


I don't know about anyone else, but I really missed fighting aliens in HL2. In fact I thought the downside to the game was a majority of the fighting was just Combine.

Now don't get me wrong I really like HL2, but I was really dissappointed when I got 3/4 of the way through the game and realized I should stop crossing my fingers about fighting more than an occasional headcrab/zombie.

So my question is, do you think this game will contain more aliens? If not, would you want to see more aliens like the original Halflife?

Talk amongst yourselves...

EDIT: While I'm at it, I was also upset that there was no real development of the storyline. The sequel really didn't answer least from what I got from it...
Combine and Antlions count as aliens, so do headcrabs.
Danimal said:
Combine and Antlions count as aliens, so do headcrabs.
Arnt combine mechanically engineered humans or something
I reckon it be good if there a combine and alien battle like in sandtraps how the combine shooting antlions. :sniper: :dork:
Because gordon blew up the citadel, it is coming down so Gordan and Alyx have to get out of city 17. Guess who else wan'ts out? Civil Protection.... Maybe we'll see some CP's with us fighting combine soldiers trying to stop us leaving? That would be sooo good. Back to topic, As the Citadel is exploding, the power to city 17 is going, the only thing keeping out the aliens that appeared during the portal storms in the wilderness, are electric walls + gates on the outskirts. Without power.... Expect to see bullsquids, houndeyes, all the fun of Xen, in city 17!
Oh yeah, I knew what a snark was all along. he hehe
There'd better be more aliens, i agree. They were the awesomest parts of the first one
StickEGreenleaf said:
I don't know about anyone else, but I really missed fighting aliens in HL2. In fact I thought the downside to the game was a majority of the fighting was just Combine.
Whilst Soldiers, Metrocops and Elites are most definately human, I do seem to remember fighting an awful lot of Striders, Gunships and Dropships. I think we can class those are pretty alien... then there was the hoardes of Antlions, and "an occasional headcrab/zombie"? The game was over-saturated with the buggers.
NOT ENOUGH THO!!! MORE ALIENS!! More alien grunts from Lambda i say
What StickEGreenleaf probably means is he misses creatures who look decidedly otherworldly rather than humanoids and creatures (Antlions) who seem to have been manufactured on Earth.

I specifically miss those floaters who shoot orange balls at you. I always enjoyed shooting them with a crossbow and then watching the topple head-first. Great times. :)
I don't like the Aliens that much, they don't give you must of a tactial battle against them.
I would have liked some creepy water scenes with giant alien fish like in half-life1.
Imagine fighting this creature again...


Damn. Ichthyosaur is by far one of the most terrifying creatures I have ever fought against.
I remember the first time I "accidentally" fell into the water in "Apprehension"... I got so afraid I quit the game just when I saw it coming towards me with its terrifying sound...
Nephtis said:
I don't like the Aliens that much, they don't give you must of a tactial battle against them.

Well neither do combine soldiers who just stand there as you empty a clip in their face....... :sniper:

Or they could just get aliens and give them ::gasp:: good AI. :eek: OMG I swear I'm a frickin genious sometimes.....
Nephtis said:
I don't like the Aliens that much, they don't give you must of a tactial battle against them.

Agreed, fighting the marines in HL1 was a highlight for me, and having so many Combine to fight in HL2 was great. I want MORE COMBINE. I'd like to be ambushed by a dozen soldiers, more frequently.
There is nothing stopping the programmers giving Alien characters good AI... the HL1 Aliens were probably limited by their design, for instance one of the highlights of the Grunts was their grenade-flush-you-out tactics. Aliens didn't carry grenades and therefore, their options were limited (should have given them snarks!)
Sorry it took so long to reply back guys, I have been off doing school work. Thanks for the replies though.

Anyway, I must say, yes there where alien creatures here and there. But not like HL where every turn their was hordes of them. HL also had a nice balance of Marines and Aliens. I also enjoyed watching the occasional fight between Alien and Marine.

But wouldn't you want to see the Ichthyosaur on the Source engine? Good god, that would terrify me.

I just hope Gordon's next adventure is better...not that HL2 wasn't great, it just wasn't what I expected storywise. I thought Breen was going to use the aliens against Gordon and the rebels. This was insinuated but played down. I mean wouldn't be completely badass for a drop ship of angry aliens to come down infront of Gordon? Instead of blasting Combine right and left?

I also wish G-Man was explained better. It is still unclear what side he plays me at least. If anyone knows, let me know...
Noobulon said:
Best theory about the role of the G-man can be found here:

That's the whole storyline. The WHOLE storyline.

It's riddled with inconsistencies, and takes theory as fact. Just because it's well decorated doesn't mean it's true. And Laidlaw was likely misquoted, as he's not actually allowed to confirm or deny anything story-based.

-Angry Lawyer
Well, one reason there wasnt as much aliens is because, in HL1 they were being held slaves, and/or were forced to come to earth. So when you killed the Nialith or whatever(the boss guy) that stopped the mind control on the aliens and such so thats why the vortigants are good now.

But things like headcrabs are just kinda like mindless things looking for food. Thats why they still attack you.

But, I still was surprised about the number of aliens in it. I do kinda wish there were more, but nothing to scarry or big stuff like antlion guards.

And is anyone surprised at the number of bosses in the game? I thought there would be atleast 1 or 2 but there wasnt any compaired to things like the big robot thing in HL1 and the worm like things...
Actually, one of the things I liked most about Half-life was that the boss battles were really nothing like that.
The giant tentacle creature, he's like a boss, you scurry and sneak and finally blow him away. But the next one you find, and there is a next one, he's just an obstacle guarding some nice power-ups. You can run past him completely.
Same with ol' blue cyclops.
You guys better not wish too much, otherwise HL3 will have nothing but aliens. :)
i miss the gargs. Striders were cool, but they weren't gargs

Striders were a bunch of pansies. Always strutting around shooting you from their lofty heights. They really didn't have to chase you either. Their cannon and energy machinegun could easily reach out and touch you. and they always took their time.

BUT an Garg...oooh boy. Those were badasses. Between the heavy breathing, the flamethrower arms, the foot chases, and the stomping. They were much scarier. They would chase you down till you got to a small enough entrance. Then they would just wait with infinfite patience. Even so far as to go to sleep.
We're not talkign about fighting gunships or striders, as those are huge and more like subbosses. They are also much more rare.

We're talkign about fighting aliens. NO, not combine. Don't be a smartass about "well they aren't human so they're alien."

Obviously we're talkign about things non-humanoid. Things such as alien grunts and vortigaunts (they are kind of humanoid, but combine were basically soldiers plane and simple), bullsquids, and other fauna from Xen. They are way more fun to fight than combine and I wish there was more of a variety of them in HL2 when you left the City.
Here's an enemy count:

HL2: 23 (Manhacks, barnacles, antlions, antlion guards, headcrabs, fast headcrabs, poison headcrabs, zombies, fast zombies, poison zombies, striders, gunships, hunter-choppers, gun turrets, APCs, hoppers, tripmines, dropships, scanner, type-2 scanner, camera, shells, Breen/dark fusion reactor.)

HL1: 21 (Headcrabs, zombies, vortigaunts, agrunts, houndeyes, bullsquid, gun turrets, barnacles, tentacles, gargs, APCs, apaches, ospreys, tanks, controllers, gonarchs, baby headcrabs, Nihilanth, snarks, manta-ships, claw-trees.)


HL2: 6 (Pistol CP/SMG CP, SMG Overwatch/AR Overwatch/Shotgun Overwatch, Combine Elite.)
HL1: 4 (SMG grunts/SMG-GL grunts/Shotgun Grunts, and Assassins.)

So, they are close enough in terms of enemies to be pretty much identical.
Well in PCG it says that the Power system broke down in C17 that means no more Force fields to hold back Aliens Im sure we will meet some old friends^^ from HL1 maybe even some nu ones
hopefully the ones cut from the HL1 beta.. it would be sad to see a chumtoad running in fear.. then a combine shot it..
Chumtoads look like something from the disney channel, you really think one of those will appear in a hardcore realistic first person shooter? Damn I hope so, I probly wouldn't stop laughing.. :LOL:
A clone army of Lamarrs!!!

That would be awsome...

Anyway, I want some not-to-scary type of monsters that are fun and easy to kill, such as the normal zombies in Ravenholm. They were so fun to chop in half with the saw blade, so I think they sould add more levels like that. It would be awsomer(sp? lol) if it was like the E3 demo, where you could use all kinds of traps to kill them with, such as...
-the swinging iron bar(from E3 demo)
-a harpoon gun(like a big version of the crossbow, but stationary)
-a spike pit thing (from vietnam, I think they were like pungie pits or something)
-a riot-control hose
-flame-pits (sort of like the cage the zombie was in that you could catch on fire)
-different kinds of those spinning blade-car engine traps
-car traps (from Ravenholm)
-rabbit traps (they walk inside causing it to close trapping them)
-bear type traps so you can do whatever you want to them because theyd be stuck

Just some thoughts lol... most of those probly wouldnt fit into the game well, but id still be cool to see it in the source engine with those physics and stuff.
I want in Aftermath - Cremators, Alien Combine Soldiers and Synth Soldiers (from Raising the Bar) or Alien Assasin (Prowler) could be cool!
Mechagodzilla said:
Here's an enemy count:

HL2: 23 (Manhacks, barnacles, antlions, antlion guards, headcrabs, fast headcrabs, poison headcrabs, zombies, fast zombies, poison zombies, striders, gunships, hunter-choppers, gun turrets, APCs, hoppers, tripmines, dropships, scanner, type-2 scanner, camera, shells, Breen/dark fusion reactor.)

HL1: 21 (Headcrabs, zombies, vortigaunts, agrunts, houndeyes, bullsquid, gun turrets, barnacles, tentacles, gargs, APCs, apaches, ospreys, tanks, controllers, gonarchs, baby headcrabs, Nihilanth, snarks, manta-ships, claw-trees.)


HL2: 6 (Pistol CP/SMG CP, SMG Overwatch/AR Overwatch/Shotgun Overwatch, Combine Elite.)
HL1: 4 (SMG grunts/SMG-GL grunts/Shotgun Grunts, and Assassins.)

So, they are close enough in terms of enemies to be pretty much identical.

Can I revise your list?
Alien-like creatures
HL2: Zombies (All varieties but all very similar), Antlions, Antlion Guards, Barnacles, Headcrabs
HL1:Headcrabs, Zombies, Vortigaunts, Houndeyes, Bullsquid, Alien Controllers, Gonarchs, Gargantua, Tentacles, Barnacles, Snarks, Nihilanth, Mantas, Trees

Then in both games you have your enemy vehicles:
HL2: Scanners, Gunships, Strider, Dropship, APCs,
Turrets and stationary defenses, Manhacks, etc.
HL1: Tanks, apaches, ospreys, APCs

Human combatants:
HL2: Metrocop, Overwatch, Nova Prospekt Guards, Combine Elite (yes, the NPGs are listed seperately in the prima guide bestiary)
HL1: Grunts, Assassins

I think it's fairly obvious that the enemies in HL1 were a whole lot more organic than their HL2 conterparts.
More aliens ( :bounce: :cat: !) and less humans and robots ( :borg: :borg: )
But how about an equal number of organic and human/robot enemies? And a sniper rifle, dammit!

(I guess hundred posts buys me the right to make a dumb comment like "And a sniper rifle, dammit!" and still not be flamed, right? Kidding.) :)