
Ugh. Why you would ever want a Glock is beyond me.

That's a review for a TM Springer Glock, probably the best springer glock you will find. No TM guns are full metal, though. Good luck finding a full metal glock springer, cuz I dunno if such a thing exists. I don't even know if full metal springer pistols exist... it seems like it would be a waste of metal.

If you just want to screw around, then the UTG shottie is probably the best way to go. It is mostly plastic, but its very hefty and sturdy, and shoots well and accurate enough. Only $35 for the Sawn off and Special Ops, and $40 for a full stock. Gives you two magazines and a speed loader, too.
Erestheux said:
Ugh. Why you would ever want a Glock is beyond me.

That's a review for a TM Springer Glock, probably the best springer glock you will find. No TM guns are full metal, though. Good luck finding a full metal glock springer, cuz I dunno if such a thing exists. I don't even know if full metal springer pistols exist... it seems like it would be a waste of metal.

If you just want to screw around, then the UTG shottie is probably the best way to go. It is mostly plastic, but its very hefty and sturdy, and shoots well and accurate enough. Only $35 for the Sawn off and Special Ops, and $40 for a full stock. Gives you two magazines and a speed loader, too.

I wanna stick more so with a pistol...what would you suggest for a springer?
Glirk Dient said:
I wanna stick more so with a pistol...what would you suggest for a springer?
If you like glocks, well, then you should get that. I sincerely

If you want something badass, you can get an UHC revolver. They don't shoot very fast, but you cock the hammer back and fill "shells" with a BB each, which is friggin cool. Mostly plastic, though, but you might be able to find a heavier one from someone other than UHC. You can even play Russian Roulette with your friends without dying. :P

I was never into the whole idea of non-shotgun-or-sniper springers, so I dunno what to suggest. Check out TM, because I'm sure they make the most reliable and sturdy springer pistols. They are just made mostly of plastic, since full metal replicas are illegal in Japan (or at least to manufacture, I think). If you like glocks, then get the glock. :)
Glirk Dient said:
I wanna stick more so with a pistol...what would you suggest for a springer?
All of tm's guns are good but expensive. The other 3 major spring cheap/midrange gun producers are KWC, UHC, and HFC. HFC's guns are generally crap, but look the best of the 3 (you'd be hard pressed to find any metal ones though) HFC's have slow-loading clips that hold about 20-30 bb's. KWC is at the other extreme, with (supossedly) the best performance but uglier guns. They also have nice speed loading clips, but they only hold 12-13 rounds. UHC is in the middle, with average/good asthetics as well as performance. My only gripe about UHC guns is that they use slow-loading clips like HFC.

If I were you, I would go with the UHC 1911-A1, just because it has the best range, power, and acuracy for its price. Plus it doesn't look half bad.
I have a KWC glock 17 myself, which has pretty good range and power although the shots tend to go off target to much (I think it was a problem with just mine).

If you need any more help with your decision, see the link I just posted:
Seems like a good choice, although I've never seen a deal on Airsoft Arms that you couldn't beat somewhere else.

And you might be able to pry the orange tip off, or if it is paint, use rubbing alcohol to get the paint off. It isn't neccesarily illegal to do that, either, depending on the state you live in.
Awsome...that might be better than painting over it. I have model paint around here so it wouldn't be hard to do but might be a better finish to remove that paint instead. Thanks for the tip!
Alright, I've been wanting to get a gas pistol for a while (a friend broke my old one). I've found a bunch of good-looking ones on Airsplat, and I was wondering if someone could evaluate my choices. (This is all super-preliminary).


Just one thing: I noticed how cheap the UHC USPs were... I was thinking about how awesome it would be to have one dual-tone and the other all black.
I've only gone out and done "real" airsoft once before with a local milsim team in Wisconsin, but I've certainly used the guns a lot as props and firing replicas and they look great on film.
I have gotten all my guns at I have a sig 552 upgraded to 350 fps, and m4, g36, and a p 90, and i love them all.
JNightshade said:
Might be nice. KWC is decent, and its cheap cuz its clearance.
CO2 can be expensive. Never heard of that, either.

UHC USP is probably the best buy, but the worst looking.
I think that's quite ugly. The only thing I trust HFC with is the Full Metal M9. Its full auto, too!
Again with the C02. Anything that says "Soft air" is usually crap.
This is a UHC USP with an extended barrell. Looks cool, I guess, but not really my thing.

Just one thing: I noticed how cheap the UHC USPs were... I was thinking about how awesome it would be to have one dual-tone and the other all black.
I suggest it. People say it shoots great. But it doesn't blowback when fired, like most gas pistols.

I also suggest looking into the WE Dragon, which is pretty awesome looking. The PHX Hi-Capa is pretty nice, too.
Rochet said:
I have gotten all my guns at I have a sig 552 upgraded to 350 fps, and m4, g36, and a p 90, and i love them all.
All of those TM? Shit, dude, you must be rich...
:O HOLY SHIT! I just looked at the WE Dragon... sweet jesus. F*ck everything else, I'm getting that.
JNightshade said:
:O HOLY SHIT! I just looked at the WE Dragon... sweet jesus. F*ck everything else, I'm getting that.
Hehe yep.
Yeah, I think I'm gonna get the dual-color Dragon (not the dark one) on Now I just need to pay for it... D:
M16A2 Electric Automatic with metal dual mount and red dot scope, upgraded it to 360 fps (would go higher but dont want people getting pissed)
Anyway its from Tokyo Marui and I've had it for 2 years and it still kicks ass. Highly recommend getting it from a Japanese place like that. Asian gangstas know their 1337 guns.
I have plenty of money so it doesn't need to be some cheap POS. Generally i see paintball as more of a sporty sport if you know what i mean, It's a spring Airsoft gun. The slide is stuck right now... I'll never go back to paintball after running around the woods with a g36c and sidearm.
I think once there are other TM aeg pistols I'll consider picking one up. I'm not too hot on glocks, just a personal preference.