Advertisements coming to Counter-Strike.

meh its only in 1.6 im rather surprised its not source, but more ppl play 1.6.
There are already Ads in Source thanks to Mani-Admin. Luckily it's server controlled, otherwise it'd be hell.
I dont know whats wrong with In-Game Ads ...
I could see it work if instead of the 'Generic Cola' vending machine they had a Coke vending machine. I've already seen mods where people replaces the vending machine skin with a Coke one...

So people have already been doing this sort of thing themselves.

As long as it's not overly done, there shouldn't be a problem.
I could see it work if instead of the 'Generic Cola' vending machine they had a Coke vending machine. I've already seen mods where people replaces the vending machine skin with a Coke one...

So people have already been doing this sort of thing themselves.

As long as it's not overly done, there shouldn't be a problem.

And as long as it doesn't install anything on your computer, then send you a flier saying, "Install the third party software, or don't install the game".

That's what mostly pissed me off about what EA did..that damned slip of paper.
Doug Lombardi: We believe that gamers are going to expect and accept well-done advertising in games.
Sorry but "everyone else is going to do it so we will too" is no excuse.

is it reasonable to add such a controversial feature so long after the game "shipped"? Shouldn't gamers be able to factor in-game advertising in their decision to purchase a product?

(Question un-answered)
Unanswered because its wrong to force ads on people who have already paid for the game without warning before the purchase.

CS-Nation: Additionally, are there plans to introduce ads into the single player world of Half-Life 2? Or will this be a trial run for the program, and future endeavors hinge on how well the advertising goes over in CS1.6?

Doug Lombardi: Right now, we?re just testing things with CS 1.6.
So there is there is the possibility of ads in Half-Life 2...:O.

Doug Lombardi: The current plan is to put ads in a few different places. There will be some ads posted on walls in the game world, an ad on the scoreboard screen, and one in the letterboxed area of Spectator mode.
A limited number of tasteful ads in-game I could probably get over but ads on the scoreboard or in spectator mode... got intrusive?

Now I like valve, but this is too much. I know there will be people who will say, "This will pay for future updates", but valve have been doing perfectly fine for a while now without needing to resort to in-game advertising, plus there are many members of the CS community who never wanted those updates in the first place. However they sugarcoat it this just feels like a blatant grab for cash.
Ads in CS for the time being is an experiment. Lets hope it fails.
I knew ads would become mainstream that's why I originally planned to not support any ads no matter how they were going to fit with the game world. But big business and advertising is a powerful force and it's inevitable now. Hopefully the same rule applies in Australia for Valve games as it does for BF2142.

Not saying it would be like that (I hope).... I just made that as a spray and was going into servers spraying that everywhere.
Didn't know 1.6ers could read :|
in game ads? not really a problem, its when they take it too far like every other market for advertising.... it will probably soon include spyware as well so that they can give you ads relative to you. Then in game ads that you have to watch before the round starts, next thing you know, your gun sounds will be replaced with " thirsty? why not grab a sprite!". Oh welll though... the game cant be ruined anymore than it already is with the hacker problem.
It's hard to support them when stuff like this appears. As long as it's done TACTFULLY (not a big-ass AXE sign like in Splinter Cell Chaos Theory) and it's not overblown (not 500 ads on one wall like SWAT 4), then maybe I'll deal with it.

Valve is becoming EA.

Get the **** off my counter strike.
It isn't your counter strike.

Go ads! Can't stand the 1.6 community, and this amuses the jolly hell out of me. \o/
^ Lol. Now they HAVE to go to CS:S or they don't have to play at all.
Yeah, that pizza is going to fly out of that board and attack the terrorists.


Get the **** off my counter strike.

The ignorance makes me laugh. It's their game, they can do whatever the **** they want with it. And don't go and say 'Valve bought over CS omfg evil creeps', because the creators agreed. And they're still working on it.
It isn't your counter strike.

Go ads! Can't stand the 1.6 community, and this amuses the jolly hell out of me. \o/
So you think ads are a bad thing? I'm guessing you won't be too happy if Team Fortress 2 has ads then?
I guess it's a good thing I no longer play CS 1.6 but I don't think for a second the in game advertising will stop there.

"Many consumers go out of their way to avoid and ignore traditional advertising campaigns. In-Game Advertising offers completely new worlds in which brands gain unprecedented awareness." -

Yea I wonder why that is..
Well I guess the cs 1.6 community doesn't have to worry then.
The CS 1.6 community is composed of peeps who enjoy bashing the game they play on a daily basis, and threaten to 'give up CS' every third day.

They will worry and rant regardless of whether ads are done well or not.
What is it with ramming ads into games now. >_<

Gordon Freeman fights combine "sponsored by spec saver"
CS:S end of each round, survivors chug on Redbull
Team fortress 2 use only Remington guns.

This must end please
Hope it isnt put into HL2. Nothing like fighting Combine and seeing a billboard for energy drinks.
I don't think they will put this in HL2 at all. Would only really work well with online games.
Oh give it a rest, you won't notice them in the end up, just like real ad's, this just sounds like that radar thing, i haven't seen it runin the game so far? and really who looks at the radar anyway? becasue no one i know who plays CSS looks at the radar....
Oh give it a rest, you won't notice them in the end up, just like real ad's, this just sounds like that radar thing, i haven't seen it runin the game so far? and really who looks at the radar anyway? becasue no one i know who plays CSS looks at the radar....
Then you can't be that good.
Frankfuly i don't like the radar, i use my eyes and my ears to see or hear a target not some silly radar, the best weapon is human instinct (that and a P-90 :p)
Frankfuly i don't like the radar, i use my eyes and my ears to see or hear a target not some silly radar, the best weapon is human instinct (that and a P-90 :p)
I'm sure you love your 1-10 K/D ratio.

Beerdude26 said:
I don't think he customized his layout either, dek. If the radar were in the center bottom of my screen, I'd use it. :p
Well I technically don't need to use the radar due to my invisible walls, but it's better to make it seem like I don't cheat.
I'm sure you love your 1-10 K/D ratio.

:rolling: Was that a flame? becasue you really need to aim higher becasue i think MP games aren't that great and i play them for the hell of it and for fun not rating stats :rolleyes:
:rolling: Was that a flame? becasue you really need to aim higher becasue i think MP games aren't that great and i play them for the hell of it and for fun not rating stats :rolleyes:
No it was just a guess as to your average score :p.
But since you don't play MP games so you can beat other players into submission, you don't need to use the radar, but if you were playing competetively (even on pubs) you'd make a point to use the radar, is all.

Good for you to use sound though, too many people don't.
Oh when i play online, I want to be the best that i can even if i dead ever so offen :p
I think Morgen Webb said it best "Ads are a way of paying for things without actualy paying for them, and I think it's a pretty good system."

Ad are great when you get what ever these ads are in for free. if you have already payed for a product it should not have ads in it (Xbox live I'm looking at you). Game Makers are forgetting what ads are for (see above quote) and are adding them to games for more profit and then charging us full price, And I for one am getting sick of it.

Who would buy a DVD Movie with commercials breaks.