About the helmet

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Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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There has been a sudden surge in the discussion of whether or not Gordon Freeman wears a helmet. This has been discussed to death many times and THERE IS NO ANSWER. Stop assuming your right and let it go.

In the truest sense there it is up to the player. You think he isn't wearing one? Fine, you, the player are Gordon Freeman. If you decide Gordon should not at this point in time wear a helmet he is not wearing one as you decided so. It is called role-playing, forget Opposing Force and all that, it is truly up to you so don't try to force it on other people. Think of it as you think you shouldn't be wearing a helmet so you take it off, or just never put it on in the first place. The HEV suit does come with a helmet, just don't wear it if you don't want to. There may not be an animation for putting on or off the helmet but don't let that stop you, after all, there isn't a button-pushing or door-opening animation either.

Please, no more discussion.
I thought we discussed this years ago...

Are people still arguing?
I thought we discussed this years ago...

Are people still arguing?

Do people still believe that G-man is gordon? That the combine were on Xen? Do people still ask why they get ai_disabled errors? Some things will never change.

Good posted ríomhaire.
And I say here wears it when he fights and does toxic stuff, but takes it off when it talks to people.
Wow, we're still talking about this? It's like the time I came up with a theory that Alyx is actually 11 years old in HL2. D:
Freeman wears a hat u fools..

When you get the suit from kleiner's lab, is there a helmet? SOLVED.
I guess Gordon have Black hands with orange knuckles.

Anyways can we stop discussing this, lock this topic please.
And I say here wears it when he fights and does toxic stuff, but takes it off when it talks to people.

But I have been here.. for what, less than a month, and already I have seen too many discussions. perfectly good Alyx or combine or zombies or.. even something COMPLETELY different that didnt even have to do with Gordon ended up like this: How could he survive?
And then the helmet crap starts. Oh wait.. something is happening on Dead Rising! I will continue my rant later.
Can Samon & any moderator close this topic, Please :p.

-Kamakazi blitz
The HEV suit was updated to mark 5 before the events Half-life 2.
The gloves are tucked into the sleeves of the suit (as it's a one-piece). SOLVED.
Congratulations, you both miss the f*cking point! Both of this thread and of this post. Clearly some people just have a need to argue this. Lock please.
Good explanation. What happens if Valve answers the question?
Congratulations, you both miss the f*cking point! Both of this thread and of this post. Clearly some people just have a need to argue this. Lock please.

Clearly you created a pointless thread to state something that is even more pointless.

Lock NOW!
Freeman wears a hat u fools..


Lol, just look at your avatar - I can't see any hemet or "hat" as you call it :cheese:

Anyway, yes this seems like a rather pointless thread :rolling:
Lol, just look at your avatar - I can't see any hemet or "hat" as you call it :cheese:

Anyway, yes this seems like a rather pointless thread :rolling:

Guess what? You didn't get the joke! :D
Who cares if Gordon does or does not wear a helmet, does it matter.

lock now
Last post:

Why Freeman posseses (note: POSSESES, not WEARS) a helmet and uses it? Because without it, he wouldn't survive the Citadel's Core.

End of subject.
That is not the definitive answer. Gordon wears a helmet when you believe him to. In the citadel core is an example. Other environments he may not. It may be detachable, or part of the suit, we don't know. Lets not take games too seriously, they exist to extend our disbelief and give us our enjoyment. It's just a ride!
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