AK-74 [Wip]


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
hey guys this [wip] is 1500 poly so far crit it if u want but remeber im not done so im still adding details.


  • hl2f1.jpg
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Nice. End of the barrel looks a little weird, IMHO. But that's probably just me...
Yeah the barrel is very weired but everything else is fine and dandy. Good work.
the poly distribution is quite bad, for example, you have the front grip with about 20 sides on top, then the stock is just a shaped box.
yes i know, nobody see the stock ingame though :).
looks good, though something horrible has happened to the end of the barrel.... :D
yo, could we get a close up render and wireframe to crit it a little better? Thanks. And it's looking good! :)
I was jsut wondering what's the difference between and AK-47 and a AK-74?
the numbers at the end refer to the year it was created I.E. the AK-47 was made in 1947 and the AK-74 was made in 1974
that's not the main diffrence. The ak-74 is a smaller wepaon, with a collablsable stock More efficaint for urban enviroments and sepcial ops.
when making renders try to get in close in different areas and have about 5 renders of different locations it makes it a lot easier to judge your model. If some times u have smoothing problems like most models do without a skin then nm, its better to show people exact details and apart from 1 render I can't tell anything really with your model. It looks nice from what I can see. But looks like it could have more detail. Good work though.
yeah i have to keep it around 1800, goddamn bf42 engine!
the ak-74 fires much smaller bullets. about the size of the m16s and its variants.
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
that's not the main diffrence. The ak-74 is a smaller wepaon, with a collablsable stock More efficaint for urban enviroments and sepcial ops.

actually no...its about the same size as the ak-47. But as I said it fires smaller bullets.

Not for special ops and urban combat they had the aks-74. Which is much smaller. And sometimes the aks-74u a heavily modified version.
quick q...

how does your bullet come out?
AK bullet:

AK-47, AK-103, AK-104, AKM = 7.62x39
AK-74, AK-105 = 5.45x36
AK-101, AK-102 = 5.56x45 NATO