CoD: Black Ops Launch To Be Activision's Biggest

Good point, seeing as other guns are referred to simply as "Aug" and "Enfield." Wikipedia sez the SG 550 was only introduced in 1990, though, and the commando model in 98. Could be wrong, or maybe it's another gun that's referred to as Commando, but it's pretty suspicious.

Actually, wait... this game is set in 'Nam, right? I'm a little confused about that point.
Actually, wait... this game is set in 'Nam, right? I'm a little confused about that point.

Well, technically it's set during the Cold War, you'll be fighting in a variety of places. Vietnam is one of the places you'll be fighting.
well I don't think they put a perk in the list of guns.
Good point, seeing as other guns are referred to simply as "Aug" and "Enfield." Wikipedia sez the SG 550 was only introduced in 1990, though, and the commando model in 98. Could be wrong, or maybe it's another gun that's referred to as Commando, but it's pretty suspicious.

Actually, wait... this game is set in 'Nam, right? I'm a little confused about that point.

I really dunno, but it seems retarded to make a perk into a primary weapon. The Commando could be something else (The 552 was what I immediately thought of). Either that or this Cod will be fairly inaccurate with its gun history (Not that it really is incredibly accurate anyway, I mean AK-47 is such a generic term, the ****ing thing has so many variants its not even funny)
yeah I'm pretty sure the AK used in MW2 was either a Ak102 or 103 not a AK47 lol
It didn't even feel like an ak47. I was like "WHAT IS THIS NOT AK47, IT'S ALL BRIGHTLY COLORED AND LIGHT FEELING"
It didn't even feel like an ak47. I was like "WHAT IS THIS NOT AK47, IT'S ALL BRIGHTLY COLORED AND LIGHT FEELING"

Oddly enough, that's kinda how I felt with the majority of weapons in Call of Duty 2.
Good point, seeing as other guns are referred to simply as "Aug" and "Enfield." Wikipedia sez the SG 550 was only introduced in 1990, though, and the commando model in 98. Could be wrong, or maybe it's another gun that's referred to as Commando, but it's pretty suspicious.

Actually, wait... this game is set in 'Nam, right? I'm a little confused about that point.

It could just be any gun at all that they nicknamed Commando. I feel like that is a name used for about a bagillion guns.
It didn't even feel like an ak47. I was like "WHAT IS THIS NOT AK47, IT'S ALL BRIGHTLY COLORED AND LIGHT FEELING"

Well if it felt too light to you just think of it as a Ak105 which only fires 5.45x39
activision and MS have always been pretty close when it comes to their advertising i guess :|
I just realized this game was coming out this month. :l This whole time i've been thinking the release was sometime around November.

Well goddamn.

Edit: Nevermind, I guess it's November 9th. Who the hell makes the date 9/11/10 and means November 9th.
I just realized this game was coming out this month. :l This whole time i've been thinking the release was sometime around November.

Well goddamn.

Well, the ad said "9/11/10". My first though was "that's a weird date to release a war game". You know, it being NINE ELEVEN and all.

Perk List :0

Below you will find the full Call of Duty: Black Ops perks list. Tier 1 perks now effect the appearance of your character. Descriptions will be added when available – including the pro versions (which are returning.)

Tier 1

* Lightweight – Move faster
* Scavenger – Resupply from dead bodies (PRO): Replenish lethal grenades
* Ghost – Undetectable by the Spy Plane and the Blackbird
* Hardline – Killstreaks 1 kill early
* Flak Jacket – Extra explosive resistance

Tier 2

* Hardened – Extra bullet penetration
* Scout – Hold breath longer
* Steady Aim – Extra accuracy when shotting from the hip
* Sleight of Hand – Faster reload
* Warlord – 2 attachments on primary weapon

Tier 3

* Marathon – Longer sprint
* Ninja – Move silently
* Second Chance – Pull out pistol before dying
* Hacker – Detect enemy equipment and explosives
* Tactical Mask – Reduces the effect of flash and concussion grenades


/sips budweiser and slaps wife
edit: nevermind

gameplay looks nothing too special. as said before, will rent or borrow.
Its centered around the Cold War, part of the game (probably the first mission) is in Vietnam though.
ya just re-read some earlier posts, didn't manage a quite so quick ninja edit though.
hope they take this back to a more COD4-like approach, MW2 is AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAbad.

Hmm, assuming the Commando is actually a gun (likely now I think about it), that's not a bad perk list. Killstreaks still look pretty dumb.
A little silly that people will have to pay to set up dedicated servers instead of having the option to set them up for free as well. It'd be nice to have choices. This is why I clench my teeth when I hear the words "exclusive deal" with a video game title, it's a deal that's less than ideal for us. But, then again, this is Activision being Activision I guess. And at least Treyarch will have their own dedicated servers up for PC Gamers.

I wouldn't be surprised if Mod tools will be DLC that you have to pay for, assuming it does get released at all.
so kotick when like?
kotick: how we make this people to shut up about those dedicated server thing?.....oh yeah I am so dumb!,we make them pay for it! dam thats allways the best solution to everything!
For once, RJMC's joke is perfectly accurate, and not at all an over-exaggeration.
kotick: how we make this people to shut up about those dedicated server thing?.....oh yeah I am so dumb!,we make them pay for it! dam thats allways the best solution to everything!

As much as i agree with this isnt kotick only to blame for the price of the servers and the deal etc? I'm sure it was IW's fault servers were removed and Treyarchs idea to put them back.
The new Xbox Live. But instead of paying the service provider for access to the network, you pay the game developer for access to the game that is replacing last year's version across the community.

Upgrade or die. It's a sad world.

[edit] Lambda, Activision forced IW to develop IWnet. The devs are largely innocent across the board (so to speak).
[edit] Lambda, Activision forced IW to develop IWnet. The devs are largely innocent across the board (so to speak).

Did they? I aint so sure =/

actv def signed off on it but if it was their decision in the first place i would have thought alot of actv games would use similar ideals but e.g. servers are back in black ops and for the most part is fine and most complaints are fixed or going to be fixed. Sigh idk but i dont believe any publisher not even activision can dictate what content goes into a game beforehand and specifically say to IW remove dedicated servers only to put them back 12 months later O_o

i'm confused :(
In one of the multiplayer videos they showed the player wielding a portable minigun. I'm not sure if it's still going to be in the game on final release, and it may seem a bit unrealistic (even though Treyarch has some room to tiptoe around realism with weapons and equipment since you're dealing with black ops stuff and therefore have access to all sorts of top secret equpiment), but damn would it be cool to use "'Ol Painless" in the game. :D
The Commando could also be an abbreviation for the SIG 552 Commando...


Or, Much more likley, the Colt Commando aka CAR-15 which, you know, existed at the time and is well known as the weapon of US SF during the Cold War.

As for the hand held minigun thing, well, that seems quite likley. Theres a G11 in-game and that was never produced or issued in any significant numbers.
I'd rather give my money to an alcoholic hobo than finance these assholes.
The most exclusive collector's edition of this game will cost around 30.000 dollar. It comes with a Jeep though. No really.
The only place I'd ever be comfortable driving a Call of Duty jeep in is the Activision parking lot, and only if I'm being paid to do so.