This is basically what I have typed out (by myself ) and was wondering what you guys think. If any of yous are interested we could get together and implement things more, add stuff and then maybe even make a mod out of it!
Alien Apocalypse
Qualities (?) for this mod
· No human based characters
· All characters are alien like
· 3 team mode, 3 teams at a time playing on a server (option of standard 1 team vs 1 team)
· Based on an alien planet
General Info
Each team will have different “aliens” there are so many “#1” and so many “#2”, a player would pick which “alien” he/she wanted to be, unless it was already taken. (example of the GUI would be Americas Army).
The maps will interact with what the players do, for example
· if a player blows up a “support” for a roof – the roof will collapse, (Obviously supports for roofs would not be in this mod (mod relativity – was intended for reference),
· parts of the maps will be “unstable” when a player walks on the unstable part it could collapse,
· if a player shots at another one, misses and it hits a cliff face (for example) bits will fly off the cliff, randomly, and hit the player – if he/she is unlucky
Parts of the aliens body; slashing, charging, etc. Which all the aliens will have at least one.
Tail – for example; from Alien(s)
Claws – both feet and hands
Hand Held
These weapons could be like human weapons but don’t use gun powder (for mod relatively reason).
Some life-forms maybe able to charge a sort of energy ball in their hands then throw it – could be a weapon as such or used to reveal hidden aliens, these balls are unstable so you cannot charge them and hold them for a prolonged time otherwise they would explode. These wouldn’t be weapons as such but like magicians – in the sense that they can create energy.
To encourage team play, each alien will have advantages and disadvantages. Some examples of these are below;
Speed – fast and slow, will depend on the size of the alien and how many traits it has
Some aliens will be able to leap, not like Natural-Selection where as that is a weapon, but used for jumping. I’m not totally sure how I would want this implemented – maybe have a dial (?) on the GUI set a certain amount of power and that is how high/far you would leap.