Aftermath a corridor to Half-Life 3?


Dec 22, 2003
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I'm wondering if Aftermath will lead directly to Half-Life 3. Or if there will be more episodic adventures starring Gordon. If the latter is the case, I think it would make for an excellent foundation for Half-Life 3, instead of just trying to introduce what has happened over the next umpteen years into the next game.

Also, I wonder if HL3 will take place directly after aftermath (ie, Gman not putting you into stasis when the episode is over).
I think the ending is going to be flexible, i.e. both EP and HL3 compatible. When I saw Half-Life 2's ending, I thought next will come Half-Life 3. But instead, Aftermath comes. Admit it, both Half-Life 3 and Aftermath fit HL2's ending. :)
I think at the end of Aftermath the player won't be able to tell if it'll lead into another episode or HL3.

iMMuNiTy said:
I think the ending is going to be flexible, i.e. both EP and HL3 compatible. When I saw Half-Life 2's ending, I thought next will come Half-Life 3. But instead, Aftermath comes. Admit it, both Half-Life 3 and Aftermath fit HL2's ending. :)

lol, that's exactly what I was thinking :dozey:
iMMuNiTy said:
I think the ending is going to be flexible, i.e. both EP and HL3 compatible. When I saw Half-Life 2's ending, I thought next will come Half-Life 3. But instead, Aftermath comes. Admit it, both Half-Life 3 and Aftermath fit HL2's ending. :)

That's true, I guess. In a way though, I wish we could have an ending that isn't entirely obscure. Like another generic Gman puts Gordon into stasis. What I would prefer is after Gordon an Alyx escape C17, they arrive in the wastelands beyond.

Alyx: Whew!, that was close.

*Sees thousands of Combine ships coming from overhead*

Breen on a loudspeaker: This isn't over Gordon, oh no....not by a longshot!.

Then the screen fades out.
Hmm max... if we did get put into a stasis, we should have the option to choose.
If we choose no then...
Alyx: Whew!, that was close.

*Sees thousands of Combine ships coming from overhead*

Breen on a loudspeaker: This isn't over Gordon, oh no....not by a longshot!.

Then the screen fades out.

It would remind of me HL1's "No" ending.
Max35 said:
Breen on a loudspeaker: This isn't over Gordon, oh no....not by a longshot!.

when you put an exclimation mark, you don't have to then end a sentence with a full stop. just thought i'd make you aware

be smart
Max35 said:
That's true, I guess. In a way though, I wish we could have an ending that isn't entirely obscure. Like another generic Gman puts Gordon into stasis. What I would prefer is after Gordon an Alyx escape C17, they arrive in the wastelands beyond.

Alyx: Whew!, that was close.

*Sees thousands of Combine ships coming from overhead*

Breen on a loudspeaker: This isn't over Gordon, oh no....not by a longshot!.

Then the screen fades out.

That would kinda suck :p

I really liked Hl2s ending. *Shrugs*
The ending of HL2 was good, but not until I found out that it will be a continue.

Never tought about it, (the continue) so when the ending of HL2 came, I was like: huh? wtf, So? what now? hehe
Eh, I'd like to see one or two more episodes after Aftermath that continue with Gordon doing the Gman's jobs. Half-Life 3 should be a departure from that dynamic, as HL1 was from HL2. (Half-Life 1, the Gman was a mysterious unknown flittering around the incident. In Half-Life 2/Aftermath, the Gman is your employer. Half-Life 3 should have a different dynamic)
Like Gordon going rouge?
Personally Aftermath should be stand alone, that you can play HL3 without it.
evilsloth said:
Like Gordon going rouge?
Personally Aftermath should be stand alone, that you can play HL3 without it.

Aftermath will spend most of it's time raising more questions about the HL universe, rather than answering them.

Happened with HL2, it'll happen again.
evilsloth said:
Like Gordon going rouge?
Personally Aftermath should be stand alone, that you can play HL3 without it.
You could play HL2 without playing HL1. It's informative enough - "The last time I've seen you, I sent you up for help after the resonance cascade". In one sentence you know more of the person, your "objective" in HL1 and what happened. Of course, to truly feel the difference of the worlds, how all hell broke lose and how the world turned upside down, you have to play HL1, and then HL2. I think the same is gonna be with Aftermath.
I still think we've got too much to experience during the lost week to not expect atleast one more expansion after AM.
Since Valve has said "we really want to make more Half-Life", I think it's safe to assume there'll be quite a lot more expansions and possibly episodic content.
Which is good for us, because we love expansions and episodic content ^_^
One thing I'm still not sure about...
Is Aftermath just another episode/chapter like "Follow the Free-man" all the rest of those?
Frank said:
One thing I'm still not sure about...
Is Aftermath just another episode/chapter like "Follow the Free-man" all the rest of those?

After is about 4/5 chapters long I believe.
Me with 56k, two months ago: NOOO, not downloadable content!
Me now: Episodic content is the future of gaming!
Doppelgofer said:
when you put an exclimation mark, you don't have to then end a sentence with a full stop. just thought i'd make you aware

be smart
Oh yeah just so ya'll know, Dr.Breen died at the end of HL2.
Oh yeah just so ya'll know, Dr.Breen died at the end of HL2.

No he didn't. Not all all. He was right in saying that our benefactors still needed him.
Actually since they havent explained the storyline any further, and the link's telling being 'wrong' according to Samon, I checked the ending itself, if you activate god mode and fall to where Breen was you only see a non-decriptive white outline of him standing still (with the orb thing he was in all banged up and smoking). As far as I am now concerened, I will wait for some more official results from Aftermath :D
Mr.Magnetichead said:
No he didn't. Not all all. He was right in saying that our benefactors still needed him.
No he didn't. He was saying desperately to Gordon, Alyx and maybe the humanity, that they need him. He was trying to save his ass, seeing that he's been defeated.
iMMuNiTy said:
No he didn't. He was saying desperately to Gordon, Alyx and maybe the humanity, that they need him.

No he was talking on a monitor. remember he turns around when you approach him and he says 'They're right behind me!...Oh shit...'
Mr.Magnetichead said:
No he was talking on a monitor. remember he turns around when you approach him and he says 'They're right behind me!...Oh shit...'
I think you need to replay that part. Seriously. Do that now. He shouts out "You need me!" line right when you send him down the "shaft".
Ahem! This is a public service announcement.

The story outline thar was written by me. While it does indeed state that Breen died, it could be wrong - I'm working to get it changed so it's slightly more mysterious. Breen may or may not have died - we don't know. It would be a pity to get rid of such a strong villain, but there is no evidence for either side of the debate.

Also, noclipping down to where he is proves nothing, since you weren't meant to see that part.
Sulks, you should work to improve your writing skills! :p
iMMuNiTy said:
I think you need to replay that part. Seriously. Do that now. He shouts out "You need me!" line right when you send him down the "shaft".

He was NOT talking to you or Alyx.
Sulkdodds said:
Ahem! This is a public service announcement.

The story outline thar was written by me. While it does indeed state that Breen died, it could be wrong - I'm working to get it changed so it's slightly more mysterious. Breen may or may not have died - we don't know. It would be a pity to get rid of such a strong villain, but there is no evidence for either side of the debate.

Also, noclipping down to where he is proves nothing, since you weren't meant to see that part.

Yey!! :D

You don't need to noclip, you can still see from him in the bubble from the walkway ;)

Sulks for the win
Mr.Magnetichead said:
He was NOT talking to you or Alyx.
Only you and Alyx was there. The portal has already closed before his line, there was no screen with the Combine Advisor nearby, so, yeah, he was talking to you and Alyx, and maybe, desperately, to humanity, trying to prove his importance, or rather, simply trying to save his butt. It's like a CS n00b whines about cheating after he gets pwned by a CS veteran.
I think its going to be open ended.

Aftermath is kind of like a patch for HL2's storyline which really kind of didn't go anywhere at the end.

And also since they are used to making games with the HL2 engine they probably thought it would be best if they themselves made the EP's.
I have an interesting question about HL3. HL2 has shocked everyone with the gravity gun. It brought so much into the fps world. What do you think HL3 will come up with to overpower HL2?
Well we dont really even know if there is gonna be a HL3, and HL2: Aftermath is just and expansion, which I'm not sure will include too many new things aside from a 'conclusion' to the storyline (conclusion being '' because of the way HL 1 ended)
Well we dont really even know if there is gonna be a HL3, and HL2: Aftermath is just and expansion, which I'm not sure will include too many new things aside from a 'conclusion' to the storyline (conclusion being '' because of the way HL 1 ended)
I was under the impression that it was officially announced that Half Life would be a trilogy. Perhaps I’ve been smoking the crack again. I’m sure Samon will be around shortly to set the record straight. There's your one man war on ignorance.