Aftermath: Gordon a voice?

You wonna hear Gordon scream?

  • Yeah !

    Votes: 24 14.7%
  • Nah : <

    Votes: 139 85.3%

  • Total voters
There is plenty of other games out there. And your telling me you don't talk??

The whole Gordon not speaking emphasises the fact that this is a first person shooter and that you are Gordon. If Valve decide to make Gordon speak I think it will ruin this aspect of the game.
It would suck. And wouldn't be half-life.

Any more no voters and tr0n will be here. Mark my words.
Don't talk like that about tr0n...*aghh*
Fear tr0n? Pfft I don't fear him. But you will. Oh you will :monkee:
You wouldn't want to. He smells.

He is a member. Anyway. Back on topic people.
when you play half-life, you might get a feeling for what you think gordon's voice would sound like if he did talk. if they made him talk all of a sudden, the voice they record for the game could sound different from how you imagined it and then you'd be dissapointed. also, its just one of those things they should never change in hl.
just say NO, to a voice for gordon.
*news* EA just bought the rights to HL2!!! it will be quickly made and will include 12 missions full of bugs and craptastic voice actors!! gordon freeman is now voiced and also screams in pain. also, all forms of technical support will be discontinued unless you phone the EA help line (charged at $16 a minute, only available in the US)

might happen....
neptuneuk said:
*news* EA just bought the rights to HL2!!! it will be quickly made and will include 12 missions full of bugs and craptastic voice actors!! gordon freeman is now voiced and also screams in pain. also, all forms of technical support will be discontinued unless you phone the EA help line (charged at $16 a minute, only available in the US)

might happen....

Won't. Valve are smart enough to know that EA is a path not to be trodden, not even looked in the direction of. Plus they are aiming for publisher freedom over Steam and EA is the perfect example of why developers would want to be publisher free.
All the more reason to sell off spots on STEAM to distribute developer's games on.
Samon said:
Won't. Valve are smart enough to know that EA is a path not to be trodden, not even looked in the direction of. Plus they are aiming for publisher freedom over Steam and EA is the perfect example of why developers would want to be publisher free.

But yet they chose to side with Bill Gates... ;(
Dag said:
But yet they chose to side with Bill Gates... ;(

Gabe Newell worked at Microsoft before he started Valve.
What were you thinking making a poll..! We all the real answer..
gabriel said:
when you play half-life, you might get a feeling for what you think gordon's voice would sound like if he did talk. if they made him talk all of a sudden, the voice they record for the game could sound different from how you imagined it and then you'd be dissapointed. also, its just one of those things they should never change in hl.
just say NO, to a voice for gordon.
he sounds excactly as i sound, trust me on this one
iyfyoufhl said:
he sounds excactly as i sound, trust me on this one

But...he never said anything. How do you know how he sounds?
Dag said:
But...he never said anything. How do you know how he sounds?
I agree :thumbs: there is no way of telling what Gordon would sound like. For all we know he may have a high squeaky voice :LOL:
Dag said:
But...he never said anything. How do you know how he sounds?

Well, YOU are suppost to be Gordon right?

Then witch that logic, Gordon should sound exactly like you. :D

Me smart :thumbs:

But if I really was Gordon, I would sell out to the Combine first chance I got, just because I love being Evil.
Dag said:
But if I really was Gordon, I would sell out to the Combine first chance I got, just because I love being Evil.
The game actually does let you do that. Walk up to the nearest metrocop at the start and say into your microphone: "I would like to join the evil side, which is you!!!"
You'll get a realistic response from him. :thumbs:

Me from other thread:

Making gordon talk is a huge mistake from which the game would undoubtedly suffer.
The simple fact is that unless the game contains an impossible voice recognition AI program, a talking gordon will be just as stupid and unable to communicate as he is now. Only louder.
Want to ask Kliener how a scanner flies? You can't.
Want to ask what the g-man is? Unless there's a new "ask what g-man is" key, that won't happen.

As for the story, how would gordon audibly talking suddenly make the plot better? Valve would still control the dialogue, and still keep what they want secret and what they don't want hidden. It would be exactly the same only, again, louder.

Gordon does talk in the game, except it is left to your imagination what he says. You click the squad movement key, and it's the same as saying "go over there".

A dearth of imagination is the real problem here.
It's no different than the people who say "I can't see my legs therefore I am floating. WHY AM I FLOATING???"
Mechagodzilla said:
The game actually does let you do that. Walk up to the nearest metrocop at the start and say into your microphone: "I would like to join the evil side, which is you!!!"
You'll get a realistic response from him. :thumbs:

Me from other thread:

Making gordon talk is a huge mistake from which the game would undoubtedly suffer.
The simple fact is that unless the game contains an impossible voice recognition AI program, a talking gordon will be just as stupid and unable to communicate as he is now. Only louder.
Want to ask Kliener how a scanner flies? You can't.
Want to ask what the g-man is? Unless there's a new "ask what g-man is" key, that won't happen.

As for the story, how would gordon audibly talking suddenly make the plot better? Valve would still control the dialogue, and still keep what they want secret and what they don't want hidden. It would be exactly the same only, again, louder.

Gordon does talk in the game, except it is left to your imagination what he says. You click the squad movement key, and it's the same as saying "go over there".

A dearth of imagination is the real problem here.
It's no different than the people who say "I can't see my legs therefore I am floating. WHY AM I FLOATING???"


I agree.

If valve ever give Gordon a voice, I will throw a barrel of napalm at their building.
Don't you hear sounds from him whenever you're damaged by fire? It sounds something like "nngh" or "sshhf".
CrazyHarij said:
Don't you hear sounds from him whenever you're damaged by fire? It sounds something like "nngh" or "sshhf".

Don't think so?
Mechagodzilla said:
Gordon does talk in the game, except it is left to your imagination what he says. You click the squad movement key, and it's the same as saying "go over there".
Yeah I was never sure about that. If you "used" a scientist in HL1, they'd agree with your suggestion without Gordon having said anything. Personally I like to believe that he didn't actually say anything, he's just telepathic or something.

Whatever it is, he's not exactly a good conversationalist.
Of course he said something, he says what you imagine him to say.
what if gordon did sign language?

actually something i'd like to see is not giving gordon a voice, but at least giving him some sort of way to interact in conversations. Like when talking to an npc at certain breaks in the conversations you could choose to give a positive, negative, indifferent, or some other remark. The game wouldn't tell you what you said, you would just know that you said something to agree or disagree with the npc.

Right now npcs just sort of run away with their conversations and i find its hard to feel like gordon when i desperately want gordon to at least have some tiny bit of input as to how npcs interact with me.

the hl2 2d game did this nicely using emoticons, valve could do something a little more sophisticated but along those lines.