Advice time!


Nov 20, 2007
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So I don't know where to start, basically I think I am fired but I am not sure and if I am ****!

Well lets start off uhh...


Well it all started when I was looking for a job, had been looking for months and I really needed one. My dad asked some friends he knew at [INSERT ELECTRONICS RETAILER HERE] and after a application and a couple interviews I was hired! Sweet $8 an hour! Stocking shelves, helping people find stuff, sounds good to me! I start and for the first week go through training, they decide they cannot use my Social Security card because it is laminated? Also my parents decide we are going to go visit some reletives for a week so I put it for my time off, department manager gets it for me so I am cool.

So after the first 5 days I finally get to go on the floor and start actually working, I fallow other employees around and learn what to do and can manage mostly on my own after 10 days of working! 4 Days later it is the week I am getting days off in to go visit with relatives!

Hummm, they gave me the WHOLE WEEK OFF? Guess whoever does the schedules got lazy? I didn't even need but 2 days that week, hopefully next week they get it right with sunday-monday.
Then 2 days before we leave my dad gets "peripheral vertigo" out of nowhere and we don't go. (he is better now) So I end up enjoying a week off, then comes new week day and I go expecting to not work sun-mon and find out they gave me the whole week off again too, guess they are lazy with schedules around here no biggie. My mom tells me to call and make sure that nothing is wrong but I tell her I did call even though I didn't because I figure it is lazy scheduling.

I mean if something was wrong they would have the ****ing decency to give me a call right?

Then comes the next week (third week now) and STILL not a single hour!? Ok well guess I better get the manager and figure out WTF is going on. So I talk to my manager he says "Ok come in tomorrow 12-7!"
Alright they are getting me back in the schedule, day is going normally helping customers like the fist of the north star when I get told to go to the managers office to talk to him. I go expecting him to yell at me about how I still need my Social Security card but he has me sign some paperwork, "Paperwork nothing special I thought..." Then he tells me "Ok you cannot come back into the sore for 5 days, then we will discuss if you will be staying with us or not.

W-what!? He tells me how "Sometimes it just doesn't work our, not everyone is made for retail." -Me
"Ok well I can come and buy stuff I was going to get some stuff later this week." -Me
"Nope you cant even come in the store at all for 5 days." - Boss
"..." -Me
I am just so stunned by this I cannot even think of anything to say!? I wanted to ask why but all I could do is walk out of the store and go home...

Later I called a buddy who works there and he says "Yeah saw this a few times before, start looking for a new job."



So... WTF?

Here I am now.
I was not even "on-the-floor" for a week total and they are going to fire me? I mean I was doing everything just fine, everyone was getting along with me, I had a couple problems when I did something wrong but hey I am new!

What do I do? I told my parents "Yeah they said come back later this week and they will get my schedule fixed." and we are moving(already signed for house) into a new house (long story) and I need to help by paying $200 a month for rent.

What should I do their is no way in hell I can find a job in less then a month!


It is not like "They probably hired too many people" because there were only 3 other people who got hired with me and they went to different areas of the store!?

Why would they fire me?

Oh well, maybe I will come back in 5 days and everything will be find and they just want to move me to a different department?

in all seriousness though, just call him and ask what went wrong?
My mom tells me to call and make sure that nothing is wrong but I tell her I did call even though I didn't because I figure it is lazy scheduling.

Should have called them the first time.
Should have called them the first time.

This.. Not much else really. They're probably pretty selective of people to keep, and someone who doesn't keep in touch even after a week won't seem that attractive for the simplest job.
Sounds screwed up. Sounds like a real issue. Wait, we have a 'I need help, /wrists' thread which actually has some reasoning behind it?

Oh, wow.
Don't overclock your parts without proper cooling. You could cause some serious damage.
Basically because you are new, they've forgotten to add you permanently onto the schedule. When it was done on week 2, you weren't given your days off they forgot to include you. Although you could use that in your defence. For week 3 you took the whole thing off knowing it wasn't right. This is a problem.

As a new starter the company / boss is looking for you to prove yourself, become an asset to the company, show initiative and enthusiasm. You probably ticked some of those boxes, but not checking for an entire week shows a complete disregard for the opportunity they gave you and no initiative. They're possibly considering forgetting it, "he obviously doesn't care too much".

It's a shame, but this is how companies work, you made a bit of a mistake there. I worked in recruitment for nearly 2 years and this is how cut-throat it is. Retail especially, turn-over of staff is incredibly high (mainly because it's not all rosey.)
Big whoop. I lost my job, my long-term girlfriend and my car all in the space of two months. It's not as if you'd been working there for any length of time.

EDIT: That was mean and I didn't mean it. :(
Someone went into the back of me. Dented the whole chassis. Miracle no one was hurt.