After the Half Life franchise>>

I think it should be Half-Life 2, then Team Fortress 2, then CS2, then DOD2, then Half-Life 3, then Team Fortress 3 then...

30 years of gaming right there.
Chris_D said:
I think it should be Half-Life 2, then Team Fortress 2, then CS2, then DOD2, then Half-Life 3, then Team Fortress 3 then...

30 years of gaming right there.

That sounds about right.
Chris_D said:
I think it should be Half-Life 2, then Team Fortress 2, then CS2, then DOD2, then Half-Life 3, then Team Fortress 3 then...

30 years of gaming right there.

Yeah, if you count sitting in this forum complaining about the HL3 delay as "gaming-time" ;)
about all the sequels: one word

boring dev cycles would grow rather repititious :dozey: they do have the dod/cs TEAM to slave for them.. so if THATS what you mean
someone from Valve mentioned that they wanted their next project to be something smaller that would be a bit easier to make. I'm sure they wouldn't want to jump into developing Half-Life 3 if 2 took five years to make.
They could make a game where every action is recorded and stored, even the npcs, and allow non-scripted player-determinable time travel. (don't ask why, it'd just be cool, that's all!)

Either that or a game world that is insanely interactive or something.

Maybe for once I can play a game and instead of shooting guards up, I can fire my gun in the air and shout "Lay down your weapons or I shoot that guy!" and have AI that reacts and who's primary goal is self-preservation, not killing the player.
FictiousWill said:
They could make a game where every action is recorded and stored, even the npcs, and allow non-scripted player-determinable time travel. (don't ask why, it'd just be cool, that's all!)

Either that or a game world that is insanely interactive or something.

Maybe for once I can play a game and instead of shooting guards up, I can fire my gun in the air and shout "Lay down your weapons or I shoot that guy!" and have AI that reacts and who's primary goal is self-preservation, not killing the player.

I'm with you. They should so do that. :)
It says "after the franchise" yet everyone's mentioning sequels:)
I'd like it if they did HL3 and then left the series at that. The Half-Life Trilogy has a nice ring to it...
I reckon they'd probably embark on another series of shooters although I'm probably stating the obvious.
They should buy the fallout2 licence, and a couple guys from BIS. Valve pumping out the next fallout would be second only to the original BIS doing it.

Whatever it is they're gonna work on, i know they'll be getting my 50 dollars, unless it's another gay porn simulator.
hl2, tf2, cs2, dod2 all using the same engine, valve said they already plan on a hl3 once hl2 is finished

I just hope that hl3 has full realtime lighting/shadowing wich is the only distapointment with the source engine

It would be cool to have a few spinoffs of hl as well, like blueshift where you play as barney or even a spin off where you play as combine or something

What i really really want to see right now though is a new oddworl game using the doom3 engine, i loved oddworl when it wa s a 2d game but once thyemade a3dversion it was totally homo a new 3d oddworld using the doom3 engine would own
well.. after HL2 is released, my guess is they spend time making patches or updateing it or whatever, and also work on some smaller projects like they mentioned doing, reason I believe this is because they may want to wait till technology steps up another level or two and then explode on us with a preview of HL3 like they did with HL2... im pretty sure whenever they plan to display HL3, it'll be when you least expect it.. heh
I really hope they don't make a HL3, TF2, CS2, I hope they make an all original game.

I think part of the reason that games/mods like HL, TF, CS are so great is that they were original creations.

Plus, original games do not give me much of a chance to get jaded with a game since I do not really know what to expect. Even a game like HL2 I already have an idea on what to expect before I play it.
RandomPING said:
They should buy the fallout2 licence, and a couple guys from BIS. Valve pumping out the next fallout would be second only to the original BIS doing it.

Whatever it is they're gonna work on, i know they'll be getting my 50 dollars, unless it's another gay porn simulator.

As a rabid fallout 2 fanboy.. I do believe you should be shot for that statement :sniper:
you guys forgot to mention, blueshift 2 and opposing force 2.ya never know if u might get to play as a combine.
Shephard is still being held "pending evaluation".

It'd be good to see what happened to him.
el Chi said:
It says "after the franchise" yet everyone's mentioning sequels:)
I'd like it if they did HL3 and then left the series at that. The Half-Life Trilogy has a nice ring to it...
I reckon they'd probably embark on another series of shooters although I'm probably stating the obvious.

Who's to say that valve won't make a quadrology
I want it to end with HL2. I hate it when they make sequel after sequel after sequel. HL2 should be the end of the Half Life franchise.

After that, who knows. Would be cool to see how Valve would cope with a war title, whether it be WWII, Gulf War, Iraq War, Korean War, whatever.

Otherwise maybe a less serious title? Think Serious Sam or Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament. Just a big old fashion frag-fest. No doubt Valve could come up with some original ideas to break this genre out of it's rutt.

I'm sure whatever comes after the HL franchise will be good.
i'd like to see other concepts made by valve. However I must disagree with iamanelephant. the last thing we need is more tactical shooters, expecially WW2 ones. Right now if i step into a game store i can't turn around without another tactical shooter or ww2 game staring me in the face.

I think valve should try their hand at creating other series because right now their entire company is based on 1.5 games (halflife and soon to be half life 2). Perhaps a horror game, maybe even a comedy game might be in order. Maybe they'll go so far as to make a car wars based game like interstate 76, or maybe something completely original that forces the industry to come up with a name for a new genre
I think that the FPS has the most potential in immersion and storytelling for games and I think Valve are the frontrunners in pushing these areas so I definitely want to see Valve do an FPS. I'd also like to see them tackle a some more interesting, unique stories with original settings, characters, goals, etc...
Flyingdebris said:
i'd like to see other concepts made by valve. However I must disagree with iamanelephant. the last thing we need is more tactical shooters, expecially WW2 ones. Right now if i step into a game store i can't turn around without another tactical shooter or ww2 game staring me in the face.

There's so many of them because they are so popular. If the games weren't selling, no one would be making them :upstare:
blahblahblah said:
I think part of the reason that games/mods like HL, TF, CS are so great is that they were original creations.

uhh.. well... Team Fortress was original when it was made for Quake 1 engine. But TFC (are u referring to TFC when you say TF, because TFC is fun too) wasn't really original.

I hope they go the serial route. Release small (like 3 maps) expansions for HL2 for $10 over steam. They could make them quickly, and they could be fun. This is the only way I could see anyone going with their monthly subscription... only if they are planning on releasing actual content...
CS2, Opposing Force 2, Blue Shift 2, then HL3... :)
they must make HL2 expansions,maybe in blueshift 2 we are barney again(of course),and op4 we are shepard but , what hapened to him? maybe is in another test(maybe before HL2 history) or maybe someone else(not Gman) is testing him,or a new expansion
who knows
edit: yeah i am zombie know(I think is bad,now I am a mindless dead body whit a headcrab sucking my head)