CoD: Black Ops Launch To Be Activision's Biggest

It looks okay, the unusual weaponry is interesting at least, but it's definitely a Treyarch CoD. The feel of it just looks different, a bit cheaper, not as smooth or punchy. And hey, if there's one thing MW2 needed, it was more annoying and unavoidable killstreaks! :rolleyes:

Loving all these comments about how similar it is to MW2. The maps are different, the weapons are different, the killstreaks are different, but the core gameplay still appears to be more or less the same in an established franchise so RAAAAAAAAGE.

Hey guys, guess what?

Starcraft II is innovative as ****.
Are we allowed to have the sub-sub-genre of "pop games" yet? I feel like we're at the tipping point where the mainstream reaches critical mass and loses any semblance of innovation and real risk.
Oh dear, the multiplayer looked awful, I thought with Treyarch we were going to get a much more toned down version of the scene like with World at War that me and my friends enjoyed a lot. The remote controlled car made me facepalm, and whats the deal with the sniper pulling off a kill that required skill and then just getting hit in the face with a missile? Yeah that is brilliant that is...

I'll likely rent it from somewhere so I can try the single player out, because even though MW2's MP got boring very quickly, I did have a lot of fun on its SP. But I don't care if it has 'dynamic' maps or different weapons, from what I saw on that video, it is basically MW2, silly over the top intensity with ****tard killstreaks. The killstreaks in MW1 (apart from that annoying chopper) were a decent addition, now they are just a joke, I surprised they aren't bringing a killstreak that allows you to unleash an army of rabid monkeys that run around the map raping people to death, or some ability of merely looking at another player and causing instant death.

Although the MoH multiplayer looked even worse...
Well Krynn put this to rest. Damn me for holding back innovation and bringing us to the Dark Age of video games!

ooh, whoops, that game looks like tons of fun, which I will have tons of fun playing. Could you please eat your bullshit directly from your asshole so we can stop smelling it?

How dare he elaborate on his feelings after you literally ask for it.
From what I saw in that video, they took MW2 and changed the killstreaks...and thats about it...

And dear god if youve seen the SP gameplay when they're in the helicopter firing down on the river banks, just looks TERRIBLE.

You can see they're running out of ideas already, and Activision will expect a new CoD every year. Haha, CoD 4 was it's peak innovatively. Now its all old news, played it all before etc.

I really wish CoD would go away now. I love FPS games, but this is just beyond passionate and has become nothing but money-hoarding.
hey guys its back! the rumour that will not die!

personally i can see premium options coming in yes but actual paid for mp access? no

I'd be surprised if they did this with Black Ops, as I expected them to go this route with a future COD title. And this would contradict Josh Olin, though I also remember what happened last year. Remember when IW's community manager claimed that Multiplayer for Modern Warfare 2 would be the same as the first one, but about a month later we learned that the multiplayer on the PC would drop dedicated servers and be replaced with Matchmaking?
I can see CoD getting a mp access payment scheme.

Even if its a small amount like $4.99 for a month, call it 12 million sales times 4.99 a month, a potentially vast amount of money per month.

Activision will seriously consider this. Watch this space.
I can see CoD getting a mp access payment scheme.

Even if its a small amount like $4.99 for a month, call it 12 million sales times 4.99 a month, a potentially vast amount of money per month.

Activision will seriously consider this. Watch this space.

Actually I've been thinking that they'll go down a similar route as Quake Live, by offering a basic service that is free and a Premium Service that will have a monthly cost. The Premium package could have some extra maps, weapons, and skins/models for $5-$6 a month, maybe more. Sledgehammer recently "tweeted" a little about the new COD title that they are working on, and I wouldn't be surprised if a Premium package for MP was done for this COD title, assuming it's not an MMO of some kind.
I could see activision going for a premium service aswell ala PS+ but not paid for access ala xbox live

activision may be evil but they aren't stupid...kinda
You cant really blame them for doing it though. We will shake our fists at them, but you just KNOW you'll pay for it.

I think the success of MW2 and CoD4 (maybe 5 as well?) has people hooked. CoD has become an FPS form of heroine. Those guys that play nothing else all year but CoD MP, and they are out there, will pay whatever Activision say to keep playing, or for a premium service that lets them show off equipment or upgrades that nobody else has.

I can a premium service for sure. If they're going to milk CoD, which we know they are, they might as well get as much out of it as possible. And the only reason is us, the gamers.

I bitched and moaned about MW2, but ***t, I still bought it, because I love FPS games. It was only afterward that I realised just how obvious it was that they were focusing on the MP side and dragging the SP along, and how much Activision must burn.

Preferably in a pile of their net income.
And speaking of launch, here's the Collector's edition of Black Ops:

And it looks like there will be no PC CE release this time around. Being a PC Gamer I myself have no current plans on getting the game (I'm just too burnt out on Modern Warfare games. Enough is enough already.), but I know plenty of PC Gamers will want to get Black Ops. Why deny them the Prestige edition. Why are Activision giving PC Gamers the back seat treatment?
Black Ops is modern?

RC Car w/camera. BOUGHT.

I bet the pc version gets none of that stuff. D:
its maybe slightly better than NVG at least :laugh:

altho in the uk its now £10 dearer than last year :|
tho hardened is £5 cheaper :)
"Black Ops limited edition medal, exclusive Black Ops Avatar outfit and a remote control car with in-built camera"

thats really really sad - Who buys this sort of junk? Miltary drop outs/rejects?
Call of Duty: More of the same, gimmicky shit

Thanks for killing innovation. You causal gaming assholes.
Running around slowly - check
Slowing down even more when spotting a bad guy to aim - check
Hoping your bullet spam kills him before his spam gets you - check
Celebrating nearly everything that's lame about online fps - check

Should sell well :P
looks cool in that classic modern-COD way: immersive first person sequence, sweet scripted playable action part, adrenaline rush-like escape combined with fancy new weapons and locales. for that, good.

everything else? well, it's classic modern-COD, so likely to be lackluster. i'll make an effort to rent or borrow this, but it's unlikely i'll buy.

Maaan, this is such a cool idea for a new set of game modes, but why does the game itself have to look so... average. What's the point of having such ridiculous weapons when it's never going to take more than a few hits to die anyway. :|

God I already hate the ballistic knives. Seriously, who at Treyarch looked at MW2 and thought "durr the knives need longer range!" **** off.
I don't get how people can get excited by that vid. Every kill is someone shooting someone in the back or side. Every kill is spamming bullets - there's no precision. Bah humbug.
^ So classic CoD then?

It always seems too, I dunno, fast. Everything seems so unrealistic in CoD these days, even the graphics look a bit naff in places making Farcry 2 look better.
^ So classic CoD then?
Uhh, wrong. CoD 1 and 2 were all about accuracy, there was basically no "spray and pray" (prey?) because recoil was much more pronounced and most guns were bolt action, semi-auto or had small clips.

Except the PPSh-41. **** that gun.

no commando, no OMA, no stopping power or juggernaut and there is now some recoil? yeait shouldnt be hard to beat MW2

Looks like you have to replace your primary to use it, heh. Like commando/marathon spammers ever used anything else.

Oh, and if you look at where he's switching through classes there's a red perk called "hardened" with a bullet for the icon. Could be stopping power, or worse, juggernaut. :|
well i guess there will be less people using it if it is a primary weapon now =/

didnt notice the hrdened thing, that could be bad :|
Im surprised that if those perks were so annoying in MW2 that they didnt just patch them.

Then again, its only annoying until you start doing the same thing I guess.
Uhh, wrong. CoD 1 and 2 were all about accuracy, there was basically no "spray and pray" (prey?) because recoil was much more pronounced and most guns were bolt action, semi-auto or had small clips.

Except the PPSh-41. **** that gun.


Looks like you have to replace your primary to use it, heh. Like commando/marathon spammers ever used anything else.

Oh, and if you look at where he's switching through classes there's a red perk called "hardened" with a bullet for the icon. Could be stopping power, or worse, juggernaut. :|

The Commando could also be an abbreviation for the SIG 552 Commando...
