ADs in the post themselves???

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CrazyHarij said:
These advertisements are gay, we should all just stop posting and munro will see how well it is working..

Craziharij i agree that these ads are really crap, but tbh with the amount of complaining thats going on, i doubt it will last a week. not one person likes these adverts, it would be stupid to keep them. so we dont need to do anything drastic- they'll be gone soon.

of course if that doesnt work then we can just DEMAND that any profit munro makes out of our posts, 50% of it must be given to the poster. ;)
Yep I have to agree, there is a fine line between advertising and spamming forums with ads. I find this intrusive, as I can see many others do, and can be percieved that the site's cookies are installing adware.

Please dont turn this site into a ad infested wasteland!
Well I don’t really like the “intelli text” (or what ever its name is), but I can understand that the site has maintenance costs that –considering the amount of users that daily log and post- I imagine are high. So I can live with it as I’m not paying anything for the site and I’m free to go anytime if I don’t like it.

Just a small suggestion though. Could you plz make the ad text another colour and not underlined ? Green for example ?. Its kinda getting on my nerves cause I think that those are links posted by ppl writing the post.

Xcuse my english
Good point Gatos_7, it nice to come to a place where you feel like your either forced to "deal with it" or leave aint it? Those ads are only usefull if we click on them, and scince most people here are annoyed by them and wont click on them...whats the point? Dont count on the color changing...Im sure they know they have a better chance at getting click throughs if they trick us into it.

The mods are doing a superb job of just ignoring the complaints and "waiting it out" so sadly, I dont think these useless ads are going anywhere. Theyll just sit there and be annoying the shit out of us, not producing a single dime of revenue so in the end the mods can say they held firm, didnt budge and accomplished nothing.
The first time I saw those links I immediately rammed winkey-r, went to regedit and checked run... nothing there. So I went to housecall, made a systemwide scan... nothing. I tried adaware, nothing. Then I finally clicked a link, followed the "what's this" and read that it was in-site advertisement, nothing on my pc.

Don't you ever do that to me again! These text ads got to go NOW.
DeltaBlast said:
The first time I saw those links I immediately rammed winkey-r, went to regedit and checked run... nothing there. So I went to housecall, made a systemwide scan... nothing. I tried adaware, nothing. Then I finally clicked a link, followed the "what's this" and read that it was in-site advertisement, nothing on my pc.

Don't you ever do that to me again! These text ads got to go NOW.

Most of the time when you hear hooves, you should expect a horse, not a Zebra.
I'm not that bothered about the ads in posts/text. only two things REALLY annoy me about them..

1) It turns my posts into ads.
2) I keep hovering over them thinking its a real user made link
Hehe, I honestly don't know how anybody makes any money with this shit. I mean nobody even clicks there, maybe on by mistake. Thanks god for Firefox, I block everything I see on this forum, those stupid links, banners, etc. Now site back to running fast.

Oh and by the way, isn't Valve hosting your site for free? I just think they put those banners up to get some money themselves, I may be wrong ofcourse.
f|uke said:
They dont stand out as much as they blend in with the old blue forums theme. dark green on dark grey is very hard to read. The links need to be nearly the same color as the rest of the text.

is correct

wow sorry about that somthing really muffed
Don't like it. Please remove the ads. Site takes forever to load and it's annoying and if you are going to turn my magnificent posts into ads, I want to be payed for it. But just to annoy myself, I'll say console and also halflife and halo and game. There.

edit: installed adblocker. Superb. I'll keep the one on the top because it doesn't bother me. But I'm rid of the adwords in the posts. Can you say "phew"...
Why don't you guys just do what I do? Make a post. See what ads are presently available in it, then add an extra letter to the end to prevent it from turning to an ad. =)
I agree with the majority here - those imbeded ads are the worst, and when i see them activated on forums i usually stay far, far away. No one else will probably care but i will not continue to browse/post on these foums if the ads stay (which sucks because i was just getting confortable here :( ). Its just a matter of principle.
I don't see what's wrong with just having banner ads. Is this not providing enough income? I don't mind banner ads...
Firefox and adblock extension people, I didn't even know had ads until I read this thread, so I guess Firefox is doing it's job!

maxblack said:
Firefox and adblock extension people, I didn't even know had ads until I read this thread, so I guess Firefox is doing it's job!


Thanks for the info... I think it's working.

edit, just to test: console Half-Life Halo 2 bla bla bla
If putting up ads keeps the site running, I could care less about how many there are
lets rebel by editing-in underscores in the words that are transformed into ads!

like hal_o x_box etc
Bhaha, I was right though, money doesn't go into hosting.
Now they are in the post titles too? Well the mods are officially dicks. Time for adblock.

Seriously all this sneaking around pulling shit, and ignoring everyone is some pretty sad shit. What kind of mods dont adress the community over major changes like this? You guys gearin up for some big hoax? Remember were the ones you expect to support the site through these ads. All these people saying "we need ads to support the site" dont seem to realize they need to actually use the ads for them to produce revenue. You honestly think they make money just by having the ads? Why cant you just tell us why your minds are set on the worst ad scam known to man? Or are we to start expecting the Gamespy treatment?
the way i see it is;
hl2 is out. why am i still here? bye.
I don't mind the ads, but I'd rather the links were a different color than the links posted by users, if that's possible.
nutcrackr said:
I don't mind the ads, but I'd rather the links were a different color than the links posted by users, if that's possible.

How about a nice, hot pink?
I want more ads like that hot chick in the ad bar. As you can tell I'm a nerd and im pretty ugly. :E
Ugh, I was gone for a while and just came back. I was hoping these things would have been gone. No such luck I see.

Seriously, I think these type of ads are ridiculous. It really makes me not even want to come to the forum any more.
Suicide42 said:
Craziharij i agree that these ads are really crap, but tbh with the amount of complaining thats going on, i doubt it will last a week. not one person likes these adverts, it would be stupid to keep them. so we dont need to do anything drastic- they'll be gone soon.
Hah, you said that more than a week ago and they still aren't gone. :p

By the way, Neutrino, if you hadn't found it already, there was a big thread on this here.
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