Adrian Shepard

but what about lamarr? surely there is hope for the headcrab species...
ahahaha a lamar expansion would kick ass! chasing around crows, scaring civilians! ahahah BOOYAH! lol



MIke :cheers:
Imo Gman must remain as mysterious as it is now. Because if we would know what/who it is, he wouldn't be so interesting and mysterious character
Edcrab said:
Shocktroopers attack the Gargantua on the dam, and there's one occasion where I vaguely remember them letting rip against the odd headcrab, or something.

Plus, if you manually spawn Race-X critters alongside certain Xenizens, they attack each other.

You know what? You're right! I totoally forgot that, 99% of the time when I play I kill those troopers before they get the chance. I take back my above post...

Still, they could be from Xen, after all, the scientists were already catching those one green grenade-launcher things.
Pit drones attack shock roaches when they fall off of Shocktroopers.. and pit drones are their controlled pets. Yes race-x and the xenians are at war, but race-x has no desire to take over earth, just black mesa. Race-x appears the second gordon enters the teleporter.
You guys wanna know what the G-Man really is? Anybody here Lordof the Rings Fans? Well if you are you'll know that the wizards are otherwordly beings with great powers who actually come down and aid or sometimes hinder man. The G-man is obviously some typ eof otherwordly being (when I say otherworldly I mean higher plane of existence not another planet) who realizes that if the Combine gets control of Earth and other planets like it then it will become too powerful and throw the universal balance out of whack. Duh.
special-ed said:
Pit drones attack shock roaches when they fall off of Shocktroopers.. and pit drones are their controlled pets. Yes race-x and the xenians are at war, but race-x has no desire to take over earth, just black mesa. Race-x appears the second gordon enters the teleporter.

Actually, they appear (to Shephard, at least) at pretty much the same time gordon is running from the garg in the parking garage.

Also, race-X do live on at least part of Xen. The spore-grenades they eat grow there, and that's where the scientists grabbed some baby shocktroopers from. It's also where the gene-worm at the end gets the power for his portal.
Why would the Devil be helping out a small resistance fighting for the good of the world. Wouldn't Satan help to crush the tiny resistance. I mean, the Combine represents oppression and greed and pride and evil and power not just in one world but in many as well as, probably, many universes. Satan would want to help the Combine, not the good people, he has to be something good. I'll admit though, he's cool enough to be Satan, he's just too good to be Satan. I do agree witht he whole supernatural powerful being aspect of the G-man though.
Joe Nomalos said:
Why would the Devil be helping out a small resistance fighting for the good of the world. Wouldn't Satan help to crush the tiny resistance. I mean, the Combine represents oppression and greed and pride and evil and power not just in one world but in many as well as, probably, many universes. Satan would want to help the Combine, not the good people, he has to be something good. I'll admit though, he's cool enough to be Satan, he's just too good to be Satan. I do agree witht he whole supernatural powerful being aspect of the G-man though.

This has SO much do to with Adrian Shepard :rolleyes:
I'm not talking about the G-Man and Adrian Sheperd I'm just talking about the G-Man in general. He is so anti-evil. He may be a badass but that don't make him evil. If someone gives me good legitimate reasons why the G-Man is Satan then I will gladly listen.
Know whad be cool? A five way war between race-x, combine, resistance, xen wildlife, and xen forces!!!!
special-ed said:
Know whad be cool? A five way war between race-x, combine, resistance, xen wildlife, and xen forces!!!!

Race X wont be making anoher appearance.
Will someone please put down this perverbial old yeller that is Adrian shephard fans?
MarcoPollo said:
Will someone please put down this perverbial old yeller that is Adrian shephard fans?

Join us Marcpollo. And together we shall strike them down...

*Just slap it in your sig*
Join us (USMC) Marcopollo !
We must destroy this poor anti-Shephard rebelion.
MarcoPollo said:
Will someone please put down this perverbial old yeller that is Adrian shephard fans?

If only you knew the power of the Shephard side...
Idiots. YOU are the rebellion, WE are the empire...

Soon Shepard, you will die.
And soon we will all be warned for spammming I can see it in the stars!
I found Adrian in the game.

You can't prove it's not him.
Shepard is kool

Shepard is kool but he is no Alyx. I hope this aftermath kicks ass, we will see.
Samon said:
Idiots. YOU are the rebellion, WE are the empire...

Soon Shepard, you will die.

Don't forget, The rebels won in Star Wars and in the Half-Life world... ;)

Combine cant transform Adrian Shephard to stalker because he is too strong and brave !!!
Shephard is gr8. the only way he could have been cooler is if he was in the Paras/Royal Marines/SAS.

the antishephard fools shall be struck down.

he will return...
and though i walk through the valley of death, i shall fear no evil, for Shephard is my ally
How can people hate/love a character that they have never seen. He does not exist. He is you. Valve simply says that it's Gordon we are playing, but for all we know Gordon Freeman is a transsexual pizza delivery guy with amazing fire arms skill. That is why Valve refused to introduce mirrors into the game I tell you. The boxart is just to please our beauty infested society.

Having said this, I love Shepard and totally hope for him in Aftermath :p
ok, i went ahead and read 8 pages of this forum, and come to the conclusion thats it's stupid. anti-shepards give no reason why they like him besides "dood he sux" and pro shephards say nothing but "he roxors my soxors"
so, i will go ahead and make my pro shephard stance, and i sincerely hope that someone will counter it with an INTELLIGENT anti shephard stance (that includes an explanation). now, i like shephard. why? i see him as a nice foil to freeman. while freeman is a potentially brilliant man with high adaptation skills, shephard is an ordinary soldier doing what he's trained to do: kill. he's proably not the brightest guy, but i definitely enjoy seeing the results of the black mesa incident from different perspectives. and while all the soldiers you faced in HL were evil, shephard was potentially a good person, depending on the players appetite for scientists. i realize that race-x is always brought up with shephard, but realize shephard did not create race-x. it's possible to like one and not the other. as far as what i think about race-x, i don't really like the design for shock troopers, though i realize the importance of having adversaries for shephard that used the same tactics as the marines freeman faced, i would have rather he just fought the alien grunts though
Heh Heh..'he roxors my soxors'. Personally I'm Anti-Shephard because he's totally useless. We've got Gordon Freeman, the ass kicking scientist, we don't need Adrian Shephard the ass kicking soldier. Also, one of the things that made Half Life great was that for once you wern't this 'uber-soldier'. You were just your average Theoretical Physicist fighting for survival. Suddenly playing as the common fps commando sort of ruins the feel of the entire series.

BTW: Shephard is teh sux0rz!!1!