were on foot if they would wait until you're almost on top of the before coming out...could make for some scary "boo!" moments.
to have realistic shadows it would take up a lot of cpu cycles. we will relate this to money. lets say you have a thousand dollars in your bank account. doom 3 spends like 300 bucks on shadows while halfl ife 2 spends about 50 dollars on them. sure doom 3's looks a lot better but in the end it doesnt matter at all, the game is still fun as ****(ing?).

It's not only doom3 wich has good looking shadows..
SplinterCell2 and Some of my friends DEMO-WORK have realistic (non buggy) shadows in their engines..
splintercell pt has good shadow, if u got nvdia, if u got radeon or anything from ati, scpt shadows look like blocky leggos
ktimekiller said:
splintercell pt has good shadow, if u got nvdia, if u got radeon or anything from ati, scpt shadows look like blocky leggos

actually there are block legos on both. i have 2 machines here with nvidia and ati carsd and both have blocky shadows
actually there are block legos on both. i have 2 machines here with nvidia and ati carsd and both have blocky shadows

That is beacuse the shadows are "PIXEL BLOCKS"..
Hmm, SpliterCell runs on Unreal2 engine no?

BAH! what im trying to say is.. IT SHOULDN'T BE SO HARD to fix those shadow problems in HL2... IF they can program a SUPERB physics engine.. they should be able to fix those minor "buggs"
would you even notice it if you were playing the game and getting shot by combine solders? i wouldnt :P

and they didnt really 'program' the physics engine, uses havok (spelling).
Wraith said:
to have realistic shadows it would take up a lot of cpu cycles. we will relate this to money. lets say you have a thousand dollars in your bank account. doom 3 spends like 300 bucks on shadows while halfl ife 2 spends about 50 dollars on them. sure doom 3's looks a lot better but in the end it doesnt matter at all, the game is still fun as ****(ing?).
The point of this (i agree with it) is that developers still have to cut some areas if they are focusing on other areas. HL2 has to cut back on shadows because of it's large maps, physics, AI, amount of physical objects, other graphical effects like HDR, etc. Doom3 spent a lot of resources on shadows while cutting back on many of these things. All games have to go through the same thing; what do they want to focus on and what will they cut back.
Ahnteis said:
No sharp shadows in real life? What kind of drugs are you on?! This is taken out of my (3rd story) apartment:

OMG yuo hav teh same bug!! I can see the insides of teh carrrz0rrz!!!
Shadows and lighting are Source's weak point. Get over it.