All Hail Gordon-Man


May 9, 2009
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I'm pretty sure that it's been many times speculated about whether G-Man is Gordon Freeman himself in some way or not.

I just wanted to share my freshly edited original HL2 cover that features Gordon Freeman (below).

No he's not having some dermatological disease, it's just my intention to remove the glasses and the facial hair off Freeman's face, combined with my humble photoshop skills.

I used clone stamp tool which basically "clones" a certain texture of your choice onto the part you choose. So I used clean-skin parts of the same pic to cover the glasses and the facial hair.

I wonder what this striking resemblance starting with the names in the first place will reveal eventually:



Just a mere run of mind about what could have happened:

Dr. Breen is proven to be a pragmatist rather than an idealist (which he admits himself in HL2 as well). [Start of Presumed Timeline] As the Administrator back in Black Mesa times, assuming the Black Mesa incident NEVER happened and that the Combine's arrival and oppression would be happening under any circumstances, Dr. Breen wouldn't be the hero of the rebellion for sure. Knowing that Dr. Freeman's motive under being the protagonist of the series is the incident itself and the consequential struggle of survival, we can say Freeman's fight was not intentional at all. He merely was a young and bright scientist.

Let such timeline continue further for, say, another 20-30 years, so that Mr. Freeman alive-yet-"non-hero" would age enough to resemble who we know as G-Man. Let's further presume that he'd still want to do something however Combine's absolute dominance and the highly likely probability that "harvest" of humankind was about to make them go almost extinct. So wouldn't you think that it was too late for anything? [End of Presumed Timeline]

It's clear that, whatever he is granted -or contextually "whenever" he is from, G-Man has access to control time to a certain extent. [Here starts Actual Timeline]

Carrying a desperate feeling to "undo" events which would need a hero, who would you choose? Gordon Freeman, being a knowledgable scientist, apparently chose himself, carrying such motive already bearing the desperation and guilt caused by watching everything flow, rather than making a direct impact thereto, and then travelled back to the time when "Resonance Cascade" happened and handed the crystal to "younger himself" which ripped the dimension door open, igniting the absolute necessity of the struggle to survive, while informing everyone about who and what are to come in the near future as well.

Young Gordon Freeman's determined struggle to stay alive meant so much not for only himself also for humans as well. (Youtube for Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict A Riot now for a pause ^^)

Having to suffer so much to stay alive, witnessing the very close deep**** coming along, Gordon Freeman turned into a hero, a symbol of rebellion, rather than an "aged Freeman carrying a suitcase here and there who 'was' late for anything")

Moreover, G-Man traps his younger self for a destiny young-G is not at liberty to choose. Because should "younger Freeman" get sick of it, sit back and watch or anything else, G-Man's efforts would be in vain. He (G-Man) already experienced that he could sit back & watch things to come.

Remember that the first plot (HL) is to ignite the rebellion, to start things over, break into another timeline, briefly. The second involvement of Dr. Freeman is "dictated" when things are gone more complicated to such an extent that threats mankind's presence, where his right to breed is "shielded". And this assures the "the intended alternate timeline" (parallel universe, as the more popular saying goes) to take place indeed. Gordon has to be the leader and it is granted for sure.

Final thoughts: G-Man is Gordon Freeman from the future and I tried to settle such speculation on rails of reasoning as much as I could.

I really didn't predict this post to be this long. Sorry for boring the hell out of you for the same stuff once more.
Just for that, Turkey is never getting into the EU.

Okay, sorry it's your first post. FYI, Gordon-Man theories around here function similarly to Rick Rolling and Numa Numa rolled into one, and the theory has been all-but denied by Valve.
Barnz, **** me.

Maturin, who wants EU anyway ? (speaking on behalf of the majority)

Bah, I knew it would come out like this. Thanks anyway though.

And, yeah yeah, Lost TV show's writers used to deny that the series had nothing to do with time travelling as well. Let's wait and see, I saz.
G-Man theories are all so beaten to death here that they aren't taken very well, particularly G-Man = Gordon theories. You did put a lot of effort into yours though, so points for that.
Damn you, Ennui! Super moderator status is wasted on you. You have all the power to close this thread and it's still open! And you even praised the OP! Gordon = G-man theories should never be praised! These people should be placed in a metal coffin and sent to some untenable dimension in Combine-controlled space!


Things'd be different around here if Breen were still alive.
Things'd be different around here if Breen were still alive.

I really just miss his show, you know? That half hour at 5399.6 in the afternoon (Combine time) was the highlight of my day. Do you remember when they had all the dancing Vortigaunts? God, that was hilarious. That was a great show, you know? Part comedy, part drama, part news... It was perfect! Plus, Breen'd tell us all we needed to know about the Combine's plans for us. He was a good guy, really. I mean, I can't remember what things were like before he came along, but he says they were bad.

What do you get on tv these day?
When you have power, that is.
Just some bald git telling you to 'procreate'. What a pervert. That bloody Gordon Freeman. He's ruined this city. I'm glad I stayed out of the Resistance. When the Combine come back, they'll definitely be thankful.
I don't even get TV anymore. I was minding my own business in my apartment when suddenly this guy breaks in and starts fiddling with all my stuff, picking up my milk containers and old boxes like he was fascinated by them. And I'm sitting on my couch too stunned to say anything when all of a sudden he grabs my TV, starts shaking it all about and wrenches it from the wall, knocking over the stand. And then out of nowhere he hurled it out my window before running off.

Five minutes later CP came.

I hope they caught that guy.
Yeah, stuff like that happens a lot you know

This city just isn't what it used to be, you know. I used to go to this nice little cafe by that horse statue, you know the one, and get my Citizen's Hot Beverage for the day, and then one day after all that resistance stuff started I was walking there and it was all like RAAAAH RAAAH BANG POW EXPLOSIONS, and there were Striders everywhere and some guy in an orange gimp-suit shooting rockets at them. Needless to say I got the **** out of there. It's terrible that stuff like that is going on in our city.
Ok, I need to clarify.

I was well aware that I wouldn't be the first genius to bring that up. Relax.

I'm just a latecomer to HL2 and last time I knew, noone had lepers from opening a thread which had been done over and over.

For friends with eyes flaring red of unnecessary rage:


Thanks \o
I actually found this site cos I was interested in finding topics about just who the hell the G-Man is, myself :B But lack of theories in this regard aside, I liked it and decided to stick around. Mind you I'm also new relatively new to the party and didn't know G-Man theories were taboo until I lurked around a bit.

+3 In my book for the xkcd postage.
Yeah. your theory = fail. Even if that were the case, it wouldn't give G-man-Gordon to invade young Gordon's mind or give him free rein to travel in space-time/space/time wherever and whenever he pleases. Sorry. Doesn't make sense. Never will.

*Lights lighter and stares at the FLAME
Honestly, if you photoshop a face that's already a composite of four different faces (see Raising the Bar), it pretty much looks like anything you want it too. Well usually. Because he doesn't look like the G-Man at all...
Creepy pic, he really does look like Gman.

*speculating way out there*

I can imagine those weird lines under Gman's eyes being from glasses.

Gman theories, however implausible, can be fun to think about.