Age of the Forums?

How old are you?

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PvtRyan said:
17 in a few days.

Odd. I always pictured you a bit older. Ah well, long live mature "kids," such as us :cheers:
/me checks birth certificate, then the calendar

Looking like 18... :P
im 17. w00t!. However that still puts me in the 14-17 category, this makes me angry.
Man all this thread has done is make me feel old...
Varg|Hund said:
Wow. I thought letters was older :|
I thought letters was younger :|

and shuzie, I'll bet ya a 3 pencer that I'm taller!
CyberSh33p said:
I thought letters was younger :|

and shuzie, I'll bet ya a 3 pencer that I'm taller!

How tall are you, good (bad) sir?
shuzer thats below the belt enough with your demonic messages
CyberSh33p said:
surely taller than you, not dear dear boy.

That did not answer my question. Please, give me an actual figure. :)
Shuzer said:
That did not answer my question. Please, give me an actual figure. :)
knowing you you would fabricate an answer for your height.

knowing me I'd do the same. :|

but you have brown hair and live in virginia, so I am going to say I am about 7 inches taller. maybe 5.
CyberSh33p said:
knowing you you would fabricate an answer for your height.

knowing me I'd do the same. :|

but you have brown hair and live in virginia, so I am going to say I am about 7 inches taller. maybe 5.

I have blonde hair.. dirty blonde, to be precise. It's not brown, just dark looking when it's long.

What the hell does height have to do with my hair color, or where I live? lol

BTW, I'm 6' 1"
Shuzer said:
I have blonde hair.. dirty blonde, to be precise. It's not brown, just dark looking when it's long.

What the hell does height have to do with my hair color, or where I live? lol

BTW, I'm 6' 1"
bahaha, 6'2", bitch! whats wrong!

Seriously, I am :D

my 5-7 inches bet didn't win though. oh well.
/me prances

I have the same hair deal btw.
Varg|Hund said:
bah. Us swedish people are t3h elite taalZors!

So would the people in the north of England if it wasn't for the fact the south stole all our tallness along with our money and Metrolink

*Shakes fist*

Still I manged to keep a nice height.

Hair doesn't necesarily have a lot to do with height nowdays, but back in the day people with dark hair, would probably be shorter simple because they came from a place where people had dark hair and were shorter. Blonde people...i.e, the Scandanavians are normally quite tall.
CyberSh33p said:
bahaha, 6'2", bitch! whats wrong!

Seriously, I am :D

my 5-7 inches bet didn't win though. oh well.
* CyberSh33p prances

I have the same hair deal btw.

lol, 6' 1", 6' 2", same difference. You probably measured yourself wrong anyway, and you're closer to 6' 1" :P :p
and you speel great too, farrow :D

edit: nevar, shuzie, I'm 6'2", eat my brass cojones!
I'll believe it when I see it. Which will be never. So therefore, you lose :)
Well I am a respectable 6'3"...Eat my fleshy normal human cojones.....You Brass freak!
Farrowlesparrow said:
Great...they add a whole 4 inches to my height making me 6'7" instead :P
well... I'm SHAQ SO THERE!!!!

and I'm also now 19 years old so I cna beat shuzer.
Haha...turn on your hearing aid and listen up grandadio(I'm 18). You and you brass cojones can go ahead and shove the SHAQ.....Wait....What is SHAQ?
Farrowlesparrow said:
Haha...turn on your hearing aid and listen up grandadio(I'm 18). You and you brass cojones can go ahead and shove the SHAQ.....Wait....What is SHAQ?
A gigantic black man.

You sick people using sick methods of measurement :|

1.86 'ere =)
Get away your metric freak! I bet your weigh XX killograms, and travel XX kilometres everyday.

Actually, I use both :O

Fictious you are the same height as my brother :)
Imperial sounds better....And I weigh 12 stone.

Try that one on for size if you dare. I think this country is possibly the only one that uses that measurement. Maybe in Oz and Maple leaf land they do.
Well I dont weigh any of your barbaric stones. I weigh 57 kilograms, thankyouverymuch!
Barbaric? These are quite well cultured stones, civilised even! I would thank you to treat them that way.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Tough :P (Il probably think of this moment as soon as I hit 20)

Why do you want to be a teenager?

Well, you just feel really adult, and you can't use "being a teenager" as an excuse anymore.

And everyone seems so young. You look at school kids and think "I was never that small".
Wow, farrow, I'm only 11 stone.
is the top inch of your body an entire stone in wieght? ;)