about the playtime of hl2


Aug 1, 2003
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ok in this thread...



Sorry guys i have deleted the LINK to the Thread i dont want you to see it anymore :).

but anyway...

Anyways it shows 13 chapters

what my question is how many chapters were in Half life?

because 13 doesn't sound alot to me i dont know why. So i was wondering how many chapters were in half life. because i know half life was Very long game hehe :D
commando said:
because 13 doesn't sound alot to me i dont know why. So i was wondering how many chapters were in half life. because i know half life was Very long game hehe :D

No it wasn't. I think I beat it in 10-12 hours max the first time I played it. Hardly a long game by todays standards. And I don't play games quickly. I'm going to take atleast 30 hours to beat Doom 3.
well when it first came out it seemed a nice long great enjoyable game. i mean half life was a perfect length of playtime of what a lengh of a game should be.

But how many chapters were in HALF LIFE??

cause there are 13 in hl2 from the stoopid thread showing the names that i wont show you.

i think the thread has been canselled thank god. but i was wondering if 13 was alot?
commando said:
well when it first came out it seemed a nice long great enjoyable game. i mean half life was a perfect length of playtime of what a lengh of a game should be.

But how many chapters were in HALF LIFE??

cause there are 13 in hl2 from the stoopid thread showing the names that i wont show you.

i think the thread has been canselled thank god. but i was wondering if 13 was alot?

There is no way to say one way or the other. A chapter might be 10 minutes long or it might be 10 hours long. It really can't tell you anything about the game length without further info.
ok but my question still is and was...

how mayn chapters was in half life??? please someone?
Neutrino said:
There is no way to say one way or the other. A chapter might be 10 minutes long or it might be 10 hours long. It really can't tell you anything about the game length without further info.

Luckily, further info already exists. :)
Valve said the average time for each chapter is between 3 and 4 hours.
There were 17 in hl. But I'm pretty sure hl2's chapters will be really long. :p
who knows....

Lets hope valve get it right this time and release the game...
Awesome, I think it will be 12 hours per chapter for us because we'll be so preocupied with picking up soda cans that we won't care about that combine soldier tryin to make us swiss cheese.
MetEoRA said:
There were 17 in hl. But I'm pretty sure hl2's chapters will be really long. :p

Yeah, some HL1 chapters were fairly short. The short time before the accident was a full chapter, as were the battles with Gonarch and Nihilanth.
Mechagodzilla said:
Luckily, further info already exists. :)
Valve said the average time for each chapter is between 3 and 4 hours.

DUUUUDE if this is true i will personally kiss u... wait i mean gabe...wait i mean...ok i will stop.

wow if it is 3-4hours a chapter that would be..

ok 3X12 is 36hrs around
ok 4X12 is 48hrs around

wow loooong game :D
if he can write he must be atleast 6 and he joint this forum last year so i guess maybe 7
Irs2k3 said:
how old are you commando?

is that a joke?

i do know my times table man lol i didn't get an A for maths for nothing i was just showing lol.

also i wanted to know how many chapters were in half life because of the amount in half life 2! i know this game is going to be very long and i sooo cant wait for it.

if you are ready to start a flame war with me then please dont.

if i am mistaked and u dont want to start a flame war with me and just asking my age to wonder something well that is strange and i am sorry.

18 just done my second year in collage. 19 in december

how old are you?
Tropico said:
if he can write he must be atleast 6 and he joint this forum last year so i guess maybe 7

im 18/ 19 in december.

how old are you? 12? 13?

im not dumb. done my second year in collage got great grades. so why be out of order to me? i didn't deserve that? i didn't say anything bad to no one?
Just kidding take it easy.
On topic i will take about 100 hours.
I really take my time in games looking at every detail talking to every npc im sure i will take 2 or 3 hours just finding new ways to irritate the combines maybe asking how old they are that seems to work just fine :)
asking how old i mean was such a dumb question in this forum! why diss me? i dont know what i did or say wrong to any of you? i bet im older then you two who asked me how old i was anyway lol.

but hey still was out of order to have ago at me for no reason?

man i am going to spend SOO much time on this game! i cant wait!

yea Tropico! im going to do the same as u
HL took me about 7 hours straight playing on Normal. I saw in an interview with Gabe Newell at E3 that Hl2 would be about the same length as HL1.
commando said:
im 18/ 19 in december.

how old are you? 12? 13?

im not dumb. done my second year in collage got great grades. so why be out of order to me? i didn't deserve that? i didn't say anything bad to no one?

I thought it was spelled "college"... nuts, I've been wrong all along. :upstare:
commando said:
asking how old i mean was such a dumb question in this forum! why diss me? i dont know what i did or say wrong to any of you? i bet im older then you two who asked me how old i was anyway lol.

but hey still was out of order to have ago at me for no reason?

man i am going to spend SOO much time on this game! i cant wait!

yea Tropico! im going to do the same as u

Well, I think he asked the question mainly because your first language is english, and no offense, but if you're 18-19 years old and live in London it isn't so common to use your grammar or terms like "lol".
MetEoRA said:
I thought it was spelled "college"... nuts, I've been wrong all along. :upstare:

Yup the future of the world scares me when I visit forums. Im 39 so I really feel for you 20 somethings.... :)
Well not everyone cares about their grammar when they're visiting forums on the internet. It doesn't mean they're unintelligent.
Aknot said:
Yup the future of the world scares me when I visit forums. Im 39 so I really feel for you 20 somethings.... :)

Hey man, don't feel sorry for me. It just makes me look all the more educated (I'm 23).
FoB_Ed said:
Well not everyone cares about their grammar when they're visiting forums on the internet. It doesn't mean they're unintelligent.

Well theres a little "truth" to that also. When/where does it end? You know the part about not caring?

Just because you sit behind a computer screen does not mean you should disregard anything and everything you have learned about human interaction.

Its going to "catch-up" to us as a "species". Im not paranoid because I know I wont see it and a lot of you will not either. Trust me though it will happen.
kaellinn18 said:
Hey man, don't feel sorry for me. It just makes me look all the more educated (I'm 23).

Yeah but by the time you are "old" these "kids" will be taking care of you..... Me I will probably be dead or to old to care.

These kids won't be taking care of me. My kids will, though, and I plan to raise them with the ability to speak fully comprehensible English. :)
kaellinn18 said:
These kids won't be taking care of me. My kids will, though, and I plan to raise them with the ability to speak fully comprehensible English. :)

WTF u b chirping? Man that just hurts to read...... :)

Good for you! I have mine (6yrs) yes and no siring (maming) and "pardon me" when he does not understand something instead of the .... huh?

ooo getting a little off topic...

32 Hours!!
commando said:
im 18/ 19 in december.

how old are you? 12? 13?

im not dumb. done my second year in collage got great grades. so why be out of order to me? i didn't deserve that? i didn't say anything bad to no one?

I believe they were wondering due to the fact that you seem a little...how to say...kid-like. I mean, your posts just read like your some young and hyper little kid that is beggin his mom for that huge lolly pop over there.

I'm not flaming at all; just trying to tell you what I see and what they most likely see as well :).
Since I take a while, it'l probably take me 40 hours if the standard average is 36.
heh heh
i way younger then u guys.......

y dont u just email gabe
that would be a bit easier.....
Lalalal 50 hours... im going to pick my ass while playing HL2. :rolling:
in the gameplay movies, when gordon's suit has power and hes being shot at, sometimes his health goes down a little, and the only part on his body where his suit doesnt cover is his head.........
could we please keep to topic and not nit pick about ages lol.

also someone had a go at my grammer because i said "LOL" instead of laughing out loud.

well can i say that i see "ROFL" "LMAO" "LOL" "K" "OMG" "TBH"

on here all the time but i dont mind! all those above are short for saying two to three words! Come one i mean i think my NAN says "LOL" online as well !Laughing Out Loud!
commando said:
could we please keep to topic and not nit pick about ages lol.

also someone had a go at my grammer because i said "LOL" instead of laughing out loud.

well can i say that i see "ROFL" "LMAO" "LOL" "K" "OMG" "TBH"

on here all the time but i dont mind! all those above are short for saying two to three words! Come one i mean i think my NAN says "LOL" online as well !Laughing Out Loud!

Nobody complains on a "loller" because he dosn't say Laughing out loud, it's because everyone hates lol.