Acid test

  • Thread starter Thread starter [WTF?]EvileDick
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Last friday night I did a naughty thing:-

I got some MP3s of Bing Crosby, I cropped one of them to 31Mb and replicated another copy of the file to make up 433mb. I then used a text file editor to search and replace any occurrence of any number to "@", and renamed the smaller file to identically match _the_ source code file, and the larger file I renamed to suggest it was a Beta of a certain game. I then uploaded these to files to Kazaa, Overnet and Bittorrent.

I would just like to thank the 18347+ (I don't know how many got them off bittorrent) people who have logged int my network to download my Corrupted Bing Cosby MP3s. I'm sure if Bing were around today he'd really be happy with the popularity of his music. Or he would be if I hadn't screwed the files so badly you can't even open them.

If you did get a copy, I really hope you enjoyed them, and I'd just like to say you are nasty underhand thief. You were so lucky I'm a nice person who wouldn't think of putting a virus or trojan into those files..... or would I?
ROFL hope you wasted a lot of peoples time downloading that stuff!

Oh man!!! I thought we were all going to gather at the Filimore theater in San Fran for some out of body experiences. /sigh
Darwood: if you remeber that, oh man that makes you almost as old as me! What are we doing here!
I compressed 1.3GBs of gay porn and threw it on the internet as the beta for a certain game as well. Just don't ask me where I got 1.3GBs of gay porn...
well after Valve asked for help, I thought 'humm I don't know who might be involved, but I know how to slow the cancer', great minds think alike.

Oh BTW I mirrored your pron, there's some _nasty_ stuff in there, some of it might even be illegal in certain countries. :0
Heh, I'm not quite old enough to remember it first hand but I am old enough to have seen my share of Dead shows :). Consequently, and to answer your question, I have no idea what I'm doing here.
My next masterpiece will include beastiality and necrophilia, just some goodies I have laying around in my harddrive.
Make a 1.4 gig file which consists purely out of virii, spyware and trojans. You would have so much virii they would be battling eachother :D
Originally posted by iamironsam
My next masterpiece will include beastiality and necrophilia, just some goodies I have laying around in my harddrive.

:eek: :x No!!! they like it! Give them Barney the purple dinosaur!:cheese:
Darwood, just goes to show how good Half life is if HL2 appeals to such an age range from crusty old dead-heads to pree teen 7eet d3wds :)

Sam, just don't use kiddy pron, I don't fancy doing a Pete Townshend :)

/edit, if you put barney in it, I will not be responsible for my actions, capish?
why 1.4gig? isn't the real file 700mb or something? you should make the same size as the original :p
*LOL* iamironsam... that necrophilia thing is just so neat... I'd like to hear how many people downloaded that stuff...!
Do I care? no, I don't think so. :)

A:- All I wanted was some random data of the right size, I doubt there is a player in the world that could re-constitute those files.

B: The RIAA has no juristiction where I live. So I expose my arse to them with impunity.
I have had three or 4 people ask me what the HL2 videos were on DC. I spliced all the hires ones together.
Normally I would say that you were an idiot, but in this case the means really are justified. good job man!

I think I'll just get some useless crap myself, and upload it as hl2-leak.rar or something. My upload bandwidth ir worth sacrificing if it means that less people get the leaked HL2 :P
I'll throw together a .rar with some man-on-dead-male-dog action, but I draw the line at kiddy porn. You gotta be really sick in the head to get your kicks off that stuff!