Alan Wake PC version delayed indefinitely.

Don't everyone worry just yet.

"Remedy has a deep heritage in PC gaming and would love to see a PC version available to its PC followers, ultimately however this decision lies with our publisher."

See that? It is all falling into place the way I said it would. MS (the publisher) will make it seem exclusive to the 360 to beef up their limp lineup for Spring of 2010 and then a few months later as sales drop off, rumors will start swirling again about a PC version, now updated with a better inventory management system, better combat, devilish DRM, and who knows what else??!! Ugh. I really hate this shit.
Don't everyone worry just yet.


See that? It is all falling into place the way I said it would. MS (the publisher) will make it seem exclusive to the 360 to beef up their limp lineup for Spring of 2010 and then a few months later as sales drop off, rumors will start swirling again about a PC version, now updated with a better inventory management system, better combat, devilish DRM, and who knows what else??!! Ugh. I really hate this shit.

That quote can also be found in the link in the first post.
It's not a matter of console exclusive, I know that the game will be eventually out for PC, Mass-Effect style. It's the troubled development process and Microsoft marketing decisions that worry me.
I so want to play that game and i dont have an 360 i was looking so forward to play that game
What an dick move =/
Ha! So if I quoted it from the link in the first post things would be fine? What a dick.
Agreed. Also, how does where you quoted from affect the point you made?

See that? It is all falling into place the way I said it would. MS (the publisher) will make it seem exclusive to the 360 to beef up their limp lineup for Spring of 2010 and then a few months later as sales drop off, rumors will start swirling again about a PC version, now updated with a better inventory management system, better combat, devilish DRM, and who knows what else??!! Ugh. I really hate this shit.
Anyone would think Microsoft wanted nothing to do with the PC seeing as they treat PC gamers like shit.
Relax guys. The only thing I wanted to point out was this:
VoS presented his information in this post as if he found something totally new, giving another url and stating his (very likely) theory. Especially the "Don't everyone worry just yet. " and "It is all falling into place the way I said it would." gives the impression that he somehow stumbled upon the missing piece of the puzzle. Which he hadn't since the exact same quote could be found in the opening post of this thread.

So have a chill pill, don't go sit on the closet as we say here in the Netherlands, and lets discuss the evil that is Microsoft.
Oh, I thought you guys were just calling each other by your first names, which happened to be Dick.
Oh, I thought you guys were just calling each other by your first names, which happened to be Dick.


So why would Ticky Dicky of all people try to foil a plan that involves spreading misinformation and a general twisting of the facts? He is world-class at such things. Perhaps he wanted to do it himself and got his knickers in a twist because he was beaten to the punch...poor Dicky. ;( Next time I will leave it to you.

In all seriousness though, 2 points:

1. Many people don't click on linked articles so my info should prove useful to those folks

2. My theory stands because before even I clicked on the link in the OP I thought this about MS's 360 plan--they need all the help they can get

So that said, let us get back to bashing MS's methodical destruction of PC gaming. :cheers:
Probably already stated by many, but. As good as the game might be, it has totally not captured my interest at all.