Microsoft: Alan Wake will no longer be coming to the PC

Well what happened to Condemned 2?

What about Super Street Fighter 4? The PC version is what's in the arcade cabinet, and yet it hasn't been announced for the PC platform; no release date, nothing. Keep that in mind when they tell you things like "we picture you sitting on the couch playing this". These are excuses for financial problems, missed deadlines, publishers with cold feet (will it sell?), and fear of piracy.

So yeah, a lot of my first choices aren't available. I would pick up just about any decent game when it has made it's way to the bargain bin. You might not be interested in them, but these are decent games. Entertainment.
That's why I try to ensure to have all the major platforms each gen, that way I ensure I don't miss out on games that don't get ported, i.e. MGS4, Gears of War 2, Crysis(J/k.)

Anyway there's so much more worse stuff being done by companies etc out there than just not releasing a certain media on a certain format(or platform) IMO.

Take Condemned 2 for example, it's not as if when SEGA ported Condemned 1 from the 360 to the PC that they wrote a legal agreement where they promised every single person who bought the PC version of it that they'd get a sequel if there was any on the PC as well.

In the end, considering the quickly rising development costs, and the fact that most game developers are COMPANIES who have to prioritize PROFITS, I think it's perfectly fine for them to do what they deem good for the finances of the company.

If we lived in a world where it was completely free to produce media, and every single person working on media was guaranteed a set wage by some international government or something, then sure. But it's really silly with people that think companies OWE it to them to develop games or port games for/to their individual platform of choice.

Sorry if it's a bit unclear, I can't think straight. It's almost 4AM here, tired as hell.