Age of the Forums?

How old are you?

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Wow, I didn't knew there were so many old folks around here, you all act like a bunch of immature 15-year olds.

What about the mature 15-year olds?

Also, a person's avatar makes a big difference, not only in terms of age, but also your expectations of how they'd look in real life.

So I'm Gordon Freeman's eye, and you're SpungeBob? I know what you mean though. Unless you've seen a picture of them...for example, I know what Badger really looks like...and he does look older than 17...
el Chi said:
I disagree - I think the lack of a physical presence leaves people as something of a blank canvas, at times. Thus, I often get the impression that the stupid people on these boards are much younger than they are - why I seem to forget that stupid adults exist, I'm not sure. Also, a person's avatar makes a big difference, not only in terms of age, but also your expectations of how they'd look in real life. Again, I have no idea why... It's pretty much all you have to go on? Dunno.
thats dreafully spiteful of you old boy, do you really have such... low expectations of us?

out with it, lad!
Well el chi I know what youa re saying and it sort of ties in with what I said. Because there is a blank slate so to speak, people ahve the ability to give an impression of something they aren't (Most people, myself included, will not be the same in "real life" as you would imagine them to be from the forum) Generally, someones maturity will show through eventually but the fact that this place is so much more impersonal, means people don't necessarily try to confomr with others on the forum and so they don't automatically take on an immature role if someone else is doing it.
OMGWTF hax! n00b lolz! and i wa s liek dat is liek soooo ghey!~1

Shuzer: TMBG - Istanbul is my favorite song of the moment too (not of alltimes though)
17 and barely 5 feet tall. I also weigh about 41 kg's. This is due to my bone disease though.