Adrian Shepard

I liked Race X. Shephard was a little dull, though.
Assuming I can get Valve to give me the legal status of it, I'm going to put Race X into my RTS mod. And yes, Shock Troopers will be able to run at humans and teleport away in a ball of green light, just because you love it, Mecha.

-Angry Lawyer
I have no idea what happened to Barney in the end of HL-2, I only played him in Blue-Shift. I don't think G-Man has showed much interest in the guy. I think Barney's underpressure attitude has some irritation to him, and I must agree that G-Man is an alien, some sort of agent from an advanced race -- freaky stuff.
Mechagodzilla said:
If shephard doesn't get a sequel, I'm gonna start an op4 2 mod.
Or, at least, a race-x mod. :p

Why is shephard cool? He got the the best weapons, the coolest armour and night vision goggles. 'Nuff said.

Your allowed a Shepard sequel, but please not race x....please!! ;(
Anoma|ous said:
I have no idea what happened to Barney in the end of HL-2, I only played him in Blue-Shift. I don't think G-Man has showed much interest in the guy. I think Barney's underpressure attitude has some irritation to him, and I must agree that G-Man is an alien, some sort of agent from an advanced race -- freaky stuff.
Then why did he have a g-report?
Why do people think that the character Adrian Shephard is the property of Gearbox?:rolleyes:

Gearbox was just the developer for Valves' game Opposing Force.

Just because they developed it and were allowed to add their own stuff to it doesn't mean they own it.

The storyline and characters like Adrian Shephard, Gordon Freeman and Barney Calhoun are the intillectual property of Valve- no body else. :thumbs:
Yeah, besides Marc Laidlaw created these characters.

Mechagodzilla said:
If shephard doesn't get a sequel, I'm gonna start an op4 2 mod.
Or, at least, a race-x mod. :p

Why is shephard cool? He got the the best weapons, the coolest armour and night vision goggles. 'Nuff said.

well if u are serious about this.. i would definitely be looking forward to this.

and please, don't reply back saying "April fools!!" :(
ríomhaire said:
Then why did he have a g-report?

For all we know the G-Man was doing a report on everybody involved in the Black Mesa Incident.
Samon said:
No. Adrian Shepard and race x were gearbox's ideas.

As far as I know, Laidlaw was there to make sure they didn't cock anything up for the storyline, so they do have some grounding.

-Angry Lawyer
Samon said:
No. Adrian Shepard and race x were gearbox's ideas.

OMG! That's BS. Where did you hear that?

Valve said Adrian Shephard is their character.

Race X is Gearbox'.
Anoma|ous - no problem.

Lawyer - Silence

zyko_madman - Its in an email from Marc Laidlaw, i don't have it on me, but i will find it.
Remember how you killed the giant alien in op force by flushing the waste thing? I thaught it was funny that the two buttons on the control panel were 'Valve' and 'Gearbox' and between them a term that could be taken as being derogitory. The series often has curious items like these all through the games, but often i wonder if they are serious or unintentional, like the picture of gordon as emplyee of the month being on a tilt, i take that to mean hes inferior to shepard, or was it like that because the room was trashed. That also leads me to believe that this is gordons office, out of all the black mesa emplyees offices, it just happend to be gordons that led the way out of the area, funny huh.

Sorry if this seems disjointed, i just woke up...
Angry Lawyer said:
As far as I know, Laidlaw was there to make sure they didn't cock anything up for the storyline, so they do have some grounding.

-Angry Lawyer

Seems to me like Laidlaw fell asleep on the job.
I agree with that Flashlight guy. G-man has this habit of saving those who adapt and survived. Shepard status was detained. Pending. Maybe if Gordon dies he has someone to replace him. I dont believe that company differences would hinder the use of these characters, surely Adrian would show up again. Maybe in the 7 Hour War timeline, but we really don't know.
Laivasse said:
Seems to me like Laidlaw fell asleep on the job.

How? Adrian doesn't mess up the storyline at all. His ending just leaves the possibility that he might return. The only people opposed to this are the rabid-irrational anti-Adrian's anyway.

If Adrian is popular enough, Valve will definelty bring him back. In the end, Marketing Department > Mark Laidlaw.
Adrian should be "sent to finish what he started", maybe for Half-Life 3, Gordon gets a chance to kick G-man's ass and he teleports Adrian back to square off with Freeman or something, while G-man walks into another teleporter and dissapears.. am I way off base here?
Now that is something i can defenately see happening, although Valve doesnt seem too keen on "Boss" fights. Gordon vs. Shepard... tashty...
Freeman seems to go in adn kill the big boss, shepard gets to clean up what's left.
FireCrack said:
Freeman seems to go in adn kill the big boss, shepard gets to clean up what's left.

But there wouldn't be much, because Gordan would have killed everyone :p .
Shephard is teh big rox meh sox oh em eff gee he isssoo koolll yarglelargle

^^^Average sephard lover. Jk all u ASS (Adrian Satchel Shephard....yes his middle name is Satchel) fanboys. You are just confused.
That big mean uber ugly thing Adrian disposed off in the last part of Opposing Force reminded me of that big mean uber ugly thing from the movie Deep Rising.
Langolier said:
Laivasse said:
seems to me like Laidlaw fell asleep on the job

How? Adrian doesn't mess up the storyline at all. His ending just leaves the possibility that he might return. The only people opposed to this are the rabid-irrational anti-Adrian's anyway.

Adrian doesn't mess up the storyline at all, but Race X and Black Ops were terrible ideas, IMO. Especially Black Ops.

I mean, you have a top secret research facility where you have only the most trusted scientists working on ub4r-secret projects. One of those goes wrong, so you have some similarly ub4r-elite military division ready to go in and silence them all, despite their targets being unarmed civilians. So what happens then? Hmm...I know lets have a SUPAH-mega-elite-ub4r squad of soldiers dressed in black (to show how oob4r they are) go in to kill off the first bunch of soldiers, who were only a little bit elite. ...hmm, so who's going to kill off the Black Ops? I mean, wouldn't you just use Black Ops in the first place? Doesn't "Black Ops" just mean "deniable operations", the same thing that the standard HL1 soldiers were, after all? There were too many stupid ideas to ignore in OpFor.

Don't get me wrong, I liked it, and I understand the need for new enemies, but the back story was abysmal. It's crap like that that makes me worried about the expansions for HL2. By the time HL3 rolls around, will Laidlaw be saying "ah, yeah, those expansions we did for HL2 - forget them, they never happened. well...they did happen, but the story to them was too awkward and crap to fully acknowledge, so they only half exist"? So no, I wouldn't be bothered not to see Shepard again...nothing against the guy, but OpFor's crap story should end where it ended.
Laivasse said:
Adrian doesn't mess up the storyline at all, but Race X and Black Ops were terrible ideas, IMO. Especially Black Ops.

I mean, you have a top secret research facility where you have only the most trusted scientists working on ub4r-secret projects. One of those goes wrong, so you have some similarly ub4r-elite military division ready to go in and silence them all, despite their targets being unarmed civilians. So what happens then? Hmm...I know lets have a SUPAH-mega-elite-ub4r squad of soldiers dressed in black (to show how oob4r they are) go in to kill off the first bunch of soldiers, who were only a little bit elite. ...hmm, so who's going to kill off the Black Ops? I mean, wouldn't you just use Black Ops in the first place? Doesn't "Black Ops" just mean "deniable operations", the same thing that the standard HL1 soldiers were, after all? There were too many stupid ideas to ignore in OpFor.

Don't get me wrong, I liked it, and I understand the need for new enemies, but the back story was abysmal. It's crap like that that makes me worried about the expansions for HL2. By the time HL3 rolls around, will Laidlaw be saying "ah, yeah, those expansions we did for HL2 - forget them, they never happened. well...they did happen, but the story to them was too awkward and crap to fully acknowledge, so they only half exist"? So no, I wouldn't be bothered not to see Shepard again...nothing against the guy, but OpFor's crap story should end where it ended.

You seem to hold Laidlaw repsonsibe, when it was Gearbox who devised the idea fo Race x. They wanted more enemies and made up race x, laidlaw said ok.

Race x was a terrible idea. The black ops werent that bad, it was just Race x - awful, awful, awful idea. And now valve are making thier own expansions so dont worry about it.
Samon said:
You seem to hold Laidlaw repsonsibe, when it was Gearbox who devised the idea fo Race x. They wanted more enemies and made up race x, laidlaw said ok.

Naw, naw, I don't hold Laidlaw responsible - it's just that someone said that Laidlaw was on hand to check over the story for Gearbox. Hence

Laivasse said:
It seems to me like Laidlaw fell asleep on the job

I have more faith in Valve to make expansions than I do in Gearbox, but I'm not sure I believe they'd put the story first, before the imperative to make more enemies/more features just for the sake of having an expansion. I'm not sure if it's even possible to do so. Add more stuff and you have to add more story - and it's not always going to be great.
I liked Race X. In a story sense, it showed that Xen was not the only dimension reached by the whole incident. It proves that the universe is a big place - big enough for there to be thousands - millions - of intelligent civilisations, so far apart that they'd likely never met before the dimensions started overlapping, Resonance Cascade style.

-Angry Lawyer
Face it. Shepard is a prick. He killed his squadmates for ammo and killed scientists for fun. Don't tell me you didn't to it.
ríomhaire said:
Face it. Shepard is a prick. He killed his squadmates for ammo and killed scientists for fun. Don't tell me you didn't to it.

Whey! Shepard haters unite!!
ríomhaire said:
Face it. Shepard is a prick. He killed his squadmates for ammo and killed scientists for fun. Don't tell me you didn't to it.
wait, wasn't the military's mission to "silence" the scientist in the base. So yeah, I did kill scientists, I was doing my job and damn good at it too!! :LOL:
Rafa 5.0 said:
wait, wasn't the military's mission to "silence" the scientist in the base. So yeah, I did kill scientists, I was doing my job and damn good at it too!! :LOL:

Rafa 5.0 said:
wait, wasn't the military's mission to "silence" the scientist in the base. So yeah, I did kill scientists, I was doing my job and damn good at it too!! :LOL:

so evil :D
Anoma|ous said:
That big mean uber ugly thing Adrian disposed off in the last part of Opposing Force reminded me of that big mean uber ugly thing from the movie Deep Rising.

except less corney.
deathryuu said:
Not evil ENOUGH. There weren't nearly enough scientists that were pure fodder, and that annoyed me.
Plus, the security guards were far too trusting of Shepherd. Calhoun shot the marines on sight, but Otis had a wee chat. And then got his head stoved in by a pipe wrench. Fool.
Angry Lawyer said:
I liked Race X. In a story sense, it showed that Xen was not the only dimension reached by the whole incident. It proves that the universe is a big place - big enough for there to be thousands - millions - of intelligent civilisations, so far apart that they'd likely never met before the dimensions started overlapping, Resonance Cascade style.

-Angry Lawyer

Nowhere in the game, to my knowledge, do you ever see Race-X fighting Xen monsters. I always assumed they were another branch of the Xen aliens that Freeman just didn't encounter. Also, there is nothing in the game to indicate them not being from Xen. Infact they share at least one of the same sky-boxes.
Nah they weren't from Xen as far as I recall.
Langolier said:
Nowhere in the game, to my knowledge, do you ever see Race-X fighting Xen monsters. I always assumed they were another branch of the Xen aliens that Freeman just didn't encounter. Also, there is nothing in the game to indicate them not being from Xen. Infact they share at least one of the same sky-boxes.

I seem to remember them fighting against Xen aliens at one point. I could be wrong, but I was left with the definite impression that they were hostile to Xen forces for some reason.
Shocktroopers attack the Gargantua on the dam, and there's one occasion where I vaguely remember them letting rip against the odd headcrab, or something.

Plus, if you manually spawn Race-X critters alongside certain Xenizens, they attack each other.
I think they are from Xen but were never conquered by the Combine so they were hostle towards vortigaunts, alien grunts, gargs, etc.