Alien Vs. Predator Film

A film that will no doubt be thin on plot but very heavy on action... cant bloody wait :D
Looks sweet, but I'm curious what will be next. I mean we've had Freddy V's Jason, and now Alien V's Predator... I'm gonna go with The Cat in the Hat V's The Grinch.
These films have been on the cards for yonks but never got made.. there was going to be a Robocop vs Terminator but that never came to light.. prolly just as well. :p
We've had some threads for this and Fenric brought up a dozen of good points. I doubt the movie will be that good, although I hope it will be since that'll signal green light for predator 3 and alien 5 for instance. The backside is that there'll be shitloads of toys, television series at early saturdays for kids and stuff, and they'll slowly kill the predator and alien universe.
i doubt it will be any good =/ hollywood will butcher the story
At the end of the day how much of a story can it have? :/ Preds lure a survey team into an ancient temple where they use half of them to spawn aliens for them to hunt and the other half are left to try escape..
craigweb said:
Looks sweet, but I'm curious what will be next. I mean we've had Freddy V's Jason, and now Alien V's Predator... I'm gonna go with The Cat in the Hat V's The Grinch.

The Alien Vs. Predator idea has been around for a very long time. In the second Predator film there is an alien skull on the wall of the Predator ship. There were comic books and AVP games made long before anyone ever thought of FVJ.
Now dont think this movie is just another spinoff like freddy versus jason. Its been in books and comic books and video games for over 10 years now. Its gunna be friggen awesome, and there is a story. I was gunna go on august 6th, day b4 my b-day, but they friggen delayed it.
I'm pretty sure they'll just mess it up. Call it a hunch.

Plus this director is the guy who did Resident Evil and Mortal Kombat. The only enjoyble film to his name is Event Horizon. Not very comforting really.
yeah im definitely seeing this flick!! :D
scary movies now are few and far between.. hopefully this movie has a few scares in it.. :)
So why were the archeologists issued machineguns?

I don't mean to nitpick, but if I can see problems in the trailer, I doubt that the movie will be enjoyable for me. This of course is based on films from the past. The dialogue doesn't seem that good either.

I want it too be good, but I don't know.
Do you expect it to be good if they fight aliens with icepicks and crowbars.....
o wait......
Mighty Cheesewire of Sliceness Deals +100 extra damage to Predators. But yeah. I'm expecting it to be one of those terribley average films where you just feel like crying at some of the decisions they made whilst enjoying the action scenes.

[EDIT] OOOH. I didn't know Lance Henriksen was in this.
Maybe they are part of the goverment or somethin.
This movie is still in my "iffy" stage. How bout a Critters vs. Gremlins movie?
AvP is based off a game, no like FvJ which was based off bad movies, but they won't be able to re-create the greatness of Aliens.

Oh, and Predator could kick the Alien's ass.
Yeah. The koolest shot ive seen so far is the one where the camera is backing off from the temple in the past and the aliens are climbing up it towards the 3 teenage Yautja (or predators) and they are launh\ching off their plasma caster, or shoulder cannons, all around them. It looks so kool.
FictiousWill said:
They called in the military or something. Who knows? Not you.

Well of course I don't know, that's why I asked. :p

It just seems illogical to bring weapons of that calibur into a tomb that's been buried for centuries under kilometers of ice. What were they expecting to find in there? :rolling: Surely the could not have known there are Aliens and/or Predators inside, otherwise they would send a SWAT team or something.

Sci-Fi is one of my favorite genres, and it works really well when there are signs of intelligence behind it. Without it, the writing becomes iffy, the characters become unappealing and the story usually takes a downhill spiral.

I just fear that this movie will end up like all the other sequels out there. Although 2004 has seen some pretty good ones.
You'd complain if they didn't have guns though!

Personally I think while the preds are still too human, the movie looks good. I hope that big blue explosion isn't the end of the movie. I hate it when they put spoilery things in previews, like Neo stopping bullets.
FictiousWill said:
You'd complain if they didn't have guns though!

No I wouldn't. It would be more believable if they didn't have weapons. In fact, not being able to defend themselves would add more tension and make the scene more interesting.
A True Canadian said:
In fact, not being able to defend themselves would add more tension and make the scene more interesting.

Tension, interest and atmosphere are beyond this Director. It's going to be very shallow with bad, bad acting. Oooh, look! Cgi to the rescue.
Dux said:
Tension, interest and atmosphere are beyond this Director. It's going to be very shallow with bad, bad acting. Oooh, look! Cgi to the rescue.

Without a decent atmosphere and a lack of tension, how does anyone expect this movie will end up scaring them. It's most likely going to be one dumb action scene after another.

Don't get me wrong, I like action. But if it's pointless or doesn't make any sense it gets hard for me to enjoy it. A guy gets a net launched at him and everyone else starts shooting wildly at the ceiling and the walls. I thought they were studying the tomb not trying to destroy it.

I'm glad to see that Dux and a few others can see what I'm getting at.
Dux said:
Tension, interest and atmosphere are beyond this Director. It's going to be very shallow with bad, bad acting. Oooh, look! Cgi to the rescue.

Sad, but probably true.
Dux said:
Tension, interest and atmosphere are beyond this Director. It's going to be very shallow with bad, bad acting. Oooh, look! Cgi to the rescue.

Like "I, Robot"?

As for the AvP, I saw a preview saying that they were using puppets and animatronics instead of using full blown CG. They mentioned something about a limited budget...
A limited budget would explain why it is targeted at a younger audience. They did the same thing with Terminator 3.
blahblahblah said:
Like "I, Robot"?

As for the AvP, I saw a preview saying that they were using puppets and animatronics instead of using full blown CG. They mentioned something about a limited budget...

Hmm, I'm not quite sure whether to take that as a good sign or a bad one.
McFly said:
Yeah. The koolest shot ive seen so far is the one where the camera is backing off from the temple in the past and the aliens are climbing up it towards the 3 teenage Yautja (or predators) and they are launh\ching off their plasma caster, or shoulder cannons, all around them. It looks so kool.

So the shoulder cannon is the Plasma Caster? Which weapon is the "Burner", then?

(Assuming you're a AvP books and comics fan like myself. Broken Tusk rules!)
Brian Damage said:
So the shoulder cannon is the Plasma Caster? Which weapon is the "Burner", then?

(Assuming you're a AvP books and comics fan like myself. Broken Tusk rules!)

Not sure what the burner is though.
FictiousWill said:
You'd complain if they didn't have guns though!

Personally I think while the preds are still too human, the movie looks good. I hope that big blue explosion isn't the end of the movie. I hate it when they put spoilery things in previews, like Neo stopping bullets.

Dont worry, that explosion is at the beginning. Several clues can tell us. This event occurs on a pyramid above ice. its on solid ground, and the pyramid is not yet in ruins, while all current mayan pyramids are already destroyed due to the explosions. ( the story is the predators created the pyramids and every pyramid of that type is mysteriously broken today because of it.

nother clue is that the plasma caster bolts are purple, showing us it happens b4 the events in the movie because in the movie, we can see the bolts are blue, so their technology has changed over time.
If you read the first AvP novel, the Yautja seem, at that point, to be using small plasma rifles they refer to as "Burners". Then again, that book was about a training flight for young Yautja, so maybe they're only for use by learners.
Brian Damage said:
If you read the first AvP novel, the Yautja seem, at that point, to be using small plasma rifles they refer to as "Burners". Then again, that book was about a training flight for young Yautja, so maybe they're only for use by learners.
It seems as if you are describing what is called the "Predator Pistol" in the games.