Alcohol + Graduation + Tradition, A Numbers Story

I really don't understand the obsession with coffee as a hangover cure. But then I don't drink the stuff.

Hangover = dehydration plus impurities. Water cures both of those aspects. Coffee just stimulates and dehydrates you further.

I hate coffee as well. However, I recognize the abilities of caffeine to give a quick, 15-minute boost to your motor/cognitive abilities.

Then it goes downhill from there.
Numbers, fun fact:

In the west, the legal drinking age is considered a guideline.
For some reason, lately whenever I've been drunk I've become ****ing amazing at writing.

Or at least that's what I've told myself when I was drunk.
God damn it...i still have the feeling of throwing up, this is the worst hangover ever!
It might be worth mentioning i spent about an hour in the bathroom this morning, throwing up.
Why do drugs have to have side effects!?!?