ALERT! TVs are evil!


Feb 18, 2007
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Watching TV is bad because it will kill us all.

In a new analysis published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers combined data from eight such studies and found that for every additional two hours people spend glued to the tube on a typical day, their risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases by 20% and their risk of heart disease increases by 15%.

And for every additional three hours the study participants spent in front of the TV, their risk of dying from any cause during the respective studies jumped 13%, on average.
Watching too much TV makes us unhealthy and induces health risks?
Woah. You got me there, CNN. Thanks for the info.
This article has Type I correlation-vs-causation-betes.
Looks like it needs a journalinsulin integrijetion.
Sitting around all day being sedentary in front of the TV isn't good for you? Stop the ****ing presses.
I don't watch TV except for movies and select shows like Game of Thrones or Curb, there's 1000 channels and nothing ever good on anyway. TV is like the worst medium of entertainment.
I don't watch TV except for movies and select shows like Game of Thrones or Curb, there's 1000 channels and nothing ever good on anyway. TV is like the worst medium of entertainment.

Yeah so I sit on a computer all day instead.
Did any of these studies randomly select participants and assign them hours of tv to watch per day? Because controlling for other factors does not prove causation. In fact, it would make a lot of sense that fat people watch tv for the same reason that they are fat, because they are lazy. Unless they controlled for laziness, TV might not have anything to do with it.

A proper study would take a group of several hundred participants, split them up with different assigned amounts of required tv watching, internet surfing, or just sitting on the couch reading per day and see what the result is.
I hate 'surveys' and 'research' like this. It's just a group of compiled results which happen to show a certain result because they look for it.

It's all relative to every person's unique lifestyle, you could be the fittest ****er on the planet and do however many hours of exercise a day but then you come home to relax by watching a few hours of TV and instantly you're at risk of diabetes?

And why does it have to be the TV? What exactly does TV have to do about it? What if somebody is sitting reading a book in the garden? Or sitting at a computer? Or sitting on a bus? DIABEETUS EVERYWHERE.
Breaking news! Research shows that researching the minutia of every possible correlation between every possible cause and effect of every possible undesirable outcome known to man makes you many times more likely to be an obsessive, neurotic, over-analytical pedant.

It's all in the figures, just look at these correlations!
Exactly my point BadHat. They look for results, I'm sure they could pull a lot more bullshit out of any research if they wanted to.