Aliens vs. Predator 3 Demo now available.


Companion Cube
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
[br]A multiplayer demo for Aliens vs. Predator 3 has been released on Steam. This demo includes all three classes, and deathmatch map Refinery. You can head over here and install in through Steam. All the servers are empty right now, so download it and get in there![br]You can see the original Steam news post here.
I'm sure it is
I downloaded it, started matchmaking (ugh) and nothing happened.
Ten minutes later, I decided "okay fine, I'll just host a LAN match or something to explore the game on my own". Then I discovered that you can only use their stupid matchmaking. This, and the fact that the demo is inexplicably restricted to DirectX9 graphical features made me very annoyed (not that I even got to see any graphics besides the main menu).
Oh and it also has forced widescreen for some dumb reason.
Worst demo ever.
Ive seen so much bad and good things about this demo on forums i don't know what to really think about it but i'm gonna give it a go
Game is awful the match making barely works took me literally 20min to find a game then I was forced to play as marines without a choice.
Can't connect to any match. Gonna have to give it another go later today.

EDIT: Am I to understand this game has no crouching? What the ****.
Why do no screenshots from any modern game excite me anymore?

It's all graphics over gameplay these days. I can't get excited over good graphics. It practically makes the game look more boring.

The only thing I could get excited over is screenshots of a new Valve game or something, because I know it'll have good gameplay.
That was the most god aweful match system I have ever seen. It's not even playable. Five mintues to find a game and then it disconnects after a minute when the host player leaves. Would have liked to try playing as alien, but can't be bothered after that.
Why do no screenshots from any modern game excite me anymore?

It's all graphics over gameplay these days. I can't get excited over good graphics. It practically makes the game look more boring.
That. Exactly that. Not that my system will even be able to run such a game...

Every now and then, I watch the video reviews on GameSpot. Not to get a decent review about games, mind you, but just to look at what a game looks like. And the prevalence of nice graphics in the absence of interesting gameplay is stunning.

More on topic: if anyone happens to actually get through the matchmaking stuff, I'm really interested about what you'd have to say, as this game sounds to me like one with a lot of potential, but, alas, quite boring gameplay, judging from what I've seen on Youtube.
To be honest I'm not surprised games are heading this way, it's been like this for a while with mainstream cinema.

Just look at Avatar: So unoriginal but OMG LOOK AT THE GRAPHIXXXxxxxxxxxxxxx *shovels money in James Cameron's mouth*
AvP2 was a favorite game of mine back in the day, and I've been waiting for this game (im)patiently for quite some time now. However the demo has surrounded the title in mixed feelings. Hopefully they're just some small kinks because I really want to enjoy this game. I really do.

Going to give the demo a try after work regardless.
A total **** **** of a demo. Unplayable for me due to crashing, no dx10 or 11, no lan option, terrible match making system, cannot choose which species to play. I hope they all die in a fire.
Can't connect to any match. What a terrible waste of my time.
I wish to harm whoever started to blur the line between "demo" and "beta".
The matchmaking is being seen to for a patch, apart from that I loved the demo.
Is there any way to disable this stupid ****ing motion blur bullshit. I don't see it anywhere in the display options and every time I get into a fight, or turn a corner, or so much as ****ing breathe, I can't see what the hell's going on.

God damn, I only afforded the demo about fifteen minutes and I don't think I'm ever gonna pick it up again. Maybe the full release will allow me to do amazing shit like like CHANGE MY GOD DAMN SPECIES, but if this demo was meant to entice me then mission failed.
Is there any way to disable this stupid ****ing motion blur bullshit. I don't see it anywhere in the display options and every time I get into a fight, or turn a corner, or so much as ****ing breathe, I can't see what the hell's going on.

God damn, I only afforded the demo about fifteen minutes and I don't think I'm ever gonna pick it up again. Maybe the full release will allow me to do amazing shit like like CHANGE MY GOD DAMN SPECIES, but if this demo was meant to entice me then mission failed.

You change your species in the lobby before the game starts. Like you'd change characters in L4D.
Holy that was bad. I had to uninstall my anti-virus program because I kept getting an "Incomplete Installation" error. Now I have to re-install it for a double whammy of a shitty game. It's the only game that has made me do that. This game should be reviewed by James Rolfe.

Game is ASS! I mean they made a specific Steam group so players can play it. Everybody walks around stiff and un-natural, the pulse rifle sprays fecal matter, god un-install NAO! :x
It's effin' deathmatch. I should be able to change species when I want. This lobby system is shit.

I'd be more inclined to fire it up again if I could disable the motion blur... and the autoaim. But it seems that such options were overlooked while they rushed this port from the console factory. :\
I pretty sure I would have liked it...

Don't listen to these people. Give it a damn shot already!
just hope it's the demo and the real game won't be crap, or maybe Rebellion have only benn concentrating on console versions
More like Rebellion have been concentrating on being terrible f*cktards for 10 years.
can't get the 360 demo to work, very disappointed
just hope it's the demo and the real game won't be crap, or maybe Rebellion have only benn concentrating on console versions

Uh oh... I think we might have found the problem. Damn consoles. Why must you ruin gaming?
Can't believe they would even release such a horrible demo this is just going to hurt their sales big time. I was thinking of buying it until I played the demo thank god they were dumb enough to release one.
In the game's defense, the demo is about 10 months old. It's the same demo they had at E3 last year.

Usually you try to put out a demo that gets people excited about your final product, but I guess Rebellion doesn't understand the game industry. So even if the final product is different, this is an indication that Rebellion doesn't quite know what they're doing.
In the game's defense, the demo is about 10 months old. It's the same demo they had at E3 last year.

Usually you try to put out a demo that gets people excited about your final product, but I guess Rebellion doesn't understand the game industry. So even if the final product is different, this is an indication that Rebellion doesn't quite know what they're doing.

Are you sure about that?
Anyone who is actually giving the game a chance and not turning off after 30 mins is saying how much fun this is. I've had some great games on this so far and all 3 species are fun to play as. Also, for those saying this is a port, it was actually deved on PC and ported to consoles. Sure it was developed with all 3 platforms in consideration but the PC version was the lead development platform.

Also anyone expecting the final build to be much different are going to be disappointed.
Anyone who is actually giving the game a chance and not turning off after 30 mins is saying how much fun this is.
In 30 mins of apparently practically idle waiting, I could have played numerous other online games. So why give this one a chance, when other games do so much better? I think that's the point here.

Also, I haven't read anyone (except you) say this game is fun here. So tell me, why is it so much fun? Seems like there's an awful lot of people to convince here...