Accidentally using secondary fire...


Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
...on the machine gun trying to pick something up and blowing yourself to sh1t after thoroughly 'abusing' the grav gun deprecciation thread

phucks me off! but always makes me laugh like.. "oh, I'll just pull this bathtub towards..*KABLOOOIEEEE*

"nads" :cheese:
Well It's even funnier when you play HL2 Deathmatch with your friend. Just messing around. And you hit secondary fire. Oops. Well it pretty pissed off my friend when I killed him like that :E
Hehe, I know what you mean. Last night, I played HL2SP, where Alyx was talking to Eli. I was listening fascinated, and had my hand on the mouse. Then I accidentally clicked secondary fire and blew myself up. How embarassing, that must have looked funny from Alyx's view, some mute nerd just standing there staring at you, next second he blows himself to pieces :LOL:
PvtRyan said:
Hehe, I know what you mean. Last night, I played HL2SP, where Alyx was talking to Eli. I was listening fascinated, and had my hand on the mouse. Then I accidentally clicked secondary fire and blew myself up. How embarassing, that must have looked funny from Alyx's view, some mute nerd just standing there staring at you, next second he blows himself to pieces :LOL:
Yes, that happens alot to most :D

:LOL: I thought I was the only one!

In one instance I scared the s**t out of myself - I was carefully making my way through Ravenholm & I thought secondary fire (Mouse 2) was the 'walk' button (I know why, I use the second mouse button to walk in CS). Not a good idea when your using the rifle loaded with nades! BOOM! I keep doing this as well.
every time it happens I'm like "ok dickhead let's remember not to do that any more" never makes a difference - it's always when I'm doing something very carefully like sandtraps or something :dozey:
PvtRyan said:
Hehe, I know what you mean. Last night, I played HL2SP, where Alyx was talking to Eli. I was listening fascinated, and had my hand on the mouse. Then I accidentally clicked secondary fire and blew myself up. How embarassing, that must have looked funny from Alyx's view, some mute nerd just standing there staring at you, next second he blows himself to pieces :LOL:

Can you promise to never, ever, operate on anyone?
In particular their brain.

(explosives and large cutting wheels etc are, of course, excused)