Airsoft... Again

Does the type of tissue matter? The manual says to use cotton, can I use cotton makeup removal-application strips?

Yes, I do have a cleaning rod btw.

I played today though, without lubing my barrel, and the only problems I had were two rounds that came out of the gun at such a low velocity, that they basically "fell" out the barrel. This it out of 3,000+ BBs though, so i'm hoping that they were just freak incidents.

It seems though like it got alot more difficult to load my mags with the loading tubes though. The force required for the last 20 or so is so much that I was just using my friend's speedloader.

I pulled my barrel out after a round where I was laying in the mud all game, just to make sure that my barrel didn't have any noticeable dirt spots in it that'd scratch anything, and forgot to remove my magazine before removing my barrel. After reinserting the barrel, the only problem I had was that the first trigger pull ended in an audible "CLICK", without anything actually firing, but after that, I didn't seem to have any more problems (aside from those two low velocity rounds I mentioned). Is there any chance I damaged something?
The click sound was probably just everything locking back into position. If you noticed an increase in misfires or any other mechanical problems I'd worry, but it sounds like everything is fine.

I vaguely remember having the same problem with my AUG mags (it's been years since I owned the thing), it's probably the same friction problem that is sometimes causing your rounds not to fire. Not much of a problem really, one thing to try is to make sure that the loading rod is lined up directly with the feed tube in the magazine, so you aren't pushing them in at an "angle." You won't damage the mags or anything, it's just a pain.

It sounds like your misfeed problem is mostly gone though, I'm guessing those two BB's were just a strange incidence. AEG's act up occasionally, with BB's rolling out of the barrel and such, but it's not much of a problem :)
Well, I cleaned up my barrel today. There was a shitload of well, shit, in there. The first 3 to 4 cotton balls I pumped down there came out completely black!

Anyway, I got a Dremel today as a birthday present from a good friend of mine, and i'm currently toying around with the idea of somehow machining the stock sights to be more accurate.

Any ideas as to how I could go about doing this? I was thinking of maybe shaving down the front sight so that it was thinner, then trimming the rear sight so that it's entirely flat (IE doesn't actually work), and then cutting a wide angle V into and trimming a bit off of the front "pin" so that it's flat with the top edges of the "V" in the rear.
