Activision: DOOM III = "April 15"

This will hurt Valve if Doom releases before Half-Life.
synth said:
This will hurt Valve if Doom releases before Half-Life.

Hard to tell, but I don't think so. Both games are highly anticipated and I think The amount of sales for each game will be quite close to each other, but that reamins to be seen which is the better game! :O
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
yes its personally me, I called up activision :laugh:

I would have never seen it if you hadn't of posted it, so I place the blame soley upon your shoulders if it doesn't come out by then.
Pressure said:
I would have never seen it if you hadn't of posted it, so I place the blame soley upon your shoulders if it doesn't come out by then.

meh, as long as you dont ip track me and murder me like some sick net stalker freak its cool :cheese:
synth said:
This will hurt Valve if Doom releases before Half-Life.

No it won't. People will still buy HL2, regardless of whether or not they've bought Doom3.
PiMuRho said:
No it won't. People will still buy HL2, regardless of whether or not they've bought Doom3.

Couldent have said it better myself

It gets annoying with people saying that one or the other will bomb.... thats freaking impossible the impact both have had upon the community and growth of the industry would make it impossible for both of them not be be hits... and even if one is released partiallity flawed things will be done.. and they will both largely effect the fps industry and sell and see large/large comunities... folks the cs guys are about to do a 360 and realize HOLY SH%* with my gfx card I can actually play these games that are better and more fun so therefore a near revolutionary attitude in gameing will develope for pc gameing... based on these new dx9 based shooters comeing out ... call me an optomist but CRYTEK, UNREAL TECH, SOURCE, STALKER, DOOMIII engine... and many more will see the giant communities predicted... and its because of this realizeation that cs isint exactly the best they can get out of there pc's :D so console/pc gamers will stop throwing time away and play all these amazeing games... The only hard part is decideing (personally) which community to get the most involved in and how to budget my time modding/playing/playing mods :imu:
no... i dont think it will hurt sales much. since hl2 is set for a summer release now (dammit!) i think that there is enough time btw doom 3 and hl2 to let us play one, own it, then play the other. but i really would like hl2 more cause it could mean CS2 and DOD2...possibly...hopefully??

btw anyone waiting for ut2004?? i didnt buy ut2003 a couple months ago because of ut2004.

EDIT: If you are lyin babyheadcrab.... i WILL find you. my school is waiting for someone to release a date for this game so we can play it... AT SCHOOL!!! what school do you knwo that will let you play games!! and it is a high school!
I'm not getting my hopes up, because last time I did that about something I got ****ed at the very end...not in the good way...
Camon_Draconis, I know tons of such schools that lets you play games, jesus, not exactly rare.

I got this 3000 USD laptop for free from my high-school ffs :D

The ones in the 9th grade have the big gaming comps.
Hmmm. With DooM 3 possible coming April 15th, I don't think I will be buys Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow. I was hopefully waiting for July, the month of my birthday.
That link doesn't work for me for some wierd reason...
Zakat said:
Camon_Draconis, I know tons of such schools that lets you play games, jesus, not exactly rare.

I got this 3000 USD laptop for free from my high-school ffs :D

The ones in the 9th grade have the big gaming comps.

Are you from california.... cause
Well with doom 3 coming out 4/15 and hl2 coming out uhmmhmh, people might forget about about hl2, not everyone can afford both. If it came down to a decision of hl2 or doom3 they would pick doom3 because it came out first. I will be buying probably both but definitly will be buying hl2 no matter what.
I don't think it will hurt valve that much.

I expect that once HL2 is out word of mouth of how good it is will spread over the net and everyone will buy it.

And anyway, at least one new game is coming out soon! :)
valve has steam, iD don't. steam will account for a lot more sales than you'd think. not all gamers are in the US.