Alcohol + Graduation + Tradition, A Numbers Story


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Jan 11, 2005
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So, for the first time ever, I had tried Alcohol. Soju, to be more exact.

Soju is like vodka, except it's distilled from sweet potatoes and has about 25% ~ 30% alcohol content. It's sweeter than vodka, they say.

Anyway, my friends and other people from my department were having fun, and I thought, what the hell, a couple of drinks won't kill me. I let the festivities begin.

After 2 glasses, I had this weird sensation that I was hit in the head with a sledgehammer, and of strength escaping from my body. It was interesting enough that I decided to keep on drinking. I went around and around, sharing drinks with anyone that I had met at least 1 time.

I had finished a bottle after half an hour, which is about 360ml. The sensation was truly strange. I was becoming disoriented, and my senses were considerably dulled. I was beginning to worry about my cognitive abilities, and went on to self-test, with a non-drinking friend as control.

I recited the powers of 2, from 2^1 to 2^20. Simple multiplication, check.

2 + 2 = 10. IN BASE FOUR. I'M FINE! Or at least I thought I was.

After another bottle, and much more fun, I was seriously having trouble with motor functions. My thinking wasn't too affected, however, as I managed to pretend drunkenness to do a multiple of things, including getting a girl drunk, and swearing at pretentious people whilst knowing that I'll get away with it. After someone tried to kiss me, and I managed to dodge it, I knew that I was good to go.

Unfortunately, as the night came to a close, my friends didn't see it that way. One of them took my phone, and called my house. I managed, however, to bring another more drunk friend with me, after being escorted by a friend who likely thought that I was completely intoxicated and unable to function properly. Far from it. I was completely aware of my actions and their probable consequences. I was only having a little problem walking.

I woke up the next day, feeling a little bit of a headache, gulped down some caffeine (never coffee, coffee is disgusting), and went to school to graduate.



It sucked. High School, while with some bad times, was still very fun. Especially compared to my earlier years. My friends that I made in high school made up for the cauterization of tear ducts caused from staring at books too much.

University prolly will suck in comparison. My high school days will probably be remembered as the height of my life. The rest will go downhill, with my plans for the total hegemonic domination of all humankind ruined.

Don't congratulate me.


Tradition and stuff.

First of all, I'm not religious, but I do have respect for the semi-religious rituals that we do on the Lunar New Year.

My grandfather, my father, and I set up a table to honor our 4 nearest ancestors and their wives. We placed food on it, had a little piece of paper with the titles and names of those ancestors in the center, scent and little smoking sticks that gave off this interesting, sickly sweet smell (incense, I believe it's called) on the front, and lit 2 candles on each side of the table.

The interesting part is, we set up the table as if we were feeding live people. We moved the spoons around to give the impression of eating, and every time we filled the respective glasses with rice wine.

The thing was done like this:

Grandfather grabs a glass and pours alcohol
Father takes it and waves it around on the incense
I take it and put it to it's original location

with varied rotations - with utmost care and respect

With each cycle, we got up, and bowed, our knees and forehead touching the ground. We did it about 6 times.

After the little ritual was over, my grandfather took the little piece of paper, and set it on fire, holding it as long as he could before scattering the ashes into the open skies.

The food was by then cold, and we reheated it and ate it. My mother told me that it would bless me or something, but I had my doubts.

After that, we bowed to our relatives, and they gave us money. A tradtition, so to speak. I was lucky to have a big family on my maternal grandfathers side; I received nearly $500. :p

And that's it. I always wondered why people drank alcohol. Now I don't.
Now go learn about all the other vices in the world.

I congratulated you.
Drinking in Korea sounds all kinds of boring.
Drinking in Korea sounds all kinds of boring.

That's prolly because we were all aware that our teachers were present, and even in drunken stupor managed to be aware of that fact that they can, and have, beaten some sense into us.

Anyway, I'm going to sleep.
I'm glad you had fun numbers (if that is your real name).

If you ever come over to Ireland, I'll show you how to really drink :)
If your night of drinking included mathematics... I feel sorry for you. Even ignoring the math, your night was pretty tame compared to drinking parties ive been to when i was still in school.
If your night of drinking included mathematics... I feel sorry for you. Even ignoring the math, your night was pretty tame compared to drinking parties ive been to when i was still in school.
Indeed lol I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"I'm having awesome fun"
"Me too"
"Lets do base 2 calculations!"
"Okay lol!"
I move this thread becomes: pictures of drunk self thread:
Numbers said:
I recited the powers of 2, from 2^1 to 2^20. Simple multiplication, check.

2 + 2 = 10. IN BASE FOUR. I'M FINE! Or at least I thought I was.

lol even when you're drunk you're a square. as a rule the night is not over until someone gets naked ..perferably you, no homo stuff

Numbers said:
Like getting laid? If I wasn't socially impaired, I might have a chance.

you've already lost half the battle before you've even started. confidence goes a long way. more so than looks, if that isnt your strongest attribute.
I want to know why you dodged the kiss.

Also you're younger than I thought you were. I didn't know you were only high school age.
bah I though it was something craziers like

"yeah I got wasted and they left me naked in the north korean side of the border,where the north korean soldiers seem to be trying to shoot me but I dont remenber very well cuz after all I was drunk"
So you had 720 ml of a drink with 30% alcohol level? That's very, very much for a first timer, you're lucky you could stand on your feet.
I like alcohol. I don't really live until I've had a couple of drinks. When I say live, I guess I mean enjoy life; partake in life; find amusement in the little things; do things that might otherwise get neglected.

So yeah, I like to have a few drinks, play a few games of pinball, do the chores and cook up an incredible supper - were I discover some new way to make something - going all out with fresh ingredients. Alcohol makes me ravenous. After dinner, I'll relax and watch a movie with my friend, Rigor Mortis.

If I hadn't had anything to drink, all of these things would feel like a chore and uninteresting. For example, would you rather do the dishes, or do the dishes while intoxicated? Really a no-brainer. Just try not to break anything.
I'll be sure to post in this thread when I first get wasted.
(its bound to happen no matter how straight edge i am)

Also, math is terrible and you should feel bad.
I like alcohol. I don't really live until I've had a couple of drinks. When I say live, I guess I mean enjoy life; partake in life; find amusement in the little things; do things that might otherwise get neglected.

So yeah, I like to have a few drinks, play a few games of pinball, do the chores and cook up an incredible supper - were I discover some new way to make something - going all out with fresh ingredients. Alcohol makes me ravenous. After dinner, I'll relax and watch a movie with my friend, Rigor Mortis.

If I hadn't had anything to drink, all of these things would feel like a chore and uninteresting. For example, would you rather do the dishes, or do the dishes while intoxicated? Really a no-brainer. Just try not to break anything.

Enjoy the road to alcoholism... lol

No but really. Numbers person... I know and have hung out with Koreans... they have way more fun than that and they don't do anything math in their head. I stopped reading because it was too nerdy. Don't get me wrong, I was never the coolest kid on the block... but just the idea that you'd post this event on forums screams Maximum Nerditude. But hey... as long as you had fun... good work.
I recited the powers of 2, from 2^1 to 2^20. Simple multiplication, check.

2 + 2 = 10. IN BASE FOUR. I'M FINE! Or at least I thought I was.

Try doing calculus.

Seriously though, lack of ability to do arithmetic has no bearing on how drunk you are.
Looks like those Koreans can really hammer out the drinks, seriously Numbers that much alcohol would get most people on this board shitfaced bad enough to fail a straight-line test.
you've already lost half the battle before you've even started. confidence goes a long way. more so than looks, if that isnt your strongest attribute.

Eh, I've only confidence when I'm sure that authority has been delegated to me. Other times, not so much. :p

I want to know why you dodged the kiss.

Also you're younger than I thought you were. I didn't know you were only high school age.

#1. I didn't know who the **** he was.

#2. More importantly, HE.

And well, yeah. Although I'm still 20 when they count in the Korean way.

So you had 720 ml of a drink with 30% alcohol level? That's very, very much for a first timer, you're lucky you could stand on your feet.

I guess so. Alcohol seems to affect me less.

Looks like those Koreans can really hammer out the drinks, seriously Numbers that much alcohol would get most people on this board shitfaced bad enough to fail a straight-line test.

We're known for drinking a lot. :p

And no, we aren't the ones to go wild partying and shit. YOU RAKK DISCIPRINE

Of course, others will probably be more wild than us. We're a pretty tame bunch. In our entire school of about 1200, no-one has ever been laid (Statistically speaking, about 9% (I think?) should have).

About the maths, I've never been really good at maths, at least compared to my friends. I never took the technology-natural science route, and therefore couldn't learn adv. Maths (Maths II and such), which made me suck at maths even more. But still, maths was like the pinnacle of human intelligence for me. It was proof of the reasoning power of the human mind, etc. I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but I guess I'm trying to explain why I did calculations in a state of intoxication.

I'm beginning to feel a bit depressed now, you ****ers. :p

And nobody got the 2+2=10 joke. I'm disappointed in you folks.
Enjoy the road to alcoholism... lol
I see it as more of a journey. No, but I don't think I consume it in excess, and it hasn't interfered with my life.

Alcoholism has multiple and conflicting definitions. In common and historic usage, alcoholism is any condition that results in the continued consumption of alcoholic beverages, despite health problems and negative social consequences. Modern medical definitions[1] describe alcoholism as a disease and addiction which results in a persistent use of alcohol despite negative consequences.
Besides, a lot of modern science indicates that a drink a day is good for you. So if I have 2 or 4, I must be getting really healthy.

****ing lol'd.

No, but I try to not have more than 2 or 3 a day. 4 on a rare occassion.
Men should drink no more than 21 units of alcohol per week (and no more than four units in any one day).

About 3 a day sets me right.
University prolly will suck in comparison. My high school days will probably be remembered as the height of my life. The rest will go downhill, with my plans for the total hegemonic domination of all humankind ruined.
And at that very moment when your plans fall through, I won't be far. Close enough for me to bear witness, but far enough so as not to draw your attention.

And as you turn to walk home, shoulders slumped, defeated, you may catch only just a glimpse of a man with a slight smile on face. But you will know... you will know it was me, and my victory will be complete.
Shit man, that soju stuff is pretty rough, I used to drink it all the time. Mixes well, though. Were you drinking it straight?
Numbers i don't mean to hijack your thread, but last night i got so drunk even if i wanted to i couldn't have made a drunk thread.
My head is killing me right now...but at least i remember making out with one chick if not more, so it wasn't all for nothing. :cheese:
I've got a job meeting in two hours and i feel like i'm going to throw up again any time now. Damn it.

But congratulations to you numbers. Remember to make at least one drunk thread now, 5 infraction points is not that bad. :angel:
Shit man, that soju stuff is pretty rough, I used to drink it all the time. Mixes well, though. Were you drinking it straight?

Yes, I didn't mix it. Although I did drink some coke between 'shots'.

Numbers i don't mean to hijack your thread, but last night i got so drunk even if i wanted to i couldn't have made a drunk thread.
My head is killing me right now...but at least i remember making out with one chick if not more, so it wasn't all for nothing. :cheese:
I've got a job meeting in two hours and i feel like i'm going to throw up again any time now. Damn it.

But congratulations to you numbers. Remember to make at least one drunk thread now, 5 infraction points is not that bad. :angel:

Aspirin and caffeine seems to help with the headaches and nausea.

Expect a drunk thread on the 21st! My first drunk thread! (My friend leaves for the depths of darkness and despair that is the US) :D
I really don't understand the obsession with coffee as a hangover cure. But then I don't drink the stuff.

Hangover = dehydration plus impurities. Water cures both of those aspects. Coffee just stimulates and dehydrates you further.