Actual chemical weapons found in Iraq!!!

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In all fairness, I don't think the issue has ever been whether Iraq at one time had chemical weapons.
However, it is good to hear they're finally starting to find some of the darn things. The less time they stay hidden, the better.
Well they said they were from the 80-88 Iranian war. That means that those are american chemical weapons that the us gave iraq at that time.
MaxiKana said:
Well they said they were from the 80-88 Iranian war. That means that those are american chemical weapons that the us gave iraq at that time.

Is it true? Because if it is, this is funny as hell.
imo they went to war for the wrong reasons! But the end result justified the war in that iraq was freed from the chains of a genocidal megalomaniac dictator.
that is good to hear. still doesnt give the right sort of evidence bush is looking for. (being as there from the last war, when bush accused them of making nuclear weapons and those train chemical lab thingys which where no more than mixing equipment) , :P besides theres the cases of chemical weapons. but no proof on the chemical. they look like they could be just another load of empty shells. lol... believe if you want. but I think its far too easy too. besides it what most people want to belive. and now the media have said it everyones gonna be saying,. OMG they found biological weapons!. :P
quite right clarky, its only casing meaning it COULD be used to, plus they were burried so i doubt they're gonna be functional.
Mr.Reak said:
Is it true? Because if it is, this is funny as hell.

yes.... :/ Iraq recieved funding and arms during the Iran - Iraq war. When will our nations learn that funding evfil regimes opposed to even more evil regimes is a foriegn policy that will eventually backfire upon ones self?
Well they said they were from the 80-88 Iranian war. That means that those are american chemical weapons that the us gave iraq at that time.

you got it;), it is true true, the middle east shop in the US. :P. it is a bit of a joke isnt it.. like i said dont be so quick to believe wat media sources say, they butter it up a bit for us, and Bush wants that nookie so bad he can taste it, and may plant little media spouts like this to convince us. im guessing this is the US media??
Personally I've found it odd we hadn't found anything yet. Its not disputed by anyone that Iraq had chemical and biological weapons as of the time the inspectors first left. There were substantial amounts of chemical weapons such as VX and other nasty poisons. The issue was truly whethere any more were being manufactured beyond these current stores. And yet nothing at all has been found up until now, nor has any evidence of Iraq destroying their stockpiles.
So this stuff is somewhere but we have no idea how much or where.
Edit: I just read through the article carefully, and it seems not that these weapons are not simply the casings. Rather they seem to contain the actual warheads themselves, and some are leaking. So these are not innocent little shells.
one way or another the world is a safer place with the saddam regime removed from power!
So this stuff is somewhere but we have no idea how much or where.

they where american weapons in the first place , if they are somewhere. it still not proof of 'Saddam producing weapons of mass destruction' It confuses me to see how readily people have accepted Bush's and his party's claims, the war was a duality. and it only proceded through Amercan intrests in future investment in oil fields... I mean for god sakes 9/10 of the world didnt want anything to do with it, doesnt that tell you something.
Look iraq wasnt suppose to have them regardless of how old they were.
To be honest, that article doesn't really make me think twice about anything.
They were convinced that Iraq was a danger ahead of time, but Saddam had almost become camp to the American public. No way in heck would enough people support a war to oust him, regardless of any possible danger. 9-11 meant the popular support was there, and the plan could be executed (think Pearl Harbor and WWII).
Personally I don't think that has anything to really say about the actual danger, rather just the perceived danger.
I think we should open a politcal/world politics debate sub forum here in off topic, hell we talk about it so much we might as well make a home for it :) (but i enjoy it)
Might be good...or it may just die a horrible and bloody death. Likely worth a try though.

this doesnt suprise me atall. I knew dick cheyney and cronies were behind it.
it just becoming more obvious everyday, that this is all about oil, the future of fossil fuel burning energy., just shows you haw far there willing to go. I knew the fact that the Bush's where oil buddy's with the binladens a while back , just didnt add up,, it creates horrible thoughts about how deep this goes, Im not scared of this . I think it needs to be stopped,. and we should stop behaving like barbarian power mongers.
God forbid that there may have been more than one motive!
If you wish to discuss conspiracy theories (which could be very interesting) you should look up the Israeli connection to all of this as well. Goes pretty deep and pretty far, but I have my reservations about stuff like that so I'll read articles and such with an open mind, try not to get to sucked into it you know. It is pretty sad how obvious some of these connections are though, yet no one seems to want to ask the questions that should be asked.
Innervision I think thats a great Idea , the problem is dude. the media have such a strong grip over the public, we expect them to tell the truth, ... but theres so much lies right, now its not satisfying to see us all be treated like idiots, all in the intrests of a select group of people. I really believe greed is bushes game, and his plans seem to make things worse, rather than immediately improve anything.
I don't know how Waedoe feels about the UN, but I can certainly tell you I made a UN Buster T-shirt the night the war started. It's just says UN in silver/white letters, and has the large Buster symbol over it. :)

For those of you that don't know what a Buster is, it's the No symbol. Like no a no smoking sign.

Back to topic: This is great! I was hoping Saddam hadn't secretly transported everything before the war started. And it appears he didn't. YAY!!! :bounce:
Yeah carefull what you say around here though clarky, your likely to be pounced on and called a nut for thinking out side the box :P
God forbid that there may have been more than one motive!

:P saracastic.... lol... yeh but its not that . its the manipulation they are using to access there alterior motive, which infact doesnt seem so alterior anymore, now there building pipeline from the caspean sea in a massive project to extract oil in the region.
GhostValkyrie said:
I don't know how Waedoe feels about the UN, but I can certainly tell you I made a UN Buster T-shirt the night the war started. It's just says UN in silver/white letters, and has the large Buster symbol over it. :)

For those of you that don't know what a Buster is, it's the No symbol. Like no a no smoking sign.

Back to topic: This is great! I was hoping Saddam hadn't secretly transported everything before the war started. And it appears he didn't. YAY!!! :bounce:

Well see I asked because he made a comment about Iraq not being allowed to have the weapons in question, but I was going to add that that is a UN sanction, So it would be hipocritical to not approve of the UN but then say that Iraq is in the wrong for not following their set laws.
Innervision961 said:
Yeah carefull what you say around here though clarky, your likely to be pounced on and called a nut for thinking out side the box :P

Since when was there a defined box here at There are more of you nay-sayers than supporters from what I've seen. And it's you people that usually start threads about Bush being bad, or war being wrong, etc. There will be no pouncing for being different, but there will be pouncing for attempts to define people in such a way.

/me holds back on pouncing, just to prove you otherwise.
The problem is which sources do you trust?
You have to make a decision at some point who has credibility and who doesn't, and if you have a 50% success rate you're lucky.
lol Ghostvalkyrie, yes I agree, there is a very strong anti-bush presence around here. But I was referring to conspiracy theories, it seems to be the mantra today. If someone comes up with something that sounds like it could be true but shouldn't be, people (not just here but every where) like to cast those people off as nutjobs just because they have a conspiracy theory, but if you ask me not everything is as it seems, and I appreciate some one who is willing to put their self forward and ask the quesitons no one else will.

EDIT: good point direwolf!
the major problem is , when i try too see the truth, and state it for what it seems, its like im attacking american integrity or something?!, thats not the case im targeting bush( please if your amearican leave patriotisim behind in talks like this or they just get extremely biased,. of which I am not, its just hard to ignore the apparent scary reality of whats going on here
Innervision961 said:
Well see I asked because he made a comment about Iraq not being allowed to have the weapons in question, but I was going to add that that is a UN sanction, So it would be hipocritical to not approve of the UN but then say that Iraq is in the wrong for not following their set laws.

Since when has the UN followed it's own laws to begin with?
The UN can't even carry out it's own resolutions, and there for should not be recognized as a competent organization. So, when it comes to talking about Iraq not following the rules because the UN said so - Blah! I don't care what the UN said, I think it's proven how effective it really is.

I've never liked the UN.

EDIT: Oops! Earlier I meant to say "there will be NO pouncing for being different."
Sorry. :)
Yeah fear and patriotism, if you recall, are also the same tools used to control the people under nazi rule, and it seemed to work then. So why wouldn't it work now? Did you know that by using fear to divert public attention you could get away with murder and no one is the wiser. In fact, just in the past couple of weeks when the Terror threat level was at "high" and the public was under alert for terrost activities and planes were being grounded and delayed, patriot act 2 or "patriot 2" was signed in by Bush. Did you ever see any mention of that in the news? I sure didn't.
The UN's nature is somewhat oxymoronic. An organization dedicated to organizing the world against threats. But seeing as how the threats are coming from the world in the first place, that means you just invited the problem makers to join your club.
It is however an excellent thing to have in a disaster or crisis situation.
Innervision: You point out one of the better aspects of the Bush administration. His every move is being watched so closely by so many people that you get the feeling he has far fewer secrets than many administrations.
Personally I think we may have more to fear from a much less scrutinized leadership.
Innervision i am prepared to think out of the box , I am prepared to ask the question that lingers on everones minds. the problem is, everyone likes to live in there own little happy world :) and somthing like this would just upset there modern thought, its scary, so i wont ask it here
Innervision961 said:
lol Ghostvalkyrie, yes I agree, there is a very strong anti-bush presence around here. But I was referring to conspiracy theories, it seems to be the mantra today. If someone comes up with something that sounds like it could be true but shouldn't be, people (not just here but every where) like to cast those people off as nutjobs just because they have a conspiracy theory, but if you ask me not everything is as it seems, and I appreciate some one who is willing to put their self forward and ask the quesitons no one else will.

EDIT: good point direwolf!

And you seem to think I simply follow my Govt.? If you do, you're way off. I have barely any trust for my Govt., I simply find a lot of this rebellion thing to be premature. Whether or not oil was the main gain, I don't know. I do think it played a part. I mean, how could it not? Ever hear of the New American Century? It's quite disturbing to some point. The fact that they're fighting brutal dictators is good, the reasons are not. But, I still support the war. I really don't care if it was about oil, or not - What has come out of it is good. Now the Iraqi people are free of Saddam, can grow into a respectible nation, and have a bright future. And when the Iraqi people begin to willingly sell us oil is another good thing. Because now we have more resources, and another ally in the Middle East.

clarky003 said:
Innervision i am prepared to think out of the box , I am prepared to ask the question that lingers on everones minds. the problem is, everyone likes to live in there own little happy world :) and somthing like this would just upset there modern thought, its scary, so i wont ask it here

Oh, please! This isn't the 1950's, spit it out! :)
I want to hear what you have to say and ask.
GhostValkyrie said:
Since when has the UN followed it's own laws to begin with?
The UN can't even carry out it's own resolutions, and there for should not be recognized as a competent organization. So, when it comes to talking about Iraq not following the rules because the UN said so - Blah! I don't care what the UN said, I think it's proven how effective it really is.

I've never liked the UN.

EDIT: Oops! Earlier I meant to say "there will be NO pouncing for being different."
Sorry. :)

I'll agree totally Ghostvalkyrie, the UN's integrity isn't very high. But you must also agree that in part we can thank our president for that as well, because he doesn't always follow the rules either. And if we don't have to why should anyone else?
Remember when we screamed bloody murder when they showed American pows on iraqi tv? Well what about hussein, his sons, and all the iraqi pows we have shown in our news, if we don't follow the geneva convention, why should anyone else? You know, lead by example, if we are going to portray ourselves as the most powerfull most respectable nation, we really need to start acting like it.
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