CoD: Black Ops Launch To Be Activision's Biggest

I still don't know what he means by 'next operation flashpoint'.
Can someone elaborate to me why the Call of Duty series receives so much hatred? The only legitimate complaint I have ever heard is "It's a lot like a bunch of existing shooters!" OH NO :|

I'm excited for Black Ops and very much enjoyed the last three installments of an excellent game franchise. What's the big deal?
It's just the posterchild for generic shooters that sell like hotcakes without ever fundamentally changing. Same deal with Halo. They're really not bad games, but they're just mediocre enough that people can launch into tirades of hate because they happen to be popular.

Because, you know, guiding your behaviour based on what other people like is just silly. ;)
Can someone elaborate to me why the Call of Duty series receives so much hatred? The only legitimate complaint I have ever heard is "It's a lot like a bunch of existing shooters!" OH NO :|

I'm excited for Black Ops and very much enjoyed the last three installments of an excellent game franchise. What's the big deal?

Do a search for my posts on the subject. I've detailed why I hate the franchise so much several times. I should probably just make a list in wordpad and save it on my desktop, because apparently you're all still clueless as to why it deserves hatred.

Yes, the game is mediocre. No, that's not why I hate it. Yes, its really popular. No, that's not why I hate it. The reason why I do hate it, however, is caused by the magnitude of its popularity.
kinda like why i hate avatar so much :P

But you all hate MW2, don't you want to see it dethroned?

not by a game that looks even worse :|

What I don't understand is, if people really hate this game/get incredibly frustrated, why are they still playing it? Got in a game today with 3 guys who claimed to absolutely hate MW2, yet they played it for hours...

i dont get it either, i know people like that too. I think its cos they dont know any other fps to play or something =/
Yeah, next time I'll search outside of a thread with tons of exaggerated and unexplained hatred, because that's on me. Forgot.
Do a search for my posts on the subject. I've detailed why I hate the franchise so much several times. I should probably just make a list in wordpad and save it on my desktop, because apparently you're all still clueless as to why it deserves hatred.

Yes, the game is mediocre. No, that's not why I hate it. Yes, its really popular. No, that's not why I hate it. The reason why I do hate it, however, is caused by the magnitude of its popularity.
You mean this?

Pretty well reasoned argument, bro.

Tell me if I'm missing the part about the "magnitude of its popularity." I did a full sweep of every relevant thread here:

Edit: Oh, not sure if that search link will work, it's just Krynn's posts in Gaming, keywords "call of duty." I guess I could've also searched Modern Warfare or MW2 or whatever else, but... **** it.
That post is more about the game itself being bad.

EDIT: I'll just quote it.

but you HATE people that liked Modern Warfare? Really?

Perhaps "hate" is a slightly too strong of a word for it. I think, to say I am supremely angry at them would be more accurate. Look, the Call of Duty franchise does absolutely nothing to improve video games. It has the same standard of quality as games had 10 years ago. It has made no non-superficial improvements to its formula in seven ****ing years. The very fact that it is one of the highest selling games ever means that it is holding the industry back in the last decade. Developer (or publishers more typically) see its success as a shining beacon of green, and they will not break from that formula until some other game randomly becomes a smash hit. All you ****ers who like Modern Warfare but bemoan the state of FPS games these days due to them all being the same should smash your hands with a hammer.

Its your god damn fault publishers aren't improving their games. All they have to do is throw in some Michael Bay explosions and give stereotypical personalities to their shitty characters in their obnoxiously absurd plot and these ****ing modern gamers buy the shit out of it saying its the best thing they've ever seen in a game. It pisses me off that good developers can't make new and actually good games because their publishers want another "smashing success" Modern Warfare clone. When someone does do a unique and cool game people hate it because of some stupid ass reason, and it sells like shit. Mirrors Edge, for instance, or Mount & Blade, or Metro 2033 (ok, people actually like this game, but it hasn't sold that well) etc. Modern gamers are telling publishers and developers that they'd prefer Modern Warfare's generic piece of shit, decade-old gameplay to these games that actually innovate.

Plus you're giving money to Activision. So scratch that "supremely angry" bullshit, I do hate you all![/QUOTE]

Krynn72 said:
Well first off, you completely missed my point, which was that the success of the game is hindering innovation. My argument (which you incorrectly summarize) isn't that the game doesn't advance innovation, but that it hinders it. And secondly, to say Half Life 2 didn't have anything innovative in it, blows my mind frankly. Combine that with the fact that you can't remember setting claymores or driving vehicles (guess what! Snow mobile chases are vehicle chases! Theres nothing different about it except the graphics of it!) in games from a decade ago only exemplify my point. I remember setting claymores in Spec Ops: Rangers Lead the Way, a game from 1998, and also in a little game called Half-life, and also in GoldenEye, and also in dozens of other games.

I don't see how Tiger Woods PGA helps your argument in any way either. Its the same with Madden. We havent had an innovative Football game in years because of it. The biggest innovation in football games in the last decade is coming from a game called Backbreaker. Its going to sell like shit because its not Madden. Thats modern gamer logic. Same reason why innovative FPS games don't sell, because they're not Call of Duty. If they are Call of Duty (Killzone, Medal of Honor) then they will sell.

So my argument is that games like these (COD, Madden, Tiger Woods) hinder innovation because modern gamers are ****ing idiots who wouldn't know a good game when they see it. Thus, publishers will keep rehashing old gameplay and delve the industry into a stagnation of mediocrity.

And please tell me you're not pissing on Mirror's Edge for having the "Runners" concept while defending Modern Warfare's story. I will ****ing stab you.
My bad, only skimmed that thread since I don't typically take much of an interest in those "list your favourite x" threads.

But yeah, I agree with pretty much all of that. It just bothers me when people fail to make a distinction between the success of a franchise and the games themselves. You obviously really disliked MW2, and that's fine, but so many people seem to think that being popular makes a mediocre game into a bad one, when really they're two separate issues. Sure, the success of a franchise can influence it's direction to a degree, but using that same success to influence your opinion is hardly fair either.

But hey, that's my problem, if people wanna hate then that's their prerogative. What really irks me is why this is still such a hot topic around here when all the fans of these games have long since been shouted down. You guys are just preaching to the choir now, and it's getting kind of obnoxious (Kotick still deserves it, though :P).

I still don't know what he means by 'next operation flashpoint'.
So I literally just read this, but -

Yeah, sounds a bit like they're going there.
Cool, looking forward to it. Activision is dumping more money than any company has ever fathomed risking on interactive media. These products are, for the sheer sake of allowed budget and production, often powerful to witness or experience. Treyarch has rapidly expanded into a fathomable developer, in a way, I hope AB merges them (without major losses) with Raven, and they all HQ in Madison, WI.

If you don't like Michael Bay, you don't pay to see the latest Transformers.

If you don't like Bobby Kotick and his merry men, don't buy the latest Call of Duty.

It's really quite simple. Despite what you might constantly have shoved down your throat at x, y, z prestigious educational system: commerce and consumerism still drive modern media markets. There's venues for non-garbage and you know what they are. Just because gaming has begun to see it's "Da Vinci Code" / "Lost" / "Transformers" doesn't mean their aren't (even some majorly funded) innovative project(s) to look forward to. You needn't look further than ****ing clicking your Steam button and checking our the indie tab, or hell, even buying a medium-intelligent game like "Singularity"--which at least breaks the monotony a bit. I'm disappointed that a group of people I consider intelligent still produce this sort of thread, and incite all the boiling bandwagon nerdrage on Kotick and ActiBlizz, anger which history will prove improperly directed at this duo, as communities portray them as an all-consuming dominant evil. They're an easy scapegoat. Dropping a line of BK/ActiBlizz hate is becoming a way of dodging underlying and genuinely fascinating and debatable issues, the sentiment projected is generally pretty misguided, uninformed and downright stupid sounding.

Pop-culture isn't just going to go away because enthusiasts consider media products inferior and "dumbed down". I mean, I don't see Bieber somberly lowering his microphone or Shamalam sobbingly admitting he is a soulless and sniveling nitwit incapable of even sub-intelligent thought or expression because the IMDB threads and internet movie community throws a fit every time a major studio green-lights one of their productions. Come on.

A lot of you really do just sound like a bunch of whining, misinformed children operating entirely in a realm of entitlement which most of the audience these sorts of games are trying to reach DO NOT possess. They want simplification, they want streamlining, they want the quick fix, and gaming is/was/continues to be in a malleable enough place economically and culturally to put into place things "hardcore" gamers will object to. Franchises will be "wrecked." What was once free, will now cost a pretty penny, the reaction that we've suddenly been subject to horrible injustice just oozes of a brand of adolescent fatuity, shoveling yet another heap of coal onto the "lol butthurt vocal majority" argument. Just don't run for the ****ing hills.

Remember, there was a time when Rambo was cliche, new and funny--even counter-culture, Tom Clancy was never a good author-the pioneer industry just got creative with licensing, and critical praise was lavished upon Zach Braff and his creations, I may have even enjoyed his work at some point... before I began cursing his name and fantasizing about him choking on sawdust and fiberglass. Culture shifts.

The false, and idiotic binary is assuming that the rise of mainstream console gaming will somehow destroy communities of old, that major studios/publishers can't produce innovative products, or that the industry will suddenly lack the flexibilities once available when you played Quake 3 and Baldur's Gate on your Pentiums. The truth is, these men and women and their ideas--as well as a plethora of new more open-minded developers, are still hard at work.

It's cultural and (and capital, meaning $$$) moving, not evaporating. Wise up, culture never dies, it shifts. You are letting sensationalist gaming journalism and lack of mainstream PC exclusives quite ironically sway you into hysterics and whistle-blowing, at this point it's just ****ing tiresome. If this sort of thing bothers you so much write your local politicians, support independent candidates who care about unfair corporate media dominance.

Read a damn history book concerning Murdoch, Buffet, Gates, Jobs, hell... Carmack or even mother-shitting Tom Watson. Get to know that media is and always has been a business, and until the powers that be, as dictated by the limited jurisdiction (in terms of education, systematic injustice, etc, priorities that should be addressed first, and more importantly) and influence/affluence granted to the vast majority of the population, decide to "wise up", and shift around national/international commerce legislation we'll continue to operate within the same unfair pretenses you incessantly drivel about.

This is not an issue in games, it never has been an issue with games, it's a beef with politics, culture and economic structure. A battle better fought in gathering a better understanding of how society functions as a structure underneath the presupposition of either controlling or constantly being controlled.

These game series exist in a big way because of people like me. I vote, with my wallet, for Bobby to continue his reign of streamlining and unprecedented development cash flow in lieu of simplicity and job loss for the innovative and artistic, I'm enjoying the show--I harbor no guilt, sympathize with no begrudged "I refuse to look forward yet never really took the time to know the backwards" minded individual.

I certainly do not feel the indomitable, juvenile and laughably dilatory urge to bemoan what has been happening and predicted for quite literally decades in an industry which turns more money than movies and television combined. Turn off the monitor for a ****ing second and think in all earnest what the best way to approach making a change to a structure and what merely adds to the stereotypes of misguided and anonymous internet shenanigans.

I don't see how they're going there any more than they did with Dragon Rising, but whatevs maybe there's something about Modern Warfare specifically that I am not understanding. Did MW have coop campaign or something?

But anyway, RAGE at that game. "the focus of the simulation FPS will be on its four-player co-op campaign." Oh gee, copying off of ArmA 2 much? And how dare you call it a simulation FPS. **** you Codemasters.
I don't like you BHC. Not even a little bit.
That was deep, brah.
Do a search for my posts on the subject. I've detailed why I hate the franchise so much several times. I should probably just make a list in wordpad and save it on my desktop, because apparently you're all still clueless as to why it deserves hatred.

Yes, the game is mediocre. No, that's not why I hate it. Yes, its really popular. No, that's not why I hate it. The reason why I do hate it, however, is caused by the magnitude of its popularity.
It's because it's for *cough* casuals.

ammirite? huh Krynn? right...RIGHT?
all right i'll admit i'm impressed by BHC's post quite a bit :|
he mad becuz he don lekkit but dem fratboi do
Nope, wrong again.
Well, kinda sorta tbh.

Casuals don't take their gaming as seriously as some of us do, so therefore mediocre FPS titles that constantly recycle old formulas don't bother them...because they're CASUALS! :P
Perhaps I'm being a bit too cynical here, but the Multiplayer looks a bit too much like Modern Warfare's multiplayer.
MW2 with more ridiculous weapons and gadgets and a theater mode. looks fun for a few hours as MW2 was, just to unlock shit, then progressively worse from there.

rental or borrow for me.
mother****ing spring loaded knives
Looks ridiculous. At least the crazy experimental weapons lend some rhyme and reason to your constant deaths without warning.
I find funny how you say it looks too much like mw2.....
The exploding RC car was pretty cool, though maybe a bit too 007ish.
It looks more fun than MW2 just because it has some weird ass weapons in there.

But that's like saying this shit is not as smelly as the other shit.
Some of those maps look pretty cool at least. Only like one map stood out in MW2, and nobody ever wanted to play on it.(Derail, the snowy sniper map)

****ing sweet dive, I actually kinda wanna play this, if only for its sheer ridiculousness, also, dynamic maps? Awesome.
Someone enlighten me on "dynamic maps". Time of day changes and stuff? Weather, etc?
Someone enlighten me on "dynamic maps". Time of day changes and stuff? Weather, etc?

Probably "dynamic" as in sometimes this hallway is open, sometimes it is closed.

Day 1, looks like a ton of fun.
Well Krynn put this to rest. Damn me for holding back innovation and bringing us to the Dark Age of video games!

ooh, whoops, that game looks like tons of fun, which I will have tons of fun playing. Could you please eat your bullshit directly from your asshole so we can stop smelling it?
Probably "dynamic" as in sometimes this hallway is open, sometimes it is closed.

Day 1, looks like a ton of fun.

Or more environment destruction? (IE - Airstikes can take out chunks of buildings?
all i saw was a shuttle taking off
If anything the changes they've made within the game aren't that big. It reminds me of what could be achieved in other games if they were heavily modified or dumped DLC onto. What I didn't like about the CoD franchise is that they take this small difference and place it into an entire different box and charge full price for. Once this happens, the entire population of the previous games disappear and you're forced to 'upgrade'.