
There isn't a hell of a lot of a difference between a vehicle, a robot and an alien, especially where the gunship and strider are concerned.
Especially when those vehicles and robots were built by aliens.

Would there really be much of a gameplay difference if the manhacks were just metal snarks with wings? I'd say nope.
Also, the only thing similar about the different zombies and headcrabs is their very general appearance.

For some reason, people aren't counting overtly alien creatures and alien automatons as alien simply because they work alongside the overwatch, instead of against them.
They are aliens, but it's not the same.
Admit it, there's a huge difference between fighting a bullsquid or houndeye and fighting manhack/overwatch/whatever.
Polaris said:
I want in Aftermath - Cremators, Alien Combine Soldiers and Synth Soldiers (from Raising the Bar) or Alien Assasin (Prowler) could be cool!

U have any idea how much of a bitch it was to kill them damn women.. hopefully them Assassins will be cut out.. but maybe we do need them in.. I need a challenge on HL2
I want an alien that takes advantage of it's enviroment and shows emotions (curiosity/anger/fear) like the houndeyes and bullsquids from hl1, but this was understandable in hl2 since headcrabs were just parasites that could just jump from one host body to another and antlions had the mind of an insect.
Sufferin-rebel said:
U have any idea how much of a bitch it was to kill them damn women.. hopefully them Assassins will be cut out.. but maybe we do need them in.. I need a challenge on HL2

Alien Assassin (Prowler) and Combine Assassin (the female in the white suit) are different, by the way. The Prowler was an angry close assault creature, with the same AI as the Fast Zombie. The Combine Assassin was the one with the guns that hid everywhere, like in HL1.

-Angry Lawter
Im surprised nobodys posted this but I would like to see the Kingpin,the Archer,and the Stuka Bat.Too bad they were cut from HL1....
LOOOOOL yessss i luved those bats haha, well i hope they put just every kind of xenian in it we saw at xen :)! its real fun to slaughter up combines and combine vehicles but i also want aliens .. the aliens we met in hl2 were too similar.
Ah, snarks. They were the coolest weapon ever. What they should of done though is have this sound clip play whenever you use them that said "Go snarks go!".
I would definitely like to see more aliens and more weapons.
More aliens, put back the Gargantua, bull-squid and how about those monsters from opposing force mod, forgot them?
I was disappointed when I saw that there weren't alien weapons in the game
except the bug bait. Oh yeah, put back the snark, gauss gun, trip-mine
and those crazy bugs you cloud throw at your opponents.
I don't want an overload of weapons, to be honest, though a few alien ones wouldn't go amiss. Bullsquid is pretty much a definate for Aftermath, and hopefully (though not probable), a Garg.

It has since been confirmed that Valve will not continue with Gearbox's Race X from Opposing force. Good, they sucked.
the aliens in hl2 have a more consistent appearance. they are stylized more, while those in hl1 were more random and they weren't designed to be weapons - just animals who can hunt or dfend themselves. in hl2, most of them are designed and modified to be weapons, except for zombies and a few others.

i really miss gargs, they just freak me out because they're so damn huge! other bosses i didnt like that much, i dont want to be stuck at one point of a game for too long.

hl2 is also kinda more realistic, in that the aliens are not natural, and there is an overall sinister mood that i love. i was disappointed at first to find that it was so unlike hl2 - you can barely compare them as parts of the same game - but since then I've learned to appreciate it.
hl2 is much more uniform in style, the story is more integrated into the game, and the design is amazing. I don't think that bullsquids would fit the game, it's too much of a piece of art and bullsquids would ruin the whole.
And while in hl1 you mostly fought aliens, you got an alienated feeling because you rarely saw other human beings, and when you did, they had bad AI, except for the enemy soldiers.
I think the combine are ridiculous at times. Somehow they seem worse fighters than the soldiers in hl1 ... they just come straight at you and that's it, no plan, no strategy...but they're aliens, while hl1- soldiers were human, so I guess it's understandable.

but if they design new surroundings, like outside city 17, i think the aliens could be more fitting.
The Combine soldiers aren't aliens though, they are human. And actually, you'll find them a darnsight more clever than the marines. Also, I don't see how it makes it more realistic to have less aliens. Bullsquids would have been awesome in HL2, but Valve couldn't just paste them in - areas would need to be designed with them in mind. Like the antlions. But what you say is true to an extent, you couldn't have aliens in City 17 because they were blocked off, so it wouldn't make any sense to have Bullsquids or Houndeyes in City 17. Even in the canals, there wasn't really room for Bullsquids...the areas would need to be designed with them in mind.

In Half-life the world was being struck with portal storms, and it was plausible to believe that aliens were being thrown in left right and centre. In HL2, the world is already overrun with aliens, but you need to actually see them in an enviroment that fits.
I didn't find them more clever than the marines, that's the problem. They never run in hide, they always come at me in the same formations... the marines just felt more random in a way i can't really explain.

and realistic to me is something that mimics reality... aliens...i don't really believe in them. ;p My first impression of hl2 was that it was much more realistic than hl1, mostly because everything looks so much more technical rather than organic. The aliens were in between machines and animals, but more like machines to me after all.

In general, I think they have found an interesting balance between realisticish and alien environments...
I don't see how believing in aliens should factor into how realistic a game is :p
why shouldn't they? what counts as unrealistic if not aliens? It's not enough for me that the environment looks real, because I usually pay attention to the contents, too..
Hullu said:
I didn't find them more clever than the marines, that's the problem. They always shoot and run, they never blow themselves up with their own grenades... the marines just felt better because pure nostalgia makes me forget that actually, they were incompetant bastards who benefited simply from having 40,000 times more health than the combine.
Yes, that's so hilarious. Why don't you go screw yourself. The combine have bad AI and that's it.
Have a warning. There was no need for such a comment, and repeated comments will only grant you a ban. The Combine AI is far, far from great, but it certainly isn't bad.
Hullu said:
Yes, that's so hilarious. Why don't you go screw yourself. The combine have bad AI and that's it.
That's what we like to call an opinion. Expressing opinions as fact is a non-sequitur.
I admit that was a bit harsh, I was insulted and I apologize. But I think it's obvious it's my opinion.
Hullu said:
Yes, that's so hilarious. Why don't you go screw yourself. The combine have bad AI and that's it.
Are you denying that the Marines cannot shoot and run at the same time? That they can only shoot on a near horizontal plane? That they frequently plant grenades which they blow themselves up with? These massive flaws are NOT in the combine AI. In fact, the stupid things combine do are actually programmed into them to make them easier to fight. And thanks for resorting to petty name calling, because I always enjoy the opportunity myself: You silly fart brains. :p
I wasn't the one who made it personal. If I'm insulted I insult back, that's my nature. And my opinion still is that the combine should have had better AI, and that's it.
I agree that HL2 should consist of more aliens.
Why doesn't valve make houndeyes that make you have a transient tinnitus, like the one when there is explosion beside your ear? Or a Bullsquid can make a lasting corrosional damage, instead of a instant damage? Or even that Gordon has to wear an oxygen tank and swims beneath the water, fighting the aquatic aliens!
As well as flip over a tank containing liquefied-nitrogen and freeze and kill a giant hydra? These could be fun.
bbson_john said:
Or even that Gordon has to wear an oxygen tank and swims beneath the water, fighting the aquatic aliens!
That's the point of the HEV suit. Oxygen, radiation protection etc.
Hullu said:
I wasn't the one who made it personal. If I'm insulted I insult back, that's my nature. And my opinion still is that the combine should have had better AI, and that's it.

Yes, but we don't care. You've exhausted the point to which we can only groan everytime you post it. Stop while were ahead.
I do agree that their wasn't enough VARIETY in the alien encounters (plenty of aliens, though). Maybe when we get to the wasteland we'll see some more varied enemies. I personally want the underground barnacles from HL2 beta to come back.
Wow talk about a bad enviroment :S Is this serious or what?

But on topic. I love a cool boss fight , and i think that gunships made up for just that in half life 2. But it whould be cool to see something new in Aftermatch/episode. 1
Hullu said:
I wasn't the one who made it personal.
Yes you were. You just took his comment too seriously and too personally. D:

It's true that the Combine do in fact have better AI. They just have a lot more health and they don't run nearly as fast. Try playing MINERVA, which really lets them rip by giving them non-linear environments to run around in. You may be surprised. were.

kupoartist said:
Actually, I think you are wrong - and here is my reasoning. Look, I've got examples to back it up as well.
Hullu said:
Why don't you go screw yourself. I'm right and you're wrong.
I was being self-ironic with my last comment. I'm not a complete ass, even though I've no proof for it. :) But honestly, why should you or that other person be any better person for misquoting me? I'm not saying you either should go screw yourselves, but I don't think I went overboard for no reason at all. But I'm sure you'll ignore this anyway, so I'll stop. :)
I was intentionally misquoting both of you, but not actually changing what you said at all. Like a film where all the dialogue is like:

"There is something suspicious about me and I am sure to betray you later on in the film."
"I am a corrupt cop with a grudge to hold, due to some past tragedy in my life. However, by the end of the film, I'm sure I will have conquered my fears and become best friends with you."
"Sorry, Doctor Jones, but I'm going to have to betray you. I represent how love of adventure for adventure's sake has all but disappeared in modern society, and been replaced by greed and selfishness."

Hullu said:
But I'm sure you'll ignore this anyway
Hey aren't we supposed to talk about aliens in Aftermath or what?
I want to see Dog vs Big Mama or whatever that alien with a bouncing scrotum was called.

Then I want to see snarks.

I would like to see some of Xen (I know I am in the minority on this one)
Has anyone tryed to place dog in a fight against the antguard in gmod?
haha Dog sux!!!1!!
alehm said:
I want to see Dog vs Big Mama or whatever that alien with a bouncing scrotum was called.

Then I want to see snarks.

I would like to see some of Xen (I know I am in the minority on this one)

Well I think that alien your talking about is the gonarch, but poor Dog wouldn't stand a chance against that monster. I want to see snarks too and I'm with you in that minority that wants to see Xen again, but that isn't a posibility in Aftermath.