adding humor


Jul 22, 2004
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Ok i wana add some humor to my map its old complex all broken ect...

i wana constrain 2 gascans to a card and go flying down the hallways

ive already tryed it but i failed can someone help me?/

I made a brush and tied to to phybox , phyconstraint 2 gas cans to it but when i shoot the tops off the cans nuthing happens except gas noise :sniper:
If I'm understanding you correctly, you might want to try phys_thruster.
uhm please test the latest version of my phy_doomed... thay have sayed its the best and funniest map yet for CS: S PLEASE PM me and i WILL give you server info with my map and my server
wee it works....

make a func_phybox out of a few brushes (put it onto a normal geo track so it wont fly away)
put a physics_canaster ontop of that func_phybox.
put a phy_constraint on the canaster to the physbox.
put a physics_thrust at the top of the gas can.
put an invisable brush trigger on the gascan top.

name it all and link it all etc!


heres the .vmf file if anyone wants to play with it, it needs a lot of work :cheers: