Alan Wake delayed for PC?


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
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Posted by Remedy's Markus Mäki on the official forums:

I'm a PC gamer at heart (have a Core i7, Radeon 4890, 5.1 audio setup at home) so I do appreciate your concerns.

Unfortunately all I can say at this point is that we're focusing all our efforts on the 360 version and will be making comments in regards to the PC at a later in time.

This will probably mean a delay, although it could also mean it is going to be Windows7 exclusive release (which would be quite ironic).
They better put in the effort after the 360 release. It's all fine focusing on the 360 but they better not give us an unoptimised port. It'd a real shame though as i really was looking forward to it.
Alan Wake will suck. Remedy should have kept rights for Max Payne.
Alan Wake will suck. Remedy should have kept rights for Max Payne.

Why do you say it will suck? From the previews i've seen it looks very interesting.
I'm glad that Remedy are trying something new. Max Payne was great and i felt that it shouldn't be dragged on.
Woa I thought this game was like cancelled or already out and deemed shit or something..
Ugh. You can be sure that this is because the 360 lineup is lacking for the foreseeable future (no fanboyism here, just look at the reactions to their lineup at E3). There are a few things I hate about this, but the most awful is the fact that they are forcing the 360 version out only to OBVIOUSLY ship a better PC version later. This bothers me more than even the Dragon Age delay because at least with that delay all versions will available at launch. Ugh.

My faith is quickly disappearing in this title because history has shown in too many cases that focusing on a console version then moving it to the PC is bad bad bad.
Can't say I got interested from the Alan Wake demo on E3. Delayed for PC, you say? I'm gonna have to check with my care-notebook to see if I car... No.
Hopefully it comes out with loads of Windows Live crap hooked into it so it doesn't work properly and nobody buys it.
It would make me giggle..?

TBH, I haven't read up on Alan wake in the slightest of bits. I saw the pictures back in, what, 06/07? That's about as much as I've heard/seen on it.
Unfortunately all I can say at this point is that we're focusing all our efforts on the 360 version and will be making comments in regards to the PC at a later in time.

Read: The PC version will be an abysmal port that will run like garbage, force you to use GFWL, won't support proper controls or aspect ratios, use horrible DRM, and come out months later. And when nobody buys it, we will blame piracy even though we made the most half-assed piece of shit game we could possibly sell at full price.
I'm really hoping it wont. The E3 trailer didn't look bad, but it didnt make me confident either. This will be one I will wait to see reviews for probably. Especially now that its going to be out on the xbox for awhile before the PC. A lot of times I'll say I will wait for reviews then buy it day one anyways. This way im forced to reconsider.
The E3 trailer killed it. Finally getting to see the gameplay, and what was it? "Shine flashlight on enemy for a few seconds, then destroy him." That's what we get? Shit sucks.
I can't imagine thats all they would do for the majority of the game. I'm thinking thats just one segment, like each area you have to do something different to get through it. Would be a waste of all their technology if that were it.
Well, I'm sure there will be other things you need to do in terms of puzzles and such, but if that's the main mechanic for defeating enemies in the game it seems very lackluster and a big letdown given all the teasing we've had up until this point.

Previous trailers having shown Alan being chased across the rapidly darkening landscape by shadowy figures, and he beats them by...shining a flashlight on them. Eh.
I sure hope its not like that. I'd be disappointed and probably wont get it if that were the case.
Well, I'm sure there will be other things you need to do in terms of puzzles and such, but if that's the main mechanic for defeating enemies in the game it seems very lackluster and a big letdown given all the teasing we've had up until this point.

Previous trailers having shown Alan being chased across the rapidly darkening landscape by shadowy figures, and he beats them by...shining a flashlight on them. Eh.

Well the main mechanic in other games is simply shoot it until it dies so I'm failing to see your point.
And never did I say that was a good mechanic, either.

Point is that you have a chance to do something unique with what seems to be a good story, spooky atmosphere, and you've got these things chasing you and night is coming fast and run run run oh shit oh shit they're right on top of me what are these things fuck this spooky town how do I defeat these guys

I with Darky on this one (although the snes does clearly own the genesis).

There was so much hype and mystery surrounding Alan Wake untill the e3 footage hit. New exciting gameplay taking the horror to a new level it was not. It looked like a boring Max Payne with a torch. Anticlimax!

I suspect the game will be decent, maybe even good fun, but not the awesome working shit out during the day while keeping a nervous eye on the sun, watching the shadows lengthen before it drops over the horizon and the crazy ****ing things come. arrgh /o\
I lost all interest in the game when they announced it would be a Vista exclusive a couple of years ago. I wish them the best.
It is not even delayed. At this moment it is not sure if a PC version will ever be released:

“Yes, that’s correct. We are fully concentrated on the Xbox 360 version,” Lake said. “Other than that the plans are up in the air and open. Once we get this version done we’ll see.”

Asked specifically whether the game will still be coming to PC at some point in the future, Lake added: “As I said, the plans are open, and once we’re done with the 360 version we’ll evaluate the situation and see what makes sense.”


Fukc you Remedy. Vista exclusive release, pah.
Can't say i didn't see that coming. First it was a simutatious release with the 360 version which was to good to be true. Then it was Vista exclusive despite it being DX9 only, then it was 360 release first then the PC version would follow. Oh well, they can stick it, seeing as they are having to dumb it down to get it to work on the 360 i don't want to waste my time on that garbage.
If its not coming for PC, then my interest has dropped to zero.
I still say they are just saying this so that it can be a jewel in the rather lackluster crown of the 360's 2010 lineup. I imagine there WILL be a PC version but they are just not supposed to talk about it now. I will NOT be surprised when a few months after the 360 release rumors start again about the PC verson not being dead but being better than ever to take advantage of something that Windows 7 has to offer. :hmph: (It better be really good though because the tech looks drastically watered down from the tonadoes and shit they were showing in years past.)
I agree with everything after the first sentence.

Why would Remedy care about having a good line up on the 360 at this point? If anything, they would want a bad lineup, so their game shines. If that's what you mean, then yeah.
I agree with everything after the first sentence.

Why would Remedy care about having a good line up on the 360 at this point? If anything, they would want a bad lineup, so their game shines. If that's what you mean, then yeah.

Microsoft are publishing the game so they will care about the line up.
I have a feeling this will be Mass Effect all over again. When Mass Effect was announced for the 360 there were loads of rumours about a PC version given Bioware's pass support of the platform. Bioware strongly denied any PC version was in the works, to the point that a few months before the PC version was announced they gave an interview stating that "not a single line of code has been written for a PC version". We soon learnt that the PC version was in development before the 360 version was released. The only reason i can think of why Bioware kept quiet was Microsoft told them to do to so to create uncertainty which drives people to buy the console and game and i think they are pulling of the same stunt here.

Either way i will not buy. I'm fed up of the PC customers constantly being treating as second class customers.
I admit I haven't really been following AW too closely despite being impressed by some of the early pics (released about 30 years ago by now), but what's all this about them not discussing a PC version? It was my understanding that there was always going to be a PC version, or else where did all the 'Vista exclusive' fuss come from?

Regardless, the way they're acting now, as if they never made any commitment to bring the game to PC, smacks of irritating doublespeak, quite aside from the fact that it's yet another example of people failing to appreciation PC gamers' custom. If I ever had any interest in this game, it's gone.
I don't even care about the politics. When I have money and want to buy a game, I pick one from the available games for my PC.

It's uncalled for to lie to a consumer to manipulate them. There is no reason for it since all they have to do is just never announce what systems their game is coming for and let the hype and speculation steer their decisions. If there is favorable buzz behind a PC version, then put out a PC version. Simple as that.
I'm really starting to not care about alan wake. The E3 demo was disappointing, after this game was hyped to be a silent hill/alone in the dark esque horror experience and I see a luigi's mansion third person shooter now O_o

If now the PC version doesn't see the light of day then MS won't get my money and I won't lose any sleep over it :|
My first impression from an E3 demo a few years ago, was that it would be a rather open-ended game. They showed us some nice weather effects, moved the camera through a vast terrain, rich in details, which I assumed was going to be for the player to roam in.

I guess not.