Age of Empires III


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Just got it, reinstalling because my windows errored at end of installation. Does anyone have this game and if so, how is it? Also what features of the game are the most compelling.. capaign.. mp?...skirmishes against ai? What is your prefered empire?
from the demo experience, it seemed pretty lame.
I liked the demo, I just didn't enjoy it so much because im probably over RTS.

Might get the full version, if its anything like AOE2, which it seemed to be, the deathmatch will be the most fun- campaigns look OK too.
It's all about the water battles baby. When a "famous British colonel" gives you five ships to wreck havoc with, the **** flies!
the card/home system is really neat; haven't tried sp much yet.
the second one was fantastic, bought it, and the expansion, the demo for 3 was crap, it felt terrible.
The whole card system seems a bit bogus to me, and where is my stone dammit? Gah less resources.
Is it true that this is only playable with the Windows XP operating system? I have 2000 and I've heard it can't be played with that OS. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
I hope I can find at least SOME way to have fun with a 50 dollar purchase :|

remind me to never buy an rts again that isin't made by blizzard :(
The demo was pretty crappy, it looked like there was nothing really new.
or westwood, if they ever come back
EA bought Westwood and all the westwood employs got up and left so....probably not.

remind me to never buy an rts again that isin't made by blizzard
Now lets bring on Starcraft 2!!